By Tag "new testament"

27 results

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Involve your whole community

Involve your whole community

--- Membership
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 3 -- Involving membership | Supervision | College outreach
--- Role of Membership and Religious Leadership

[ Andrew ]   [ Father Andrew Carl Wisdom O.P. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Book reviews

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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Reach out, draw in

Reach out, draw in

--- 2013 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- 25 years in the vineyard of the Lord
--- Theology of vocation

[ Fr. Donald Senior CP ]  

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Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation

Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation

--- Reconciliation
--- 2013 HORIZON No. 1 Winter--Vocation ministers and reconciliation
--- Reconciliation

[ Sr. Kathryn J. Hermes F.S.P. ]  

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Exploring images of God during discernment

Exploring images of God during discernment

--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Fr. Harry Hagan O.S.B. ]   [ Carol Schuck Scheiber ]  

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Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture

Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture

--- Scripture
--- 2012 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Value of religious life, Nine ways to thrive
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Discernment

[ Sr. Lou Ella Hickman I.W.B.S. ]  

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Book Notes

Book Notes

--- 2011 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Charism and vocation ministry

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  

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How Duchesne House leads students to reflection

How Duchesne House leads students to reflection

--- Theological reflection—encouraging it with young adults
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Program Outlines
--- Program outlines

[ Sr. Mary Patricia White R.S.C.J. ]  

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Discernment dissected

Discernment dissected

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 4 -- Encouraging theological reflection | Practicing discernment
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Sr. Janet K. Ruffing R.S.M. ]  

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Consider Paul, our brother

Consider Paul, our brother

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Fr. Donald Senior CP ]  

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The Gospels and the journey to religious life

The Gospels and the journey to religious life

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Fr. Donald Senior CP ]  

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Inviting thresholds

Inviting thresholds

--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sr. Maria Cimperman O.S.U. ]  

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Laughing with the saints

Laughing with the saints

--- Humor
--- 2009 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2008, Called by one, invited by many
--- Hope and Humor

[ Fr. James Martin S.J. ]  

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Discernment with a little help from Francis and Clare

Discernment with a little help from Francis and Clare

--- 2008 HORIZON No. 1 -- Discernment as a way of life
--- Discernment
--- Discernment

[ Friar Gilberto Cavazos-González O.F.M. ]  

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Jesus' deep invitations to contemporary religious life

Jesus' deep invitations to contemporary religious life

--- 2007 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2006: Committed
--- Theology of vocation
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Scripture

[ Father Ronald Rolheiser O.M.I. ]  

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Call and commission in the New Testament

Call and commission in the New Testament

--- Theology of vocation
--- Theology of Vocation
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Jerome Neyrey S.J. ]  

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Theology of vocation through the centuries

Theology of vocation through the centuries

--- Theology of Vocation
--- Theology of vocation
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 3 -- Theology and culture of vocation

[ Paul Holland S.J. ]  

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Sustainability: New membership through an ecological lens

Sustainability: New membership through an ecological lens

--- Sustainability
--- 2006 HORIZON No. 4 -- Variety issue
--- Future of religious life
--- Future of Religious Life

[ Sister Mary Pellegrino C.S.J. ]  

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Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep

Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep

--- Divisions in church and religious communities
--- Theological reflection on vocation ministry
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry
--- Scripture
--- 2005 HORIZON No. 2 -- Convocation 2004: Fidelity to Jesus, Paradigm of Hope
--- Theological Reflection and Spiritual Growth
--- Priesthood, Popes and Papal Messages

[ Mary Maher S.S.N.D. ]  

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A brief theology of television

A brief theology of television

--- Popular media
--- 2004 HORIZON No. 2 -- Vocation themes in popular media
--- Popular Media

[ Teresa Blythe ]  

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What do we mean by community? What do candidates dream about?

What do we mean by community? What do candidates dream about?

--- 2003 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocations and community life
--- Community life
--- Communal Life

[ Gaston Lessard SM ]  

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Community, communitas and downward mobility

Community, communitas and downward mobility

--- Community life
--- Communal Life
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 3 -- Vocations and community life

[ Anthony Gittins C.S.Sp. ]  

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Current books, music and videos for discernment

Current books, music and videos for discernment

--- Popular media
--- Popular Media
--- Discernment
--- Discernment
--- 2002 HORIZON No. 1 -- Ten years at the helm / Discernment

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Surprised by splendor: new members and the vow of poverty

Surprised by splendor: new members and the vow of poverty

--- Vow of poverty
--- Vow of poverty
--- 2003 HORIZON No. 4 -- The vow of poverty and vocations

[ Janet Mock C.S.J. ]  

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What do the Bible's call stories tell us about vocations?

What do the Bible's call stories tell us about vocations?

--- 2015 HORIZON No. 4 Fall -- Family and vocations
--- Scripture
--- Scripture and vocation / Vocation ministry

[ Sr. Elizabeth Davis R.S.M. ]  

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Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

Book notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight

--- Formation
--- Formation Articles

[ Sr. Patricia Kenny R.S.M. ]  


Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

National Board Meeting

April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Plan ahead...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


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