104 results
--- Editor's note: HORIZON turns 50!
--- Why do what you do? Embracing transformational values
--- Two communities, one house of discernment
--- Editor's note: Crossroads moment
--- Discerning a call together
--- Discernment insights for seekers and vocation directors
--- Influences on young adults in discernment
--- How our members integrate vocation ministry into their lives
--- Lighting the fire and keeping it lit: Membership and vocation ministry
--- Animate support for vocations
--- Hollowed and hallowed: vocation minister as leader into the future
--- What skills and qualities do people need for religious life?
--- Book notes: Asian Americans reflect on vocation and identity
--- Editor's note: the effort of a lifetime
--- Must knows of Latino culture
--- Snapshot of Latinos in the United States
--- Encouraging vocation culture in Hispanic families
--- Gifts and challenges of older candidates
--- Strike a healthy, hopeful balance as a vocation minister
--- Six ways to thrive in vocation ministry
--- Connect to Gen Z: what the data reveals
--- When the inquirer comes from another community
--- Make the most of your website
--- Book notes: Catholic women navigate tensions and possibilities
--- Seven keys to Christ-centered collaboration
--- Collaborate in your diocese
--- Tips for discernment conversations
--- The essential role of leadership in nurturing new members
--- Digital edition and pdf of HORIZON
--- Minister well in a polarized world
--- Vocation ministry ethics for the whole community
--- Dual relationships: what they are and how to handle them
--- Digital edition and pdf of HORIZON
--- “Here I am” -- Responding to the call to go beyond
--- Digital edition and pdf of HORIZON
--- Editor's Note: Listen to the wise guys
--- Superhero to vocation ministers: Teresa of Avila
--- Scripture stories for chaotic times
--- Finding strength to uphold the dream of religious life
--- How we use social media for vocation ministry
--- What we've learned about social media
--- Be there. Listen. Lessons of Christus Vivit
--- Developing a vocation culture on a college campus
--- Let’s nurture vocation culture throughout the church
--- Can we let candidates bring their whole selves to community?
--- What vocation directors need to know about the transfer process
--- Feed your spirit: Hope is not dependent
--- Book notes: Invitation to reflect on inclusion and transformation
--- Leading by applying discernment to ministry
--- Leading toward increased presence among young people
--- Leadership makes the difference
--- Four things I discovered about vocation and discernment
--- The tension between religious life and priesthood
--- Feed your spirit: There is in all visible things
--- Book notes: Much needed contemporary theology of vowed life
--- Accompanying college students
--- Sexual diversity: an evolving understanding
--- Emotional growth in emerging adulthood
--- Latino young people, family, and vocation
--- When a clear no is called for
--- Building blocks for healthy community
--- What to know about candidates with a history of depression or anxiety
--- What I wish my community understood about vocation ministry
--- Understand candidates on the autism spectrum
--- Young adults seek prayer and community
--- Feed your spirit: Hope calls us to something bigger than ourselves
--- Now is the acceptable time
--- Transforming religious communities to be intercultural and anti-racist
--- Intercultural spirituality
--- Let's welcome the gift of African American vocations
--- Practicing forgiveness in vocation ministry
--- Use your congregational gathering to further vocation ministry
--- Youth safety deserves ongoing commitment
--- Feed your spirit: Christian hope is different
--- 2021 Spring Book notes: Distilled wisdom on living with diversity
--- Reason for our hope: a testimony to our life, death, and resurrection in Christ Jesus
--- Finding hope in reconciliation
--- Inviting our Asian and Pacific Islander sisters and brothers
--- 2021 Winter Book notes: Cistercian nuns deliver insight, inspiration
--- Editor's note: Trust yourself
--- Case studies in assessment of international candidates
--- Can this candidate be flexible and adapt?
