2017 NCYC

2017 NCYC

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a biennial three-day experience to encounter Christ, experience Church, and be empowered for discipleship sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Ministry (NFCYM). Over 23,000 high school teens, parents, and youth ministers from around the country will gather November 16-18, 2017, around the theme Called/Llamados. NCYC takes place at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

In collaboration with NFCYM, NRVC invites you to be part of this celebration of Catholic faith to be promote vocations to religious life. In order to broaden the invitation, NRVC is sponsoring a gathering space to meet participants and promote vocations to religious life called Inspiration Nook, in rooms 116-117, near the thematic village. All NRVC member participants will receive a ribbon for your name tag giving you access to Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows throughout NCYC.

There are three ways to participate in NCYC:

  1. Attend with high schools, parishes, and dioceses and register as an adult participant with these groups. As an NRVC member, you are welcome to volunteer at Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. Typically, NCYC registration is $225 per person, however the group you attend with may have additional fees for meals, travel and accommodations.
  2. Register for an information exhibit booth in the thematic village to promote your religious congregation and volunteer at Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. Registration is $750 for a 10 x 10 space and includes 4 exhibit credentials. Registration opens August 4 and more information can be accessed at http://www.ncyc.info/exhibits/  Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own.
  3. Participate as a volunteer throughout the thematic village, Catholic Relief Services Helping Hands service experience, and in Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. You may register as an individual or register members of your religious institute; there is no minimum or maximum volunteers you can register. This is a change from previous years, where you needed to register as a team and pay a fee as a team. Before registering, please ask for t-shirt sizes as there will not be extra t-shirts available to exchange (for the stewardship of resources).  Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own. Registration for all volunteers will open in mid-August through the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Read the following instructions to register as a volunteer.

Please note that ALL ADULTS are required to register with the Archdiocese of Indianapolis to complete their online Safe Environment training program and background check authorization process. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS. If you participated in the 2015 NCYC and you registered in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis's Safe and Sacred program, those credentials should be valid for the 2017 NCYC. You can register at any time (including now) at https://safeandsacred-archindy.org/login/index.php Your position is your vocation and both your primary and secondary institution is: INDIANAPOLIS: NRVC Vocation Team—Location #705 

After you register for NCYC, please email debbiesscm@nrvc.net names of participants, emails and the website of your religious institute. Additional information about NCYC is available at: http://www.ncyc.info

If you would like to donate to the Catholic Relief Services for the Helping Hands, their goal is to pack a minimum of 50,000 meals for the people of Burkina Faso. At a cost of $0.50 per meal, they need to raise $25,000.  Donate here.

If you have any questions or concerns, email debbiesscm@nrvc.net  

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