2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials
2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials
Over the last several decades, vocation and initial formation ministers have experienced rather profound shifts in underlying philosophies and strategies for ministry. Pre-Vatican II programs generally operated from a somewhat rigid, traditional discernment/ training approach for all participants. Read more...
When Hurricane Mitch devastated Nicaragua, the lack of accurate maps was one of the major obstacles relief agencies faced in a land where rivers had changed banks, roads were non-existent, and entire towns had been swept away. A smaller hurricane traveled up the east coast of the United States, and the force of the ocean surge leveled some sand bars and created new ones off the point of Long Island. Read more...
Much has been written in recent years about Generation X or young adult Catholics. From Tom Beaudoin’s impressionistic Virtual Faith: The Irreverent Spiritual Quest of Generation X to Dean Hoge, William Dinges, Mary Johnson, and Juan Gonzales’s recently published sociological study, Young Adult Catholics: Religion in the Culture of Choice, researchers have sought to describe and understand Catholics raised in the post-Baby Boom, post-Vatican II era. Read more...
With high school students increasingly interested in the possibility of a church vocation (especially priesthood and religious life), more than ever we need useful strategies to teach the skills of discernment to this group. This statement is premised on two basic assumptions: 1) that discernment is not a naturally intuited process but is a set of learned skills, and 2) that high school students are both able and willing to learn these skills. Read more...
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