--- Spiritual development merits careful assessment
--- Cheat sheet for homemade videos
--- Inviting African Americans to join our communities
--- Walking with jóvenes who are discerning their vocation
--- Six keys to inviting Asian Americans
--- The rich rewards of pilgrimage
--- COVID-19 sparks ministry creativity
--- Book notes: Twentysomethings, more spiritual interest than meets the eye
--- Letter from Bishop James Checcio
--- Infographic of 2020 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life
--- Younger members reflect on the study
--- Leaders reflect on the study
--- Eight best practices for encouraging new membership
--- Building relationships with young people
--- Vocation ministry during COVID-19
--- Walking with someone in discernment
--- Lessons in mentoring from the rich young man
--- The subtleties of mentoring
--- Accompaniment for discernment
--- Four vocation ministry ideas from the synod
--- Book notes: Sister Helen’s story--personal and universal
--- Four marks of healthy church culture
--- What every vocation director should know about process addictions
--- Reflections on habits and visibility
--- Exploring motives for celibacy
--- What vocation directors can learn from the youth synod
--- The inner journey of accepted applicants
--- Your online image: what it is and why it matters
--- Design hacks for vocation ministers
--- Collaborating with our communications director
--- "Rejoice and Be Glad": The call of holiness for all
--- We're embracing welcoming communities
--- Let’s learn and innovate as if our future depends on it
--- The vocation encounter: ministry at the Beautiful Gate
--- The invitation: mutual encounter, mutual accompaniment
--- Walking with discerners in the turbulence
--- Scripture insights for difficult days
--- FAQs and 10 things to know about church sexual abuse
--- What does a healthy church culture look like?
--- Editor's note: May the synod ignite action
--- A message to vocation ministers
--- Ignatian discernment: insights for you and those you serve
--- Letting young adults change us
--- Culture’s impact on vocation: between possibility and difficulty
--- What young people say about vocation
--- The psychological tasks of emerging adults
--- Working with candidates who are sexual abuse survivors
--- Obedience: showing up and listening for God
--- How we see the vow of obedience
--- Conversing with young adult volunteers
--- Talking about and inviting to brotherhood
--- How we talk about brotherhood
--- Talking to college students: two ways to build relationships
--- Talking to groups: four secrets to great presentations
--- Building communal life through prayer
--- Signs of readiness for community life
--- International immersion for discerners
--- What you need to know about civil and canon law
--- 2017 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry with vitality
--- Participating in our own abundance
--- Supervision: Finding grace under pressure
--- Six ways to thrive in vocation ministry
--- A new springtime in vocation ministry
--- Feed your spirit: Thoughts on being faithful and fruitful
--- 2017 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Forward in faith
--- Poverty: New thoughts on an old vow
--- Vocation wisdom from the heart of the church
--- A quick guide to Catholic teaching on vocation
--- All one body: Forming intercultural communities
--- Six tips for using Snapchat in your ministry
--- Book notes: How 21st-century parishes can nurture vocations
--- 2017 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Called to discipleship
--- Digging deep into discernment
--- Reflection: Discipleship in an Elijah/Elisha moment
--- Discipleship: The key to vocations
--- Reflection: Together with the Spirit
--- What observers are saying about how the pope's Jesuit roots affect his ministry
--- 2016 HORIZON No. 4 Fall digital edition and pdf -- Communications | Volunteers
--- Create a vocation communications plan
--- Develop high-quality social media content
--- From Facebook to face time
--- The vocation impact of full-time volunteering
--- 2016 HORIZON No. 3 Summer digital edition and pdf -- Assessing candidates
--- The essentials of candidate assessment
--- Assessing cross-cultural candidates
--- Selecting a psychologist to assess candidates
--- 2016 HORIZON No. 2 Spring digital edition and pdf -- Leadership makes the difference
--- Leadership makes the difference
--- Put your chapter to work for vocations
--- Vocation ministry on the precipice
--- 2016 HORIZON No. 1 Winter digital edition and pdf -- Mercy and vocations
--- Year of Mercy: renewing a cornerstone of faith
--- How mercy connects to vocation
--- How universities can cultivate vocations
--- Equipping teens with tools for discernment
--- How one community renewed its spirit and attracted new members
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 4 Fall digital edition and pdf -- Family and vocations
--- Families & vocations by the numbers
--- Affirming a vocation culture in Hispanic families
--- What every vocation director should know about Filipino families
--- "Tipping Point" tips for communicating vocation messages
--- What do the Bible's call stories tell us about vocations?
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 3 Summer digital edition, pdf, and tablet files -- Midlife vocations
--- How my community has welcomed midlife vocations
--- Canon law and older vocations
--- What you should know about candidates and pornography
--- Social media: an invitation rooted in the gospel
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 2 Spring digital edition, pdf, and tablet files -- Pope Francis and vocations
--- The "Francis effect" on religious life
--- Daring to live as Pope Francis encourages
--- Will the pope inspire a vocation bounce?
