Fall & winter events
Fall & winter events
"Talk it Up Tuesdays," are back in January 2025! These 60-minute Zoom gatherings are designed for members to learn together, encourage each other, and share ideas.
These one-hour sessions will start at 1:00 p.m. CDT and focus on a topic in vocation ministry. The time will consist of an opening prayer, introductions, a 20-minute short presentation, 15-minute breakout groups, and 15 minutes to share the best ideas, announcements, and gratitude. Best of all, these are free for NRVC members!
Tuesday, January 28, 2025, Found in Translation: Navigating generational communication nuances using Canva, presented by Mr. Jorge Martins (for the O.F.M. Guadalupe Province)
Tuesday, February 4, 2025, Vicars and Vocation Ministers: Allies in the Vineyard presented by Sister Mary Beth Bromer, C.S.S.F.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Sources of Encouragement: Inside and Outside of Vocation Circles, presented by Sister Judith Blizzard, C.S.S.F.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, Enhancing Vocation Culture through Youth Ministry: Accompaniment, Empowerment, and Possibility presented by Brother Rafael Vargas, S.D.B.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025, We’re All Connected: Involving Community and non-Community members in Vocation Ministry, presented by Sister Mary Jo Curtsinger, C.S.J. and Sister Erin McDonald, C.S.J.
Tuesday, March 4, 2025, Keeping the Conversation Going: Leadership and Vocation Ministry in Collaboration presented by Brother John Skrodinsky, S.T.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025, Sometimes you need to pivot – incorporating non-religious tactics into vocation ministry, presented by Father Paul Shelton, SJ
Tuesday, March 18, 2025, Being the Voice of Hope: Navigating Vocation Ministry Challenges from Multiple Sources, presented by Father Stephen Sohe, S.S.J.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025, Full of grace: Incorporating Marian traditions in Vocation Ministry presented by Brother Mark Motz, S.M.
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, You Have What the World Needs: Conversations about Charism, presented by Sister Heather Jean Foltz, O.S.B.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, Capture the Moment: Unplanned Instances of Inspiration, presented by Sr. Carolyn Martin, lsp
We look forward to seeing you for this interactive winter gathering! If there is a topic that you are willing to present, let us know and we will add it to the schedule.
Remember these sessions will not be recorded. Please refer all questions to Sister Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net
In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day for women and men in consecrated life. This global celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.
There are several ways to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life. Invite sisters, brothers, and priests to publicly renew their vows at Mass, send cards of support to newer entrants, ask to visit a mother house to meet and pray with sisters, brothers, and priests, invite a vocation director to visit your classroom, Board meeting, or faith group to learn more about consecrated life. Send flowers, make a donation to a religious community, or invite someone to discern their vocation to consecrated life!
Spark a conversation about religious life using the Abundant Hope prayer cards, and Abundant Hope video series of newer entrants and senior professed members talking about their lived experiences of intergenerational and intercultural vowed communal life. There are 76 videos of sisters, brothers, and priests sharing abundant hope on the NRVC YouTube Channel. On World Day for Consecrated Life, gather together to talk about unwavering hope, invite others to celebrate, and record your own short videos to post on your social media sites to join this global celebration!
VISION Vocation Network articles on Religious Life
VISION Vocation Digital Guides
Consecrated Life through the lens of Fratelli Tutti video
Ideas for families and parishes to celebrate WDCL video
Fundamentals from call to charism to community living video
What you might not know about religious life three minute video
Finding joy in religious life three minute video
Religious Life is...three minute video
Takeaways from Christus Vivit through the lens of vocation ministry video
Selected vocation quotes from Christus Vivit!
USCCB Resources
Sample renewal formula from the Diocese of Brooklyn:
Eternal and Loving God, trusting in your faithful love,
I, _____________, renew my vows to live my life
following Jesus Christ in chastity, poverty, and obedience.
I commit myself anew to serve the Church
in the ministries entrusted to my Religious Congregation.
Grant me the grace, Lord Jesus,
through the intercession of Our Lady
and the prayers and support of my sisters and brothers in Christ
to live these vows faithfully. Amen.
Sample renewal formula from the Diocese of Ogdensburg:
O my God, I ____________, renew my vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, hoping with your Divine Grace to observe them faithfully.” Amen.
Sample renewal formula from the Archdiocese of Chicago:
Trusting in God’s love and fidelity,
I ____________, renew my dedication to God
Through the vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience.
I renew the gift of my life in community
and in mission to extend God’s reign of justice, love, and peace in the world.
With total dependence upon God,
I promise fidelity to this commitment
made in accordance with the Constitutions
of my Religious Congregation.
I ask you to pray
that I will be faithful to this commitment. Amen
"This community really, for me, gave me a place and a voice to say, it's okay that you sing in Spanish. It's okay that you're abuelito did this. You had a little altarcito. It's okay. That cultural experience is valid, is valued. That's what attracted me to my community, where I could explore that and celebrate that."
