By Tag "ignatian"

22 results

Young adult programs

Young adult programs

--- Classroom/youth ministry
--- Young adult engagement

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Book notes: Best bets in discernment books, understanding teen faith

Book notes: Best bets in discernment books, understanding teen faith

--- Youth, youth ministry
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 3 -- Trends and technology
--- Young Catholics
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Carol Mucha R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

Book notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Convocation 2010: Casting the net
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Linda Bechen R.S.M. ]  

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The gift of religious priesthood

The gift of religious priesthood

--- Priesthood, Popes and Papal Messages
--- Priesthood within a religious community
--- 2010 HORIZON No. 4 -- Global perspectives |Connect with young adults | Gifts of religious priesthood

[ Bishop John M. Quinn ]  

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Ignatian discernment: insights for you and those you serve

Ignatian discernment: insights for you and those you serve

--- 2018 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Youth, faith, vocation discernment
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Father Timothy Gallagher O.M.V. ]  

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Emerging religious communities and lay movements

Emerging religious communities and lay movements

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 3 -- Trends and technology
--- Future of religious life

[ Sr. Patricia Wittberg S.C. ]  

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Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry

Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry

--- Young Catholics
--- Young adult ministry
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 4 -- Preparing discerners for formation

[ Mike Hayes ]  

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Discerning a religious vocation: some reflections

Discerning a religious vocation: some reflections

--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

[ William A. Barry S.J. ]  

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False fears: how evil can undermine God's call

False fears: how evil can undermine God's call

--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

[ Warren Sazama S.J. ]  

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Book Notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

Book Notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

--- Discernment
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sr. Linda Bechen R.S.M. ]  

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Discernment with and for adolescents

Discernment with and for adolescents

--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Youth, youth ministry
--- Young Catholics
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials

[ Leonard Altilia S.J. ]  

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The search for identity among college-age adults

The search for identity among college-age adults

--- Campus ministry
--- College Students
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus

[ Warren Sazama S.J. ]  

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What are the best practices for “Come and See” events?

What are the best practices for “Come and See” events?

--- Program Outlines
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry
--- Program outlines

[ Joel Schorn ]  

Resource of the Month

Resource of the Month

--- August 2014 newsletter

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Theological reflection: A success story

Theological reflection: A success story

--- Service projects
--- Theological reflection—encouraging it with young adults
--- Volunteers, outreach to them
--- Service Immersion Experiences
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Inviting young people
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth

[ Sister Donna Del Santo S.S.J. ]  

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The heart's calling: feelings in vocational self-discovery

The heart's calling: feelings in vocational self-discovery

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ John Neafsey ]  

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The enduring value of religious life in the age of the laity

The enduring value of religious life in the age of the laity

--- History of Religious Life
--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life
--- History of religious life, NRVC
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Charism and Religious Life

[ Fr. Charles E. Bouchard OP ]  

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How the New Orleans Jesuits conduct vocation ministry

How the New Orleans Jesuits conduct vocation ministry

--- Leadership of religious communities
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 4 -- Leadership and vocation ministers working together
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership

[ Marvin Kitten S.J. ]  

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Laughing with the saints

Laughing with the saints

--- Humor
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Hope and Humor

[ Fr. James Martin S.J. ]  

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UK vocation ministry: new ventures and growth

UK vocation ministry: new ventures and growth

--- 2010 HORIZON No. 4 -- Global perspectives |Connect with young adults | Gifts of religious priesthood
--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry

[ Judith Eydmann ]  

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Book notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

Book notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way

--- Discernment

[ Sr. Linda Bechen R.S.M. ]  

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Two programs that further a vocation culture

Two programs that further a vocation culture

--- Culture of vocations
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Fr. Raymond Lafontaine ]  


Talk it Up Tuesdays

1-2 pm CT,

Mark your calendars...

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

National Board Meeting

April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

April 15, 2025,

via Zoom

Pacific Northwest Member Area Gathering

April 23-24, 2025,

 Beaverton, OR

Heartland Member Area Gathering

April 28-30, 2025,

St. Louis, MO

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Plan ahead...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


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