Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry
Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry
This strategic plan for vocations was created through a one-year process of consultation with membership of the Philadelphia-based Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission (commonly known as the Vincentians). The impetus for developing the plan came during a province-wide convocation to discuss community renewal and vocations spearheaded by a newly-elected provincial. Read more...
The Crosier’s strategic plan grew out of a former recruitment plan the office had been using and out of a decision at a provincial chapter to make the “quality and care of Crosier life” a priority. After the chapter the provincial asked province department heads to develop strategic plans for their respective ministries. Read more...
Our community uses a process for planning that centers on asking two basic questions around an issue: why do we want this, and what’s stopping us from achieving it? By answering these questions we can formulate a goal map. Certain pieces of this map are chosen for special focus, realizing that we cannot attend to all these needs or issues during any one year. Read more...
In preparation for a provincial chapter of the Dominican Friars of the Central Province, chapter delegates, with the support of leadership, proposed having a commission specifically dedicated to planning for vocation promotion. The vocations commission prepared a strategic plan, which was then revised and approved by the membership during the chapter. Read more...
The Toledo Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame decided to create a five year plan-including a significant section on vocations-following a general chapter of their international congregation. At the chapter, the sisters designated “to build vibrant communities for the sake of mission” as one of their three goals for a six-year period. Read more...
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