Convocation: Walking humbly together
Convocation: Walking humbly together
Convocation brings together the NRVC membership with its trademark excellence in workshops, liturgies, keynote presentations, and networking. This large membership conference also includes the member business meeting, awards banquet, and invitations to several organizational collaborators. It provides the opportunity to celebrate the mission and vision of the organization while engaging in professional development and ongoing formation. We are excited to be heading out to Minneapolis for our biennial Convocation, October 31- November 4, 2024. Thank you to the Upper Midwest Member Area for serving as hosts for our 2024 conference.
Visit our online store to make your selections, register, and make payments.
Welcome Reception and Ritual begins at 6:00 p.m., October 31, 2024
Awards dinner ends at 9:00 p.m., November 3, 2024
The venue selected is the Doubletree Hotel at 1500 Park Place Blvd, Minneapolis, MN. It's in Saint Louis Park, across from The Shops at West End, which has numerous affordable dining options. Central Minneapolis is five miles away, and the Mall of America is less than a half-hour drive from the hotel. There's free car parking, free wi-fi, an indoor swimming pool, and a fitness center.
Within walking distance next to the hotel, there is a Costco, Cub Supermarket, Arby’s, Bruegger's Bagels, Five Guys Burgers, Jersey Mike’s Sub, Jimmy Johns, Panera Bread, Punch Pizza, Raku Sushi, Rojo Mexican Grill, Yard House Restaurant, and Crave American Kitchen & Sushi Bar. There’s also an Office Depot, Home Depot, and Marcus Cinema!
The NRVC has contracted a block of rooms for three days prior and 3 days after Convocation for a reduced rate of $129 per night plus 10.525% taxes. While it may be cheaper for reservations elsewhere or through third parties, the NRVC depends upon your reservations through Nix conference management to keep the overall rate of the conference affordable. If we do not meet our contracted rooms, the NRVC will be penalized financially. Check-in is after 3:00 pm and check-out is before 10:00 am. Please note reservations for the hotel discount rate ends on October 6.
Please use this link for your hotel reservation.
An opening reception on Thursday evening, lunch on Friday and Saturday, along with the closing awards banquet on Sunday, are all included in your registration fee. There are several restaurants within walking distance from the hotel. There is also a restaurant in the hotel
Registration fee after October 1: $700 for members and $1,000 for non-members
Pre-Convocation workshops, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., on October 31, 2024
Member rate: $200 includes lunch & 2 workshops
Non-member rate: $300, includes lunch & 2 workshops
The Sacred Sites,Sacred Stories pilgrimage is sold out. If you want to be on a waiting list in case of cancellations, please call Sister Kathleen at 513.504.4276.
The hotel overnight rate is $129 plus 10.525% taxes from October 29 to November 6. Parking is free. Please do NOT make reservations directly to the hotel or through third parties as they will not be applied to our NRVC contract. Thank you. Make your hotel reservations with this link.
If you need to cancel your reservation, please email Due to contracts with the hotel/vendors, all registration fees are non-refundable after October 1, 2024.
If you need financial assistance, the NRVC Misericordia Fund is available to help with Convocation registration fees. For information and applications, please click here.
Many levels of Sponsorship are available and we welcome your support. Please contact our Director of Development, Mr. Phil Loftus at Click to find information on sponsorship opportunities, and see who is already on the Sponsor list!
Exhibits are available to those who are sponsors at the $2,000 and higher levels. Exhibits open at 3:00 p.m. on October 31 and close at 4:00 p.m. on November 2 p.m. Exhibits include 1 table, two chairs, and up to two Convocation registration fees.
Come a day early to elevate your skills and enhance your ministry! There are five workshops available on October 31, and you can select two to attend. The workshops are designed for vocation ministers, leadership teams, and all those responsible for the admissions process. Workshop registration for NRVC members is $200 which includes your choice of two workshops and a buffet lunch. The price for non-members is $300. Registration is open in the store.
AFTERNOON WORKSHOPS (1:30 - 4:30 pm)
For all workshop descriptions and presenter bios, visit this website article dedicated to Pre-Convocation workshops.
On November 1, Ms. Ann M. Garrido, D.Min., will present an all-day workshop entitled, “Walking Humbly in Tough Conversations.” She has a passion for bringing the best research and practice around healthy communication and conflict management from the business world into the church world. Dr. Garrido is an associate professor of homiletics at Aquinas Institute of Theology and a consultant with Triad Consulting Group, a conflict mediation and communications team. She has taught courses in pastoral theology, homiletics, and catechetics. She has served as Director of Field Education, Director of Distance Learning, Director of the Aquinas Ministry Integration Project, Director of the Doctor of Ministry program, and Director of the Masters in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Dr. Garrido is the author of numerous articles and ten books in the field of church leadership and ministry including the series, Redeeming Administration, Redeeming Conflict, and Redeeming Power. She earned a master of divinity and a doctor of ministry in preaching at Aquinas Institute of Theology.
