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Monthly NRVC newsletter Focus on Vocation Ministry Monthly newsletters November 2017 October 2017 September 2017 August 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 March 2017 February 2017
Fall Institute educates 59 Next workshop in February NRVC brought together 59 vocation ministers October 11-21 in Leavenworth, Kansas for training in behavioral assessment and orientation to the ministry
Convocation follow-up Share convocation messages with your community The Winter edition of HORIZON, due out in February, will carry the text of several convocation speakers.
"The joy of it is that it [a HORIZON reading circle] can be used within congregations, dioceses, organizations, school groups, or church groups," reported the February edition of the newsletter of the
The deadline to apply is February 29. Sisters wanted for California vocation outreach The University of Southern California Caruso Catholic Center has two openings for Catholic sisters.
As of February 28, 2018, PC users who wish to make credit card purchases on the NRVC website (membership registration, HORIZON subscription orders, and online store orders) must have one of the following
Stephanie Hall, CWR Board member Read the article from the Communicators for Women Religious in their January newsletter that shows support for the study.
--- 2020 Study on Recent Vocations Archives
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NRVC Website Overview Home Page and Calendar of Events World Day for Consecrated Life (Sunday closest to February 2) National Catholic Sisters Week, March 8-14; Religious Brothers Day, May 1st World
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Sponsor an international gathering of national vocation organizations from English-speaking countries in Rome in February 2015 to enhance collaboration.
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Moving forward in hope
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• Celebrate major vocation promotion days: World Day for Consecrated Life (February 2), World Day of Prayer for Vocations (Good Shepherd Sunday), National Vocation Awareness Week (first full week in
--- 2023 HORIZON No. 3 Summer--Synodality and collaboration
--- Leadership of religious communities
--- Vocation ministry
Members who do not wish to receive email broadcasts, such as the monthly Focus on Vocation Ministry newsletter or the mid-month NRVC update, can unsubscribe from the list at any time by clicking opt-out
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Beginnings The Vocation Summit was born at a meeting called by our provincial minister in February of 2007.
--- Membership
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines
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Do your congregational newsletters read like an AARP magazine? How are your sisters living? As couples or singletons, but as they age, are they looking for larger communities in which to “retire”?
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life
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Find ways to keep them all in the loop, whether it be mailing lists for newsletters, invites to future events, or an occasional call or note.
--- Young Catholics
--- Youth, youth ministry
--- Outreach
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials
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Younger sisters respond to this article To read reflections by several younger women religious on this presentation, see the 2008 second issue of the newsletter Giving Voice: The Voices of Younger Women
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
Four tips toward a better newsletter Quick ideas to put oomph in your newsletter An excellent newsletter will reflect well on your community.
honored by the Catholic Press Association and Associated Church Press in several editorial categories, including best special interest magazine, regular column, reporting on vocations, guest commentary, e-newsletter
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In addition many groups now use short films on websites, in e-newsletters, etc.
--- 2018 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Talking with young people
--- Popular Media
--- Communications
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The first NRVC newsletter, long before the days of e-newsletters. Over time it became clear that only one religious vocation conference was needed.
--- History of Religious Life
--- History of religious life, NRVC
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
World Day for Consecrated Life Roots of Racism Workshop February 2 February 18-21 National Catholic Sisters Week March 8-14 World Day of
To help them be part of the ministry, I send them a monthly e-newsletter. Last March Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. did an in-service for my community about contemporary vocation ministry.
--- November 2016 newsletter
--- I am NRVC!
Year of Consecrated Life ending Vatican holding special events As the Year of Consecrated Life draws to a close on February 2, the Vatican will hold two special events, and Executive Director Brother Paul
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Vocation ministers and other religious around the world have been able to share faith and hope with young people and discerners using electronic platforms such as blogs, Facebook, video-sharing, e-mails, e-newsletters
--- 2020 HORIZON No. 2 Spring — New members have abundant hope
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honored by the Catholic Press Association and Associated Church Press in several editorial categories, including best special interest magazine, regular column, reporting on vocations, guest commentary, e-newsletter
--- 2018 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Youth, faith, vocation discernment
We are recognized as a top Vocation website by the USCCB and the Catholic Media Association has named us Best Magazine, Best Website, Best E-Newsletter, Best Feature, Best Photostory, Best Blog.
