2024 Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding Workshop

2024 Being Human and Sexual: An Evolving Understanding Workshop

July 26-29, 2024

Registration for this workshop is now open in our online store

Workshop description

This workshop provides vocation directors and those in leadership clarity to adequately assess a candidate’s ability to live celibacy within vowed communal life. Beginning with fundamental understandings that sexuality is integral to being human, centered in relationship and presence, participants will explore the following: well-being, an integrated understanding of sexuality, including sexual expression, the centrality of relationships and intimacy, the necessity of personal boundaries, and the impact of one's past, especially any experience of trauma, on one's ability to relate, be emotionally aware and expressive, and live a healthy sexual and celibate life. This workshop offers an opportunity to explore these fundamentals and an emerging understanding of some aspects of sexual diversity.

Arrival and departure dates/times

Please note that this 3.5-day workshop begins on July 26 at 9:00 a.m. and ends on July 29 at noon Central time. Overnight accommodations are included, with arrivals after 3 pm on July 25 and departures after lunch on July 29. If you cannot make flight arrangements until the following day you can leave on Tuesday before 9:00 am for an additional overnight fee. 


This workshop will be held at our annual Summer Institute at the Marillac Center, in Leavenworth, KS. It is the home of the Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth. The nearest airport is Kansas City (MCI) and ground transportation is available through Lyft, Uber, and Super Shuttle. Workshop participation is limited to 23 participants.


Eucharistic Liturgy for workshop participants will be offered each day at 8:00 a.m. in the Chapel including Sunday Mass. Each workshop includes communal prayer. 


Sister Lynn M. Levo, C.S.J., Ph.D. is a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet and received her Ph.D. from the University of New York at Albany, completing her clinical training at The University of Kansas School of Medicine. She served 10 years as the Director of Education and Editor of Lukenotes at Saint Luke Institute, MD. Sr. Lynn is currently a consulting psychologist in private practice, offering consultations, presentations, and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad to those in leadership and those who accompany new members on various topics, including fostering healthy integrated sexuality, celibacy, relationships, intimacy, mutuality in community, and the importance of providing hospitality and safe environments for personal growth and development for all. Sr. Lynn is a HORIZON author and recipient of the NRVC Outstanding Recognition Award. 

Workshop fees

Workshop fees include materials, speaker stipends, facility fees, all meals, and breaks. The workshop fee also includes overnight accommodations for 4 nights, arriving after 3:00 p.m. on July 25 and checking out on July 29. If you need to stay overnight on July 29, you will need to purchase an Extra Overnight from our online store. If you do not need overnight accommodations, please contact dinasp@nrvc.net  

NRVC member: $1,105                            Non-member: $1,435

Become an NRVC member here to save on workshop fees.     

Registration for this workshop is now open in our online store  

Late fees

All workshop registrations received after June 30 incur a $100 late fee.   


Cancellations for workshops must be received in writing to dinasp@nrvc.net before June 30 to receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee. After June 30, all fees are non-refundable.   

Financial assistance available

The Misericordia Scholarship Fund is available to assist NRVC members with their professional development. Scholarship funds can be applied to NRVC workshops; however, they do not cover the cost of transportation, accommodations, meals, or personal expenses. If you need financial assistance to attend an NRVC workshop, please apply here.   

Workshop terms and conditions

Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.  

“This workshop was excellent. Sister Lynn was full of wisdom as well as authentic. She was very knowledgeable and easy to understand with her explanations, stories, and examples. Her points were clear.” 
                                 --Sr. Kim Xuan Nguyen, CCVI

“Every discerner I've encountered and accompanied, no matter how healthy, must address psycho-sexual matters to thrive in missionary and consecrated life. If Behavioral Assessment gives us the tools to know and understand our discerners better, ‘Psycho-Sexual Integration’ empowers us as vocation ministers with sound lived/academic/theological understandings during the discernment process to help our discerners to thrive, whatever life path they choose. If I had to single out one thing among so many, I suppose I would name ‘Twelve Opportunities for Intimacy’ -- a very enlightening overview that is useful for discerners who may assume that intimacy is just not possible without physical intimacy and/or exclusive friendships.”
                          -–Mr. Gregory Darr, representing Maryknoll Fathers and 
                        Brothers; former Upper Midwest Member Area Coordinator

“Sister Lynn had great notes to accompany all she said, thus making it very easy to follow. She used real-life examples to explain her points. She was compassionate and didn’t shy away from difficult topics. She knew her material well, yet she could break it down for us so we could all understand. She held our attention for three straight days - that alone is a feat!” 
                                 --Sr. Colleen Mattingly, A.S.C.J.

“Sr. Lynn Levo was wonderful. She was engaging, knowledgeable, and made things understandable and practical. She was open both in her sharing and in responding to our questions and input. This workshop exceeded my expectations, which were pretty high entering it! Many people told me about Sr. Lynn and they were right on. It was informative and well-organized.”
                                           --Fr. Joseph Narog, O.S.A.

Workshops are designed from the NRVC curriculum for those who wish to deepen their understanding of the complex theological, spiritual, psycho-sexual, ethical, and diversity issues often present in contemporary vocation ministry. NRVC recommends that vocation ministers participate in ongoing educational opportunities to attend to their own vocation, faith formation, and to further develop their professional competencies. 

Questions about Summer Institute workshops?

Please contact Sr. Dina Bato, S.P. at dinasp@nrvc.net.

Registration for this workshop is now open in our online store

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