Terms of NRVC membership and events

Terms of NRVC membership and events

Membership terms

Applying for Membership

Membership is open to vocation ministers appointed by their religious institute or diocese as well as organizations and others who support vocation ministry.

Membership is open only to canonically recognized Catholic institutions and organizations. 

The NRVC retains the right to refuse membership but will offer the opportunity to appeal the decision. 

When requesting membership and submitting payment, you are confirming that you are providing us with consent to contact you and securely store your personal information (see privacy statement).

Payment is confirmation of acceptance of membership terms and policies, including privacy statement, cookies policy, and copyright permission.

Membership Payment/Dues

All memberships are annual beginning January 1 and terminating December 31, regardless of when the membership is paid.  Membership (and access to member’s only portion of the website and HORIZON journal) is activated within 24 hours of payment and is contingent upon acceptance of the privacy policy. Membership is not pro-rated. 

When a membership is due to expire, you will receive a notification via email. If renewal is not made by the end of the calendar year, December 31, benefits will be suspended until membership is renewed. 

The Misericordia Fund is available to assist those who require financial assistance. All National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV) applications must have the NRVC annual membership dues paid in full by December 31 of the year prior to when the application is submitted. 

Membership Benefits

Members receive those benefits as outlined here. 

Members are responsible for maintaining accurate and up-to-date contact information, such as mailing address, phone number, email address, and other details of their account profile to ensure access to and delivery of benefits. The NRVC is not responsible for delivery issues with U.S. or international postal services or a member’s internal internet protocols, which may block email broadcasts.  However, the NRVC will work with members and third parties to resolve such issues to the extent it can.

Members who do not wish to receive email broadcasts, such as the monthly Focus on Vocation Ministry newsletter or the mid-month NRVC update, can unsubscribe from the list at any time by clicking opt-out or unsubscribe at the bottom of any of the broadcast emails. At any time, you may email compliance@nrvc.net informing us of your wish to be removed from a particular email or mailing list. You will be informed of any loss of benefits that may be incurred.

All NRVC members are part of the NRVC membership directory, which appears in the Members Only, log-in protected section of NRVC.net, to facilitate contact and networking among members.  This online directory is available only to members and is not sold, rented, shared, or made available to the general public. You may request that your name not appear in the online directory by emailing compliance@nrvc.net.


Membership can be transferred mid-year to accommodate vocation ministry changes made within a religious institute/organization.  Changes must be made by the person who is responsible for the membership and can be made by emailing NRVC Database Manager, Marge Argyelan at margyelan@nrvc.net. Memberships may not be shared. If multiple access to benefits is required, members may purchase a 5-user membership license. Institutes requiring additional members beyond the five-person license may add additional members to the license for an additional fee of $350 each.

Membership refunds are not standard policy as membership accrues immediately. However, requests for refunds will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 


Workshop/Event Terms

Workshop Registration

Workshops/Events are open to all NRVC members at a discounted rate. Non-NRVC members are responsible for the full rate.  Only NRVC members may apply for financial assistance from the Misericordia Fund.

Participation in workshops may be limited. Registrations are booked on a first-come first-served basis.  An individual is not registered for a workshop until a completed registration and payment has been received.  NRVC reserves the right to refuse registration to non-members who are not members of canonically recognized institutes. 

By registering for an event, the person registering for this NRVC event consents to (a) record their image (by digital, film and/or video), and (b) reproduce their verbal and written comments provided in response to or in connection with any evaluation, survey or interview, for current and/or future use in any form of media, in promotional materials, whether the use of such materials is for public relations, recruitment, development, or any other legitimate purpose of the above-named organization. If they do not wish to be photographed at this event, they must notify the photographer AND remove themself from photos being taken. The NRVC has no control over the use of photographs or videos taken by other participants or the media that may be covering the event. Further, the person registering voluntarily assumes all risks and dangers incidental to NRVC-related events and activities, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the same, and agrees that the National Religious Vocation Conference, and/or any of their agents, staff, or volunteers are not responsible or liable for injuries or damage suffered by the individual resulting from such activities

In registering for an event, the registree voluntarily assumes all risks and dangers incidental to NRVC-related events and activities, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the same, and agrees that the National Religious Vocation Conference, and/or any of their agents, staff, or volunteers are not responsible or liable for injuries or damage suffered by the individual resulting from such activities.             

Late Registrations

Individuals who register late (as advertised for a particular event)  will be charged a late fee of $100.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations received prior to the advertised date set for an event will be refunded in full minus a $100 transaction fee. Cancellations after the cancelation date posted for that event will not be refunded. 


Travel and accommodations are in addition to the registration fee.

NRVC may suggest accommodations for registrants but use of these accommodations is not required.  NRVC is not liable for any damages which may occur while staying at these accommodations. Registrants would need to pursue any damages for any type of loss from these institutions directly.  

NRVC is not responsible for registrants’ travel arrangements to and from events.  In addition, should there be a delay in a registrant’s travel, the workshop will not be delayed until their arrival

Changes to events/workshops

NRVC reserves the right to make changes to an event, program, or workshop.  NRVC  further reserves the right to provide substitute speakers for workshops.  Participants will be notified of changes as soon as possible. 

In the case of non-culpable shortcomings (force majeure) and a workshop must be canceled, NRVC will not be obliged to reimburse the registrant's expenses including registration fees. 


Unless otherwise stated, all materials used at the training (including course notes, slides, and case studies) are the property of NRVC and may not be reproduced in any medium without the permission of NRVC.  Materials are for the use of the participant in their vocation ministry and may not be used for any other commercial purpose. Read full terms here.

Privacy and Data Protection

NRVC will communicate with you using the contact details provided on the registration form for the purposes of the training and will pass on your contact details to the training instructors.  If you do not wish to be contacted  by NRVC for any other training or please contact compliance@nrvc.net   

In completing the registration and submitting payment you are agreeing to these terms. The person who completes the registration for additional individuals binds all registrants to the terms. 


Updated May 2023

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NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


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Renew your NRVC membership