“I want to say one word
to you and this word is joy.
Wherever consecrated people are,
there is always joy!”.
Dear brothers and sisters,
1. “The joy of the Gospel fills the heart and lives of all who encounter Jesus. With Jesus Christ joy is constantly born anew.”(1)
The beginning of Evangelii Gaudium, within the fabric of the teaching of Pope Francis, rings out with surprising vitality, proclaiming the wonderful mystery of the Good News that transforms the life of the person who takes it to heart. We are told the parable of joy: our meeting with Jesus lights up in us its original beauty, the beauty of the face on which the Father’s glory shines (cf. 2Cor 4:6), radiating happiness.
This Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life invites us to reflect on the graced time we have been given to live, at the special invitation that the Pope addresses to those in consecrated life.
To accept this teaching means to renew our existence in accordance with the Gospel, not in a radical way understood as a model of perfection and often of separation, but by adhering wholeheartedly to the saving encounter that transforms our life. “It is a question of leaving everything to follow the Lord. No, I do not want to say ‘radical’. Evangelical radicalness is not only for religious: it is demanded of all. But religious follow the Lord in a special way, in a prophetic way. It is this witness that I expect of you. Religious should be men and women able to wake the world up.”(2) . . .
.Click here to read the full message.
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Being connected to others doing similar ministry is a big reason that Friar Emanuel Vasconcelos, O.F.M.Conv. is part of the NRVC. He is vocation director for the Franciscan Friars Conventual, Our Lady of the Angels province. He is also a Mid-Atlantic Member Area Coordinator, along with Sister Jean Rhoades, D.C. Read more...
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