On November 2, Brother Christopher A. Patiño, F.S.C., will focus his presentation on “Leaven of Hope: Envisaging and Engendering an Open World.” He is the son of Mexican immigrant parents and currently serves as General Councilor for the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (De La Salle Brothers). His ministerial responsibilities as General Councilor include accompanying the institute’s “beyond the border” projects, the mission in South Sudan, and Bethlehem University in Palestine with the congregation’s North America and Pacific Asia regions. Previously, Brother Chris served as director of vocation ministry, teacher, administrator, and in other capacities at various Lasallian educational apostolates. Brother Chris holds a master of arts in pastoral studies (Loyola University of Chicago), and a certificate in Catholic School Administration (Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles). He was part of the NRVC Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors presenters team for four summers, served as a Member Area Coordinator for six years, and received the NRVC Outstanding Recognition Award in 2022.
On November 3, Sister Patricia Chappell, SNDdeN will address the theme, “Walking Humbly Together through Foundational Transformative Values.” She was trained by Crossroads and serves as co-chair of the Sisters of Notre Dame, USA Anti-Racism Team. Sister Patricia is committed to working with religious congregations on dismantling racism. She was the first African American to serve on her Provincial Leadership Team and was elected to the US-East-West Unit Provincial team of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. She is a member of the National Black Sisters’ Conference and served as its president for 5 years. Sister Patricia became the first African American Executive Director of Pax Christi, USA. She holds a master’s degree in social work (Catholic University of America) and received her accreditation from the Academy of Certified Social Workers Incorporated. She is a licensed social worker in the District of Columbia. Sr. Patty received the LCWR Outstanding Leadership Award and received the Pax Christi USA Ambassadors of Peace Award.
Communal and personal prayer are important values of the NRVC. We are grateful to OCP for providing Breaking Bread
Hymnals and our music director! Each day, Mass will be celebrated along with opportunities for Communal Prayer. A prayer room will be located in the hotel for those who seek a quieter, contemplative space. All Saints Day Mass will be celebrated by our NRVC episcopal liaison, Bishop Austin Vetter. All Souls Day Mass will be celebrated by Fr. Frank Donio, PAC, executive director of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Then our closing Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Bernard Hebda to begin National Vocation Awareness Week!
Convocation participants are asked to bring two photos/statues of their favorite patron saints for the opening prayer ritual and two mementos of people who have died. We will collectively build an ofrenda (small altar) in the conference ballroom to focus our time and prayer together.
The NRVC presents up to four categories of awards at the biennial Convocation: The Harvest Award, the Lifetime Member Award, the Mustard Seed Award, and Outstanding Service Recognition. The NRVC Board selected the National Conference for Vicars for Religious to receive the Harvest Award. They also selected Ms. Marge Argyelan and Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN, to receive lifetime membership awards.
The National Board has selected Mr. Greg Darr, Brother David Henley, G.H.M., and Sister Lisa Laguna, DC, to receive Outstanding Recognition Awards. In addition, the selected the Vocations Jamboree,
It is the custom of the Host Member Area to select a local non-profit organization for the collection taken at the closing Mass at Convocation. The Upper Midwest Member Area has selected the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) as the recipient for 2024. NABS is the first and only national organization whose purpose is to advocate on behalf of Native peoples impacted by U.S. Indian boarding school policies. They seek truth through education and research, justice through activism and policy advocacy, and healing through programs and traditional gatherings.
The NRVC is committed to keeping participants healthy. Masks are not required, however, if you experience any cold symptoms, we kindly ask that you alert the Board/staff to determine if you need to take further steps to protect your immune system and those in attendance. Please bring a COVID test and cold medicine with you as a preventive gesture of compassion.
To carpool from Chicago, it's a 6-hour drive and from St. Louis, it's an 8-hour drive. The closest airport is the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport (MSP). Arline service includes Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Allegiant, American Airlines, Delta, Frontier, JetBlue, KLM, Southwest, Spirit, Sun Country, United, and Westjet. Choose car and shuttle transportation to/from the airport through Taxi/Uber/Lyft/other app-based ride services, and Car rental companies at your own expense.
We must regain the conviction that we need one another, that we have a shared responsibility for others and the world, and that being good, and decent are worth it. Laudato Si, 229
For more detailed information, click on the Convocation Pilgrimage website article. This pilgrimage is sold out, to be placed on a waiting list, please call Sister Kathleen at 513.504.4276.
Please read our NRVC terms and conditions for all events and programs.
Convocation provides the opportunity to celebrate the mission and vision of the NRVC while engaging in professional development and ongoing formation. Invite members of your congregation to attend with you to support you in vocation ministry.
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