Future of religious life
Future of religious life
When David Nygren, CM and I published the study, “Future of Religious Orders in the United States” (FORUS) in 1992, we suggested that religious congregations had a 10-year window to make changes needed to ensure their viability. Failure to do so would likely set them on a path of irreversible decline. Read more...
In Patricia Wittberg's book From Piety to Professionalism—and Back? the author provides analysis and insight into the contemporary issue of religious identity and its accompanying ambiguity by illustrating how personal and corporate identity have been radically affected by changes in institutional commitment and sponsorship over the past 40 years. Read more...
“Dot to dot” is the image that comes to mind when considering what Tim Muldoon accomplishes in his book about the contemporary American Catholic Church, Seeds of Hope: Young Adults and the Catholic Church (Paulist Press, 2008). Muldoon has been able to connect some of the significant “dots” of our life as a church and to be hopeful for our future. Read more...
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