--- Safe youth ministry is everyone’s job
--- Why get trained for safe youth ministry?
--- Consecrated life is at the heart of the church
--- The evolving theology of consecrated life
--- Book notes: New insights on young Catholics will benefit ministry
--- 2015 HORIZON No. 1 winter digital edition, pdf, and tablet files -- Rise, have no fear
--- 11 reasons to keep building our future
--- Reflection: God does more than we can ask or imagine
--- Study sheds light on cultural diversity
--- In gratitude for the messengers of the Master’s invitation
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 4 Fall digital edition, pdf, and tablet files -- Family matters
--- Same God, different ways to love
--- The profound effect of families on vocations
--- Six keys to inviting Asian Americans
--- Community appeals to a lonely nation
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 3 Summer digital edition, pdf, and tablet files -- Moving forward in hope
--- Vocation promotion in contemporary culture
--- Canon law on entering a religious community
--- Today's church and its vocation environment
--- Lay vocation ministers speak out
--- The shape of religious life to come
--- Responding to new openness toward our life
--- Summer retreat kicks off vocation year
--- The built-in tensions in apostolic vocations
--- 9 signs of a capacity to live active religious life well
--- My hope in you never wavers
--- Signs of vitality in religious life
--- Wield power, set boundaries
--- Smart ways to use smartphones
--- 25 most likely items in a vocation minister’s suitcase
--- 25 ways to communicate your vocation message
--- What can a hashtag do for you?
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 3 Summer Digital Edition, pdf and tablet files -- Inviting young people
--- What newer and older members offer each other
--- Theological reflection: A success story
--- What every vocation minister should know about healthy sexuality
--- Building bridges with a Family Gathering
--- Secrets of strong parish vocation committees
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 2 Spring digital edition, pdf, and tablet files
--- Religious life makes Pope Francis tick
--- The new evangelization is interwoven with vocation ministry
--- Invite overwhelmed young adults to come, rest in Christ
--- Questions we must ask to build strong communities
--- Leadership focus makes the difference for vocations
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter digital edition, pdf, and tablet files
--- Vocation ministers as ambassadors for Christ: a reconciling presence
--- Vocation ministers walk forward in faith to welcome new life
--- Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation
--- Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics
--- Latino diversity: complex but important to vocation ministry
--- Book notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth
--- PDF of 2012 HORIZON No. 4 -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- The enduring value of religious life in the age of the laity
--- Exploring images of God during discernment
--- Nine ways to thrive as a vocation minister
--- Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture
--- Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise
--- PDF of 2012 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Cultural and family roots and vocation
--- Making multiculturalism work: one community’s experience
--- Inviting African American Catholics to religious life
--- Coping with parental resistance: explanations and possible solutions
--- Confessions of a seminarian’s mother
--- Reconciliation within and among religious communities
--- Taking ourselves lightly: a place for humor and play in discernment
--- The six best practices for vocation ministry today
--- Book notes: Populist history of religious life full of drama, pathos
--- PDF of 2012 HORIZON No. 2 Spring and tablet files -- Vocations on campus
--- News from the vocation world
--- Campus ministry 101 for vocation ministers
--- Profile of contemporary college students
--- Young adults share experiences of vocation ministers on campus
--- Campus ministry and how vocation ministry fits in
--- The context of contemporary campus ministry and the students we try to reach
--- The chilling effect of education debt
--- Social media is everywhere: steps to using it in vocation ministry
--- Book notes: Good news for the church--most priests are happy
--- PDF of 2012 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Theology of vocation
--- Vocation as a lifelong, personal adventure for every Christian
--- Overcoming the influence of consumerism on vocation
--- What do the popes say about vocation?
--- Vocation exhibits at large events: What happens? Is it worthwhile?
--- Qualities of younger women in religious life today
--- Book notes: Minding the gap between our vision and our reality
--- PDF of 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry
--- How does charism affect vocation ministry and renewal?
--- Six essential questions for every religious community
--- What are the best practices for “Come and See” events?
