By Tag "future of religious life"

58 results

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Leaven of hope

Leaven of hope

--- HORIZON No. 1 Winter 2025

[ Brother Chris Patiño F.S.C. ]  

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Convocation 2022 "Rewind the Future Roundtable" video released.

Convocation 2022 "Rewind the Future Roundtable" video released.

--- 2023 Posts

[ Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration ]  

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Synodality and new life

Synodality and new life

--- Divisions in church and religious communities
--- 2023 HORIZON No. 3 Summer--Synodality and collaboration
--- Ecclesial diversity
--- Membership
--- Church documents
--- Theology of vocation
--- Vocation ministry
--- Future of religious life

[ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV)

National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV)

"Let's Talk About It" online conversation May 15

"Let's Talk About It" online conversation May 15

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Editor's note

Editor's note

--- 2022 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Leading into the future

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Book notes: Lessons to learn from letting go

Book notes: Lessons to learn from letting go

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Book reviews

[ Sister Judith Schaefer O.P. ]  

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Book notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

Book notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

--- 2014 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Fresh approaches to vocation ministry
--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Katarina Schuth O.S.F. ]  

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What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?

What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?

--- Priesthood, Popes and Papal Messages
--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Future of religious life

[ Father Kevin Nadolski O.S.F.S. ]   [ Father Ken Schnipke C.PP.S. ]   [ Father Andrew Carl Wisdom O.P. ]  

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What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?

What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?

--- Priesthood within a religious community

[ Father Kevin Nadolski O.S.F.S. ]   [ Father Ken Schnipke C.PP.S. ]   [ Father Andrew Carl Wisdom O.P. ]  

Thoughts of the 25th on the 25th: Test by Curtis

Thoughts of the 25th on the 25th: Test by Curtis

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Reason for our hope: a testimony to our life, death, and resurrection in Christ Jesus

Reason for our hope: a testimony to our life, death, and resurrection in Christ Jesus

--- 2021 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Focus on hope, Convocation edition
--- History of religious life, NRVC
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Hope

[ Sister Addie Lorraine Walker S.S.N.D. ]  

2009 Study on Recent Vocations Executive Summary—English

2009 Study on Recent Vocations Executive Summary—English

--- 2009 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life
--- NRVC Studies Executive Summaries

[ Mary E. Bendyna R.S.M., Ph.D. ]   [ Mary L. Gautier Ph.D. ]  

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Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life

Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life

--- Generations
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 3 -- Involving membership | Supervision | College outreach
--- Generational differences
--- Emerging Adults
--- Young adults

[ Patrice J. Tuohy ]  

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Vocation visioning weekend

Vocation visioning weekend

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Patricia Donlin R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Lessons to learn from letting go

Book notes: Lessons to learn from letting go

--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Sister Judith Schaefer O.P. ]  

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A loving gaze at religious life realities

A loving gaze at religious life realities

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Sister Susan Francois C.S.J.P. ]  

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A new springtime in vocation ministry

A new springtime in vocation ministry

--- Vocation ministry
--- 2017 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry with vitality
--- Charism and Religious Life
--- Hope
--- Future of religious life

[ Sister Joyce Detzel C.D.P. ]  

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Participating in our own abundance

Participating in our own abundance

--- 2017 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry with vitality
--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Theology of Vocation

[ Sister Sarah Kohles O.S.F. ]  

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Qualities of younger women in religious life today

Qualities of younger women in religious life today

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Theology of vocation
--- Generational differences
--- Generations

[ Sr. Susan Rose Francois C.S.J.P. ]  

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

[ Mary E. Bendyna R.S.M., Ph.D. ]   [ Mary L. Gautier Ph.D. ]  

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

[ Mary E. Bendyna R.S.M., Ph.D. ]   [ Mary L. Gautier Ph.D. ]  

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We’re moving forward

We’re moving forward

--- Reconciliation
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Vocation ministry and new evangelization
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Krista von Borstel S.S.M.O. ]   [ Mother Katherine Caldwell T.O.R.. ]   [ Sr. Ginny Heldorfer O.S.F. ]  

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Feed your Spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your Spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Self-care for Vocation Ministers
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 2 Spring--Vocation ministry and new evangelization

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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The NRVC-CARA study and its meaning for religious life

The NRVC-CARA study and its meaning for religious life

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry at the crossroads
--- Research and Professional Studies
--- CARA study of new vocations
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Br. Seán D. Sammon F.M.S. ]  

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Transformative love, passion for justice belong in vocation ministry

Transformative love, passion for justice belong in vocation ministry

--- Vocation ministry
--- 2011 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Convocation 2010: Casting the net
--- Intercultural Wealth & Multicultural Awareness
--- Multicultural issues

[ Fr. Bryan Massingale ]  

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The future depends on listening to the Spirit, the young and each other

The future depends on listening to the Spirit, the young and each other

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 3 Summer -- Vocation ministry at the crossroads
--- Research and Professional Studies
--- CARA study of new vocations
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Mother Shaun Vergauwen F.S.E. ]  