"I was attracted to living in community with other people with the same charism, with the same spirit, with the same hopes for the world with our differences. I wanted to be in community. That was really important to me."
"I think the greatest joy and the greatest challenge is community life, always."
2024 Papal Message for the 28th World Day for Consecrated Life
It is good for us to look at these two elders who were waiting patiently, vigilant in spirit and persevering in prayer. Their hearts have stayed awake, like an eternal flame. They are advanced in age, but young at heart. They do not let the days wear them down, for their eyes remain fixed on God in expectation (cf. Ps 145:15). Fixed on God in expectation, always in expectation. Along life’s journey, they have experienced hardships and disappointments, but they have not given in to defeat: they have not “retired” hope.
2023 Papal Message for the 27th World Day for Consecrated Life
Your mission is enriched by the charisms of your institutes and societies, the charisms of your founders. In their remarkable variety, they all gave themselves for the edification of the Church and for her mission. All charisms are for the mission, and they are precisely so with the incalculable richness of their variety; so that the Church may bear witness to and proclaim the Gospel to everyone and in every situation.
2022 Papal Homily for the 26th World Day for Consecrated Life
What is our vision of consecrated life? The world often sees it as “a waste”, a relic of the past, something useless. But we, the Christian community, men and women religious, what do we see? Are our eyes turned only inward, yearning for something that no longer exists, or are we capable of a farsighted gaze of faith, one that looks both within and beyond? I am greatly edified when I see older consecrated men and women whose eyes are bright, who continue to smile and in this way give hope to the young. Let us think of all those times when we encountered such persons, and bless God for this. For their eyes are full of hope and openness to the future.
2021 Papal Homily for the 25th World Day for Consecrated Life
2020 Papal Homily for the 24th World Day for Consecrated Life
2019 Papal Homily for the 23rd World Day for Consecrated Life
2018 Papal Homily for the 22nd World Day of Consecrated Life
2017 Papal Homily for the 21st World Day of Consecrated Life
2016 Papal Homily for 20th World Day of Consecrated Life
2015 Papal Homily for 19th World Day of Consecrated Life
2014 Papal Homily for 18th World Day of Consecrated Life
2013 Papal Message for 17th World Day of Consecrated Life
2012 Papal Message for 16th World Day of Consecrated Life
2011 Papal Message for 15th World Day of Consecrated Life
2010 Papal Message for 14th World Day of Consecrated Life
2009 Papal Message for 13th World Day of Consecrated Life
2008 Papal Message for 12th World Day of Consecrated Life
2007 Papal Message for 11th World Day of Consecrated life
2006 Papal Message for 10th World Day of Consecrated Life
2005 Papal Message for 9th World Day of Consecrated Life
2004 Papal Message for 8th World Day of Consecrated Life
2003 Papal Message for 7th World Day of Consecrated Life
2002 Papal Message for 6th World Day of Consecrated Life
2001 Papal Message for 5th World Day of Consecrated Life
2000 Papal Message for 4th World Day of Consecrated Life
1999 Papal Message for 3rd World Day of Consecrated Life
Updated on: 2020-12-31
This year the NRVC is offering three workshops on-site at the Summer Institute in Leavenworth, KS, and four workshops virtually at the Fall Institute. These workshops are designed for vocation ministers, formation teams, communicators, religious leadership, and others entrusted with the assessment of discerners and candidates. Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry.
The Mission of the National Religious Vocation Conference reflects its commitment to providing members with educational opportunities, relevant resources, and other supportive services that strengthen and enhance the practiced ministerial skills of those serving in vocation ministry. The NRVC strongly suggests that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. It is essential for vocation ministers to keep up-to-date on trends, issues, skills, and best practices in the field of vocation ministry.
Our annual Summer Institute will offer three onsite workshops at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS, July 8-21, 2025. Choose to attend one or several workshops, it's your choice. All workshops include overnight accommodations at the Marillac Center. Enjoy the convenience of having a private bedroom and bathroom, along with linen service, wi-fi, meals, and breaks.
July 9-13, 2025, Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 15-17, 2025, Behavioral Assessment 1 workshop
July 19-20, 2025, Vocation Promotion for Today’s Discerners
Take a virtual workshop this autumn in the comfort of your home. Enjoy a travel-free, hassle-free learning experience -- no packing required! Our experienced presenters will engage participants with a reasonable schedule integrated with screen breaks. We will mail your workshop materials to you.