--- Strategies to address the lifestyle gap, help newcomers fit in
--- Understanding and working with Filipino candidates
--- How “Evangelical Catholicism” is shaping the church and religious life
--- PDF of 2011 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocation ministry at the crossroads
--- The NRVC-CARA study and its meaning for religious life
--- How can we strengthen the witness of religious life?
--- The future depends on listening to the Spirit, the young and each other
--- How one community is using the NRVC-CARA study to move forward
--- What we see in religious life and some ways to reach out
--- Carmelite Sisters Action Plan for Vocation Ministry
--- Who are the emerging pastoral leaders?
--- PDF of 2011 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Encouraging quality discernment
--- Discovering “what God wants” during vocation conversations
--- Using art to explore vocation
--- How Holy Cross reaches out to parents
--- Using social media to further vocation goals
--- Pilgrimage as a way to build vocation culture
--- Book & film notes: Book provides insight on context of discernment
--- Renew the glory of your vocation by clinging to the hand of God
--- Vocation ministry in a connected, ecologically fragile world
--- Reframing religious presence in a digital culture
--- Good reads for grasping digital culture
--- Cast the net from a firm foundation
--- Transformative love, passion for justice belong in vocation ministry
--- Book notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way
--- PDF of 2010 HORIZON No. 5 -- Young members reflect on study | Making vocation transitions work
--- Young voices respond to the NRVC-CARA study of new members
--- Five steps to a smooth transition out of vocation ministry
--- Healthy transitions for new members, ministers and the community
--- Secrets to successful service projects
--- You are God’s unshakable hope
--- Preparing new members for an intercultural world
--- UK vocation ministry: new ventures and growth
--- Join hands with young adult ministers
--- The gift of religious priesthood
--- Membership makes a difference in attracting new members
--- Book notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hopes, challenges
--- PDF of 2010 HORIZON No. 3 pdf -- Process addictions | New media | Vietnamese candidates
--- What every vocation minister should know about process addictions
--- Use new media to promote vocations
--- Working with Vietnamese candidates in vocation discernment
--- The call to new evangelization
--- The gifts and challenges of immigrant religious communities
--- Parish outreach builds vocation awareness
--- Book notes: Connecting the dots to find a hopeful future
--- PDF of 2010 HORIZON No. 2 -- Psychological assessment of applicants
--- Psychological assessment: why, what and how to assess
--- Tests for assessing applicants to religious communities
--- Vocational discernment and the psychological report
--- Assessment with cross-cultural candidates
--- What happens with the assessment?
--- When the vocation minister assesses
--- Establishing and honoring boundaries in vocation ministry
--- Book notes: Young Catholic women speak up; a sister reflects on a life of service
--- PDF of 2009 HORIZON No. 1-- What is the study of new membership telling us?
--- Communities that attract and the people who are entering them
--- What newer members say about discernment programs
--- Best practices for vocation ministry
--- Examples of best practices
--- Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority
--- Beginning spiritual formation with young adult discerners
--- Book notes: Growing self-centeredness challenges society and religious life
--- PDF of 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Encouraging theological reflection among young adults
--- Faith development takes time, and it can be assessed
--- How Duchesne House leads students to reflection
--- How a discernment house can enhance vocation ministry
--- PDF of 2009 HORIZON No. 3 -- Involving membership | Supervision | College outreach
--- Involve your whole community
--- The things they carry: burdens and blessings of emerging adults today
--- What I learned from launching a discernment group for college women
--- Supervision and consultation: the vocation minister meets the mirror
--- Vocation ministry in Ireland today
--- Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life
--- PDF of 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Empowered by the Holy Spirit, let’s work together to build our future
--- Consider Paul, our brother
--- PDF of 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- Discernment with a little help from Francis and Clare
--- The heart's calling: feelings in vocational self-discovery
--- Making a vocation journey with a Latino young adult
--- Listening to God: a Benedictine approach to discernment
--- Helping college students create their own discernment models
--- Soul inquiry: a vocational discernment tool
--- How we organized a Day of Discussion for leadership and vocation directors
--- The current state of vocations and where we go from here
--- PDF of 2008 HORIZON No. 4 -- Preparing discerners for formation
--- Human formation never ends: candidates and adult maturity
--- Helping serious discerners prepare for human formation
--- Promote intellectual formation among young adult discerners
--- The inner journey of the transition into religious life
--- A campus program that builds on the new openness to religious life
--- Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3 pdf --Forging a future for religious life
--- A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century
--- Shifts in religious priesthood and the resulting challenges
--- What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?