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Membership makes a difference in attracting new members

Membership makes a difference in attracting new members

--- Membership
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- 2010 HORIZON No. 4 -- Global perspectives |Connect with young adults | Gifts of religious priesthood

Thoughts of the 25th on the 25th: Test by Curtis

Thoughts of the 25th on the 25th: Test by Curtis

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Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority

Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority

--- Membership
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 1 -- What is the study of new membership telling us?
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Father Jim Kent, O.F.M. Conv. ]   [ Fr. Jim Kent, O.F.M. Conv. ]   [ Sr. Patricia Donlin R.S.M. ]  

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Inviting thresholds

Inviting thresholds

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sr. Maria Cimperman O.S.U. ]  

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Lay vocation ministers speak out

Lay vocation ministers speak out

--- Vocation ministry
--- 2014 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Fresh approaches to vocation ministry
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership
--- Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry

[ Andrew ]   [ Andrew O’Connell ]   [ Maryellen Glackin, Andrew O’Connell ]   [ Len Uhal ]  

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The shape of religious life to come

The shape of religious life to come

--- 2014 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Fresh approaches to vocation ministry
--- Role of religious life / Nature of religious life
--- Charism and Religious Life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Sr. Amy Hereford C.S.J. ]  

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A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century

A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

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Paths to the future

Paths to the future

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 3--Forging a future for religious life
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sara Butler M.S.B.T. ]   [ Christine Vladimiroff O.S.B. ]  

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Belonging to God, each other and the future

Belonging to God, each other and the future

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

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Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?

Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?

--- Generations
--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Generational differences

[ Sr. Laurie Brink OP ]  

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Hope begins where hope begins

Hope begins where hope begins

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 1 -- Variety edition
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope

[ Michael Downey ]  

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What gives me hope

What gives me hope

--- 2006 HORIZON No. 1 -- Hope
--- Hope
--- Hope and Humor

[ Jennifer Gordon S.C.L. ]   [ Mary Catharine Perry OP ]  

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Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress

Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress

--- Culture of vocations
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation
--- Strategic Planning for Vocation Culture

[ Fr. Raymond Lafontaine ]  

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Sustainability: New membership through an ecological lens

Sustainability: New membership through an ecological lens

--- Sustainability
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 4 -- Variety issue
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sister Mary Pellegrino C.S.J. ]  

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Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges

Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges

--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 1 -- Vocation realities around the world

[ Rita Schwartzenberger OP ]  

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Great rivers of grace: Vocation ministry in the Amazon region of Brazil

Great rivers of grace: Vocation ministry in the Amazon region of Brazil

--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 1 -- Vocation realities around the world

[ Nancy Schramm O.S.F. ]  

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Vocation realities for one religious order in Ivory Coast

Vocation realities for one religious order in Ivory Coast

--- Immigration and International Issues
--- International approaches to vocation ministry
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 1 -- Vocation realities around the world

[ Joseph Tanga-Koti ]  

Hilton Foundation awards NRVC $2 million

Hilton Foundation awards NRVC $2 million

Hilton Foundation awards $2 million to National Religious Vocation Conference

Hilton Foundation awards $2 million to National Religious Vocation Conference

--- Grants
--- Media/press

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Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep

Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep

--- Divisions in church and religious communities
--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Scripture
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2004: Fidelity to Jesus, Paradigm of Hope
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- Priesthood, Popes and Papal Messages

[ Mary Maher S.S.N.D. ]  

Hilton grants NRVC $2 million

Hilton grants NRVC $2 million

--- July 2014 newsletter

[ Br. Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C. ]  

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Crisis of Catholic identity in women’s communities: a challenge for vocation ministers

Crisis of Catholic identity in women’s communities: a challenge for vocation ministers

--- Ecclesial diversity
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 3 -- Making the most of diversity
--- Formation Articles

[ Terry Rickard OP ]  

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You're not alone

You're not alone

--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Carolyn Jost S.S.N.D. ]  

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11 reasons to keep building our future

11 reasons to keep building our future

--- 2015 HORIZON No. 1 Winter -- Rise, have no fear
--- Hope and Humor
--- Hope
--- Future of Religious Life
--- Future of religious life

[ Fr. Bernhard Eckerstorfer O.S.B. ]  

Publications overview

Publications overview

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Editor's note

Editor's note

--- 2016 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Leadership makes the difference

[ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

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Vocation ministry on the precipice

Vocation ministry on the precipice

--- 2016 HORIZON No. 2 Spring -- Leadership makes the difference
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sr. Amy Hereford C.S.J. ]  

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Book notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

Book notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

--- Demographics of religious life

[ Sr. Katarina Schuth O.S.F. ]  

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Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Strategic planning / Structuring vocation ministry

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

Feed your spirit: What are you really doing?

--- Self care for vocation ministers

[ Sr. Melannie Svoboda S.N.D. ]  

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Book Notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

Book Notes: Insightful data, analysis of sisters

--- Generational differences

[ Sr. Katarina Schuth O.S.F. ]  


Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

National Board Meeting

April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Plan ahead...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership