Sister Celeste Mokrzycki, S.S.J.

Sister Celeste Mokrzycki, S.S.J.


What roles do you play in vocation ministry?

I'm co-director of vocations for the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia, and I'm co-coordinator of Delaware Valley member area.

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

As soon as I entered the congregation I became involved in vocation ministry because I shared my vocation story and the joy of religious life with students in schools, friends, parishioners, and those I encountered along the way. Vocation ministry just became full-time when I became a co-director two years ago.  

What do you enjoy most about being in vocation ministry?

My best moments as a vocation director come when students, young adults, or discerners begin to recognize, claim, and live their call wherever that takes them. Seeing them blossom and seeing my own self-growth are gifts in this sacred journey of discovering God’s and our own deepest desires.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful ?

At times vocation ministry can both bless and overwhelm since so much of what we do cannot be shared with others, is unique to each person we encounter, and doesn’t always have a visible tangible “fruitfulness.”  Participation in NRVC workshops and the conferences provides me with the training and education that helps me feel a little more competent in approaching this mystery of vocation discernment.

When we meet as a Delaware Valley member area, I am inspired by the openness of my companions and their willingness to share their joys and frustrations while we continue to work together on collaborative events and enjoy each other. Additionally, it is reassuring to know that Sister Debbie Borneman and the NRVC staff are only an email away when I have a question or problem that needs additional insight and advice. 

What have been your best vocation efforts?

Michelle Lesher, S.S.J. and I are meeting with regional groups of 10-15 congregational members  to begin a dialogue about two critical issues raised in the NRVC booklet, "Vocation Culture: Reflection to Action." Those issues are establishing boundaries and clear identities as women religious and encouraging all members to be inviters. (Editor's note: Members can download this discussion booklet for free, or anyone purchase a printed copy in the store at

In our gatherings we reflect on our own call, the charism, and whether God and the world still need our witness. We talk together about the importance of being more intentional in sharing our life, opening our spaces and lives so others may become more familiar with us. We also explore what may keep us from inviting new members and how to invite in a respectful and encouraging manner. Being in such a significant conversation with our sisters has been energizing for us all!

Another exciting venture is the collaboration of all the vocation directors from our U.S. and Canada federation. We are meeting to unite our vocation ministry by working toward common messages and a common website, being one presence at major conferences, organizing some collaborative programs, sharing resources, and striving toward a unified formation process. This is energizing because becoming one is at the heart of our charism and is being made visible by our collaboration.

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