--- Inquirers and applicants continue to increase
--- PDF of 2008 HORIZON No. 2 -- Theme: Communications
--- Go pro: work effectively with a communications staff
--- Tap your Web site's potential
--- Four secrets to great presentations
--- Help the media to help you
--- How instant messaging enhances my ministry
--- Present your community to the world with Internet video and audio
--- PDF of 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- How I found my center as a vocation minister
--- Let's ask the right questions about engaging Catholic youth
--- How vocation ministers handle initial inquiries
--- Hope begins where hope begins
--- Architecture and design can enhance your community life
--- PDF of 2007 HORIZON No. 4 -- Leadership and vocation ministers working together
--- What vocation ministers want from leadership
--- Vocation ministry thrives with clear expectations, real authority
--- What I expect from a vocation minister
--- My expections of vocation ministers
--- The way forward for leaders and vocation ministers
--- One model for vocation ministry
--- How the New Orleans Jesuits conduct vocation ministry
--- Overview of the North American Felician vocation model
--- The selection, care and feeding of vocation ministers
--- Translating the religious way of life to a new generation
--- PDF of 2007 HORIZON No. 3 -- Trends and technology
--- Emerging religious communities and lay movements
--- The new interest in religious life
--- How young Catholics see themselves in the church
--- Put the Web to work for vocations
--- Reach young adults where they are
--- The 10 commandments of DVD production
--- Book notes: Best bets in discernment books, understanding teen faith
--- PDF of 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Called, vowed, committed
--- Belonging to God, each other and the future
--- Jesus' deep invitations to contemporary religious life
--- Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?
--- The role of religious in the church and world
--- PDF of 2006 HORIZON No. 1, Hope
--- God has shouted, "Yes, yes, yes!"
--- Hope and security: new foundations
--- Religious life history and new membership
--- How I stay healthy and hopeful as a vocation minister
--- Would life on this planet be any different without religious life?
--- PDF of 2006 HORIZON No. 4 -- Variety issue
--- Sustainability: New membership through an ecological lens
--- Moving from inquirer to applicant
--- Lessons for vocation ministers from the RCIA
--- Creating a welcoming community that can help form new members
--- Process for preparing a community to welcome and mentor new members
--- PDF of 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation
--- Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress
--- Two programs that further a vocation culture
--- Theology of vocation from a liturgical perspective
--- "Here I am!" Call in the Old Testament
--- Call and commission in the New Testament
--- PDF of 2006 HORIZON No. 2 -- Health issues in prospective members
--- How to evaluate candidates with chronic health issues
--- Ethical issues raised by candidates with health concerns
--- Living religious life with chronic illness
--- What canon law says about health concerns in prospective members
--- Developing admissions policies regarding HIV
--- How MS or epilepsy could affect a candidate to religious life
--- Mobility issues in prospective members of a religious community
--- Chronic back pain and the capacity to live religious life
--- PDF of 2005 HORIZON No. 1 -- Vocation realities around the world
--- How importing foreign-born members is affecting vocation ministry and the U.S. church
--- Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges
--- Obstacles and successes in British vocation ministry
--- Great rivers of grace: Vocation ministry in the Amazon region of Brazil
--- Vocation ministry in Canada today
--- Challenges and successes of vocation ministry in Australia
--- A brief overview of vocation ministry in Japan
--- Vocation realities for one religious order in Ivory Coast
--- PDF of 2005 HORIZON No. 4 -- Creating a vocation culture on campus
--- Getting college students to think vocation
--- What every vocation minister should know about campus ministry
--- The search for identity among college-age adults
--- Samuel Group: a year-long discernment program
--- Why our students give church vocations careful thought
--- “Ruined for life”—transforming lives, discerning vocations through volunteer programs
--- PDF of 2005 HORIZON No. 3 -- Psychological health in candidates
--- Assessing candidates with mental health concerns
--- The obsessive-compulsive candidate: striving for perfection
--- The traumatized applicant and the vocation director
--- Recognizing personality disorders in candidates
--- The essential facts about depression
--- What every vocation director should know about addictions
--- PDF of 2005 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2004: Fidelity to Jesus, Paradigm of Hope
--- Nurturing a hope rooted in Jesus
--- Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep
--- PDF of 2004 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue
--- 10 keys to vocation ministry success
--- Strategic planning can make you more effective
--- Developing a strategic plan with a consultant
--- Implications of small-group living arrangements