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Monthly updates go out through our province newsletter telling members where we stand for the month and year-to-date. Sometimes a push is needed in November and December to reach this goal.
--- Leadership of religious communities
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 4 -- Leadership and vocation ministers working together
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
World Day for Consecrated Life February 2 The worldwide church will recognize and celebrate religious life on February 2, World Day for Consecrated Life (celebrated in parishes February 3 and 4).
World Day for Consecrated Life February 2 NRVC extends its good wishes to religious communities around the world during the February 2 celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life.
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When people see your website, ad, or e-newsletter, they should immediately recognize it is from your congregation. Another important resource to tap is the members of your community.
--- 2016 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Communications | Volunteers
--- Social media
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
--- Communications
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2020 Summer Institute registration opens in February Our Summer Institute registration will begin in February. All workshops will be held at the Catholic Theological Union.
Summer Institute workshops announced Registration starts in February Participants in a workshop run by NRVC. Please mark your calendars for the following Summer Institute workshops.
Find archived newsletters Back editions of the "Focus on Vocation Ministry" newsletter are available online.
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With these and with our monthly e-newsletter, we try to drive our candidates to our website to learn more about us even though they may not want to reply to an e-mail or phone call.
--- 2017 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry with vitality
--- Vocation ministry
--- Communications
--- Discernment
--- Program outlines
[ Sr. Virginia Herbers A.S.C.J. ] [ Len Uhal ] [ Sister Nancy Gilchriest S.S.N.D. ]
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Quick link at the top of the monthly newsletter and other tips File under "good to know:" There is a "quick link" at the top of the NRVC newsletter email and at the top of the website post for the
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The vocation minister will keep houses aware of each other’s initiatives and progress, as well as pass along helpful information by writing a regular column in the provincial newsletter.
--- Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 4 -- Strategic planning for vocations / Responses to the sex abuse crisis
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
Watch this newsletter for further details and know that the NRVC convocation remains as scheduled. This newsletter and nrvc.net will publish any changes or updates.
Tuohy and Carol Schuck Scheiber VISION awards (general and religious order magazine) Best photo story originating with a magazine or newsletter, 1st place: "Silent preachers amid nature's song"
World Day for Consecrated Life February 2 The worldwide church will recognize and celebrate religious life on February 2, World Day for Consecrated Life (celebrated in parishes February 3 and 4).
World Day for Consecrated Life February 2, 2025 Plan now....
--- Calendar (Note: Only first 10 events will display on Splash Page)
International vocation meeting To take place in February Sister Gemma Simmonds, C.J. of Heythrop College in London will be the facilitator for the international meeting.
find NRVC publications online and how to submit article ideas Digital edition/online archives/submissions NRVC news Archives While news is now posted on the homepage, archived editions of the former newsletter
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NRVC-CARA study of new members Involving others in the community Most vocation directors communicated news of an upcoming discernment event by e-mail blasts to members, information in the community’s newsletter
--- Program Outlines
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry
--- Program outlines
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The revisions were publicized to all members in the August and September NRVC newsletters and can be accessed here.
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Is there a weekly e-newsletter to learn more about campus ministry at this particular university?
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Vocations on campus
--- College Students
--- Campus ministry
Not long ago we implemented a monthly newsletter called FAST FLASH that highlights the province’s efforts for vocation promotion in each community.
Space available in racism workshop February 18-21 in Texas Dr. Arturo Chavez Dr.
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Reprinted with permission from Initiatives in Religious A Newsletter of Lilly Endowment, Inc. Winter 2003, Volume 10, Number 1
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There will be time for prayer, listening, and small group conversation on February 2, 6-7 p.m. Central Time.
[ Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration ]
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