2016 Vocation Ambassadors Program, June 10-13, 2016

2016 Vocation Ambassadors Program, June 10-13, 2016

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Do you want to learn relevant, practical, and affordable marketing strategies that you can implement immediately to promote vocations to religious life?  

NRVC is creating a network of young adults who will be commissioned as Vocation Ambassadors and equipped with media training and communication skills to represent and to promote religious life in the Church and to the general public. All program materials, accommodations, meals, and presenter fees will be underwritten by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Selected participants will be responsible for personal expenses and travel to and from Holy Cross College for this summer workshop, June 10-13, 2016.

Using a four-day workshop called Share the Sacred, 14 selected teams of vocation ministers, communicators, and Catholic young adults (ages 20-30), will work together to develop a consistent message about vocations to religious life as a viable option in the Catholic Church. The Vocation Ambassadors Program will bridge gaps of knowledge and experience by assisting team members to create a collaborative communications strategic plan for vocations that involves a minimum of 100 team hours beyond the Share the Sacred workshop. 

WHAT:  Share the Sacred, 4-day workshop

WHERE: Holy Cross College, Notre Dame, Indiana 

WHEN: Workshop commences June 10, 4 p.m.; concludes: June 13, noon

REGISTRATION: Applications accepted Feb. 1 - March 15, 2016

Who is participating?

Participants in the Vocation Ambassadors Program have now been selected. Team applications were submitted by NRVC members. Eligible applicants could hold a single membership or be part of a license; however only one application per license was allowed to be submitted. The vocation minister needed to be an NRVC member who had some experience in social media and had previously attended the NRVC Orientation Program for Vocation Directors workshop. Team members did not be the same gender. 


Members of the NRVC Vocation Ambassadors design team talk to young adult focus group members during its fall planning meeting.

Successful vocation ministry integrates leadership, vocations, communicators, and young Catholics. We are confident that the participants in the Vocation Ambassadors Program will play an important role in ensuring the future of religious life. Please direct any questions to Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M., NRVC director of member relations and services at debbiesscm@nrvc.net.

Serving on the Vocation Ambassadors program design team were: Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., project coordinator; Ms. Miranda Caulkins (communicator with the Adorers of the Blood of Christ); Ms. Debbi Della Porta (communicator with the Sisters of Mercy); Sister June Fitzgerald, O.P.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Ms. Valerie Oltmanns (communicator with the Felician Sisters); Father Larry Rice, C.S.P.; and Sister Theresa Sullivan, D.C.

Details and FAQ  here.

The application process is now closed. 

There were 38 applications from 12 states and Ireland, representing missionary, apostolic, monastic, and evangelical religious institutes.  After prayerful deliberation, the selection committee has chosen 14 teams to participate.  All applicants have been notified of their status. 

For more information about this exciting program, click here.

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