--- Understanding and serving young adults in a changing world
--- The broad spectrum of young adult Catholics
--- Fostering healthy intergenerational living
--- PDF of 2004 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of celibacy and vocations
--- A life of communal celibacy
--- Celibate chastity: a sacrifice because of the kingdom of heaven
--- The gift of sexuality: its challenge and blessing within a life of vowed celibacy
--- Sexuality and spirituality
--- How to develop an effective discernment house for college students
--- PDF of 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity
--- Making ecclesial diversity work in religious communities
--- Catholic identity, New Age and women religious
--- Crisis of Catholic identity in women’s communities: a challenge for vocation ministers
--- How my community embraces multicultural living
--- A conversation with cultural diversity teachers
--- Community life for the lone person of a different ethnic group
--- Inviting people who are racially or culturally different into our communities
--- PDF of 2004 HORIZON No. 2 -- Vocation themes in popular culture
--- TV can be a vocation ministry tool
--- A brief theology of television
--- What Harry Potter has to say about vocation
--- A novice's perspective on vocation messages in pop culture
--- Seen any good movies lately?
--- Film related resources for vocation ministers
--- Finding vocation themes in popular movies
--- Popular music can help us deliver a vocation message
--- A workshop to energize the community and form bonds with young adults
--- PDF of 2003 HORIZON No. 1 -- The vow of obedience and vocations
--- Obedience: showing up and listening for God
--- Exploring three dimensions of the vow of obedience
--- The challenge of obedience
--- Obedience as sacrifice and blessing
--- Dissecting a typical conversation about the vow of obedience
--- Obedience, lived daily, takes us beyond our dreams
--- PDF of 2003 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of poverty and vocations
--- Reflections from a new member on the vow of poverty
--- Vowed poverty: Gospel stewardship in a consumerist society
--- The vow of consecrated poverty and other scary words
--- Religious poverty: witness to the risen Christ
--- Surprised by splendor: new members and the vow of poverty
--- To live in poverty is a call to love
--- Sample financial policies from four religious communities
--- PDF of 2003 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocations and community life
--- What do we mean by community? What do candidates dream about?
--- What I was looking for in community and what I found
--- Community life in the monastic tradition: a call to conversion
--- Community, communitas and downward mobility
--- Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults
--- Follow up to NRVC's "Dimensions of Diversity" Convocation
--- PDF of 2003 HORIZON No. 2 -- Dimensions of Diversity: Convocation 2002
--- Fools for Christ: Promoting vocations in tumultuous times
--- Issues of sexual diversity and the call to religious life
--- Toward a new understanding of cultural encounter in our communities
--- PDF of 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment
--- Taking stock of vocation ministry
--- Discerning a religious vocation: some reflections
--- Discernment as an experience of the Holy Spirit
--- False fears: how evil can undermine God's call
--- A general approach to guiding vocational discernment
--- Extending the circle of community
--- Giving young adults discernment tools
--- Current books, music and videos for discernment
--- Survey shows Busy Person's Retreat holds some value for vocation ministers
--- The Vincentian five-year provincial plan for vocation promotion
--- Congregation of Notre Dame five-year strategic plan for vocations
--- Crosier Fathers and Brothers three-year strategic plan for recruitment
--- Vocation plan for the Benedictine Sisters of Ferdinand, Indiana
--- Strategic plan for vocations of the Dominican Friars of the Central Province
--- Five-year vocation plan of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo, Ohio
--- How one community made vocations a major priority
--- Operating plan for the National Vocations Office of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ
--- Vocational assessment helps for identifying candidates at risk for pedophilia and ephebophilia
--- Frequently asked questions about sexual misconduct by clergy and religious
--- One vocation director’s response to the sex abuse scandals
--- Resources on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and in society at large
--- PDF of 2002 HORIZON No. 3 -- Variety issue
--- Candidates looking for the “best deal” in religious life
--- Celibate chastity: an affair of the heart
--- Defining, measuring and celebrating success in vocation ministry
--- Programs that work: Pilgrimage Tour, Women’s Retreat
--- Issues that need to be explored during vocation discernment
--- PDF of 2002 HORIZON No. 2 -- The Millennials
--- Vocation issues raised by younger candidates
--- Ministering to the Millennials
--- Snapshot of the Millennial generation
--- Bibliography of young adult literature
--- A new generation of Catholics
--- Discernment with and for adolescents
--- PDF of 2001 HORIZON No. 2 Winter -- Convocation
--- “Lord, it is good to be here!”