October 6-10, 2025, Virtual Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
October 15-17, 2025, Virtual Behavioral Assessment 1 workshop
Tuesdays, October 14, 21, and 28, 2025, Virtual Culture Matters: are we listening with today's discerners
October 29-30, 2025, Virtual Ethical Issues in Candidate Assessment workshop
Workshops are open to NRVC members at a discounted rate and for non-members at an affordable price. Each workshop is $185 per person per day for members and $270 per person per day for non-members, regardless of the workshop. Summer Institute overnight accommodations are $115 per night and must be registered for the room block for each workshop.
If you would like to become a member to receive the discounted rate, click here.
Summer Institute registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.
Fall Institute registrations received after October 1 incur a $100 late fee.
Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30/Summer Institute, and October 1/Fall Institute to receive a full refund less a $100 processing fee. After June 30/October 1, all fees are non-refundable.
To assist NRVC members with their professional development, the Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, find out more information here to apply online.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
Direct your questions to Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net
National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to ordained ministry and consecrated life through prayer, invitation, and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering these vocations.
Please avail yourself of the many resources NRVC offers to help promote NVAW in your community, parish, school, or campus ministry office. Note: for social media posts, use the hashtag #NVAW. or #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek.
The new interactive vocation resource showcases today’s Catholic sisters, nuns, brothers, and priests, the Bold and Faithful Storymap: Meet Today's Religious.
This storymap is designed for use by individuals considering a religious vocation and for parishes, campuses, and classrooms to promote vocations and connect those in religious life to everyday Catholics.
Featuring audio, video, articles, an interactive events calendar, and a religious institute map, the 2023 Bold and Faithful storymap is a companion resource, along with 2021 Religious Life Today storymap, to the NRVC’s 2020 Study on Recent Vocations to Religious Life.
Fifty Fun Facts about Religious Life handout
Responsibilities of Members for Vocation Ministry Handout
Ten Questions Parents ask about Vocations to Religious Life Brochure
Ten Questions People ask about Vocations to Religious Life Brochure
VISION Vocation Guide Digital Edition | VISION Article Index
What You Might not Know about Religious Life
Additional NRVC videos to share on your social media platforms are also available on the NRVC YouTube Channel, including our Learn it! Love it! Live it! webinar series.
VISION Vocation Network resources: NRVC's VocationNetwork.org offers many vocation-related resources, including, articles, videos, prayers, and quizzes on vocation discernment and religious life. Order free VISION guide, prayer cards, and posters.
The USCCB website offers news releases, prayer cards, video clips, and other resources.
Global Sisters Report offers lessons for classrooms about Catholic Sisters.
Serra International offers Spark Vocation Tools.
Please send us any plans, photos, or news about your events celebrated during National Vocation Awareness Week. We're happy to spread the good news.
Observance of Vocation Awareness Week began in 1976 when the U.S. bishops designated the 28th Sunday of the year for the celebration. It was later moved to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord in January. In 2014, after extensive consultation, the Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations moved the observance of National Vocation Awareness Week to November to engage Catholic schools and colleges more effectively in this effort.
The NRVC presents awards at its biennial convocation. These may include the NRVC Harvest Award, the Lifetime Member Award, the Mustard Seed Award, and the Recognition Award (for members who have demonstrated outstanding service within the field of vocation ministry).
At its September 2024 meeting, the NRVC board selected three NRVC members to receive its Recognition Award, which honors members who have provided outstanding service to vocation ministry as a whole. Congratulations to each of them for their commitment and expertise in this important ministry. The awards will be given during the 2024 convocation.
For the NRVC biennial Mustard Seed Award—also to be given during the 2024 convocation—the board selected the University of Mary Vocations Jamboree. This North Dakota annual event began in 2016. It is carried out through a partnership between the University of Mary, the Diocese of Bismarck, Annunciation Monastery, and Assumption Abbey. The Vocations Jamboree is described by proponents as a “welcoming and dynamic vocation event.”
At its April meeting, the National Board selected Ms. Marge Argyelan and Sr. Josita Colbert, SNDdeN, to receive the NRVC Lifetime Member Award. This significant award is given to those who will receive all the benefits of membership for the rest of their lives. Past recipients include: Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., Sister Catherine Bertrand, SSND, Rev. Raymond Carey, Sister Charlene Diorka, S.S.J., Sister Maryann Hamer, O.S.F., Sister Charlene Herinckx. SSMO, and Miss Delores Orzel.
At its spring meeting, the National Board selected the National Conference of Vicars for Religious (NCVR) to receive NRVC’s highest award in vocation ministry, the Harvest Award. The NCVR serves the vicars and episcopal delegates for religious serving in dioceses across the United States. At the annual NCVR conference, the NRVC liaison is invited as their guest to provide an update on the resources available and the endeavors of the NRVC mission to promote vocations to religious life. This mutual relationship between the two organizations has grown through the years. To assist in this collaboration, every vicar and delegate for religious receives the monthly NRVC newsletter, Focus on Vocation Ministry.
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
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