--- Building bridges between young adults and members of religious communities
--- The challenges of crossing life’s bridges
--- Strategies to help build bridges between young adults and religious
--- PDF of 2001 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue
--- What does it take to attract and sustain new members to religious communities?
--- The essential facts about secular institute vocations
--- Peer supervision: path to self-awareness in vocation ministry
--- How one community started building bridges to young adults
--- PDF of 2001 HORIZON No. 4 -- Vocation communications
--- With one voice: Addressing vocation communications throughout the congregation
--- Work effectively with the news media
--- What every vocation minister should know about public relations and advertising
--- A good story is still the most valuable tool of vocation directors
--- 10 tips to make you a better speaker
--- Make the most of your Web site by promoting it
--- Preaching vocations: Telling the story and wooing hearts
--- PDF of 2001 HORIZON No. 3 -- Admissions
--- The basics of psychological assessment
--- Finding a psychologist to help with assessment
--- Developing policies regarding HIV testing for applicants
--- Religion during adversity: What it tells us about vocation candidates
--- PDF of 2000 HORIZON No. 2 Winter
--- An open letter to vocation ministers about our future
--- Creating a hopeful future for religious life
--- Portrait of emerging religious communities in the United States
--- Effective vocation ministry in an increasingly multicultural church
--- PDF of 2000 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety issue
--- Developing a culture of vocations
--- A new form of membership: temporary commitment
--- Seeking a new dawn together: organizing a vocation symposium
--- Young men speak out about priesthood and religious life
--- What religious communities should know about Gen X
--- Meeting our diocesan counterparts: a positive joint meeting of NRVC and NCDVD
--- PDF of 2000 HORIZON No. 4 -- Mentoring and programs for youth and young adults
--- NRVC survey on mentoring reveals positive experiences
--- Handling the subtleties of vocation mentoring
--- Effective vocation programs with a mentoring dimension
--- How we stay in touch with promising high school students
--- Vocation outreach to former and current volunteers
--- Forming youth leaders in a vocation ministry context
--- Sister, you go girl: a cool way to present religious life to young people
--- PDF of 1999 HORIZON No. 2 -- Parent nurturing of vocations
--- Parent feedback: what it means for vocation ministers
--- What vocation education for adults might look like if we got serious about it
--- One parent’s perspective on church vocations
--- A mother’s perspective on the priesthood
--- The mixed reaction to my seminarian son
--- Hope in vocation ministry is not an oxymoron
--- Leisure and the vocation minister
--- Let’s build a future for religious brothers
--- Keep the conversation going between vocation and formation directors
--- Presenting the option of religious life: Where should vocation ministers be?
--- Who are the conservative, separatist and Marian Catholics?
--- PDF of 1999 HORIZON No. 4 -- Using the wisdom of the business world
--- How I learned to apply business principles in vocation ministry
--- Tapping into the power of the Web
--- The ABC’s of starting a Web page
--- What vocation ministers can learn from college admissions professionals
--- PDF of 1999 HORIZON No. 4 -- Using the wisdom of the business world
--- How I learned to apply business principles in vocation ministry
--- Tapping into the power of the Web
--- The ABC’s of starting a Web page
--- What vocation ministers can learn from college admissions professionals
--- 1999 HORIZON No. 3 pdf -- How Gen X fits into religious life
--- What young adults are looking for in religious life
--- Gen-Xers respond to “What young adults are looking for in religious life”
--- Helping insure a future for your congregation: Vocation promotion
--- The generation gap in religious communities
--- Leading Gen-X Catholics to religious life
--- Bibliography of resources on generational issues in vocation ministry
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