NRVC Board

The NRVC Board
Row 1: Brother Joseph Bach, O.F.M. Conv.; Sister Margarita Hernandez, S.P.; Sister Eileen McCann, C.S.J. 
Row 2:  Board Vice Chair Friar Mario Serrano, O.F.M. Conv.; Brother Edward Shields, F.S.C.; Brother John Skrodinsky, S.T.
Row 3:  Sister Gail Trippett, C.S.J.; Board Vice Chair Mr. Len Uhal; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., ex officio


The National Board ensures the implementation of the NRVC goals, objectives, and policies, overseeing the functioning of the NRVC. The National Board is composed of 8-12 members and the ex-officio who serves as a non-voting member of the Board.  The National Office oversees the daily operation of the organization and is accountable to the National Board. 

The term of office for a Board member is three years, serving no more than two consecutive terms. By the spring of each year, the National Board selects new members from those recommended by the membership to bring particular skills to the Board and to help ensure a balance of gender, geographic, and cultural representation.   

The responsibilities of the National Board are:

  • Select the executive committee.
  • Oversee and evaluate the National Office staff; review and modify job description as needed.
  • Determine goals and objectives; establish policies.
  • Recommend the development of programs and services.
  • Provide for a national biennial convocation.
  • Provide for national coordination of Member Areas.
  • Act as an official voice for the organization.
  • Approve the annual budget and review financial reports.
  • Determine annual dues.
  • Allocate funds for Member Areas.
  • Establish and evaluate committees, advisory boards, and task forces; dissolve when appropriate.
  • Appoint all committee members.
  • Appoint Board liaisons to committees.
  • Review Constitutions and propose amendments as necessary.
  • Select Board members as specified in the Constitution.      

At its spring meeting, the National Board selects new members for a three-year term from the recommendations. The Board seeks to bring skills and experience to the Board to help ensure a balance of gender, geographical, and cultural representation, and to image the breadth and diversity of religious consecration in the Church through its new appointments.

The National Board will meet April 9-13, 2025 in Mesilla Park, NM, and September 8-12, 2025, in Chicago, IL.

National Board

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the Board Chair, two Vice Chairs, and ex officio.  Members of the National Board elect the Board Chair and Vice Chairs at the spring meeting following Convocation. The term of office for Vice Chair is two years and may be elected to serve additional terms.  The term of office for the Board Chair is two years and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. 

Board Chair


Vice Chairs

Friar Mario Serrano, O.F.M. Conv., '23
Governance Committee Chair
Master of Divinity, Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, TX


Mr. Len Uhal (Society of the Divine Word) '18
Development Committee Chair; Finance Advisory Committee
NRVC Board Liaison to the NFCRV Board
M.S. Health Services Admin., Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI


Ex officio

Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.
Member Area Coordinators Liaison
M. Divinity, Loyola University, Chicago, IL
M.A. Pastoral Studies, Loyola University, Chicago, IL 


Brother Joseph Bach, O.F.M. Conv., '23
Incorporating Cultural Diversity Committee Co-Chair
M.A. Education, Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL

Sister Margarita Hernandez, S.P., '23
Incorporating Cultural Diversity Committee Co-Chair
B.A. Pastoral Ministry, University of Incarnate Word, San Antonio, TX 

Sister Eileen McCann, C.S.J. '24
Finance Advisory Committee
M.S. Religious Education, Boston College
MS Education/Psychology, SUNY Oswego, NY
BS Education/Mathematics, College of St. Rose, Albany, NY

Brother Edward Shields, F.S.C., '23
 Development Committee
M.S. Education, Fordham University, New York

Brother John Skrodinsky, S.T. '24
Governance Committee, Incorporating Cultural Diversiry Committee
JD Beasley School of Law, Temple University
MA Pastoral Studies, Washington Theological Union
BS Elementary Education, University of Pitt-Johnstown

Sister Gail Trippett, C.S.J., '23
Development Committee, NRVC Board Liaison to the NFCRV Board
M.Ed. Saint Louis University, MO
M.A. Theology, Xavier University, New Orleans, LA


Past Board members

It is with deep gratitude that we recognize their leadership and time.


Brother Joseph Bach, O.F.M. Conv.; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., (ex officio); Mrs. Nancy Costello; Sister Margarita Hernandez, S.P.; Brother Brian Poulin, F.M.S.; Friar Mario Serrano, O.F.M. Conv.; Brother Edward Shields, F.S.C.; Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I.; Sister Gail Trippett, C.S.J.; Mr. Len Uhal; and Sister Mary Yun, O.P.

2022 - 2023

Sister Maria De Jesus Bringas Aguirre, CCVI.; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., (ex officio); Mrs. Nancy Costello; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Brother Brian Poulin, F.M.S.; Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I.; Mr. Len Uhal; Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M.; and Sister Mary Yun, O.P.


Sister Maria De Jesus Bringas Aguirre, CCVI.; Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., (ex officio); Mrs. Nancy Costello; Sister Jean Marie Fernandez, R.G.S.; Father Charles Johnson, O.P.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Brother Brian Poulin, F.M.S.; Sister Nicole Trahan, F.M.I.; Mr. Len Uhal; Sister Cheryl Wint, O.S.F., Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M.; and Sister Mary Yun, O.P.


Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. (ex officio), Sister Marichui Bringas, C.C.V.I.; Sister Jean Marie Fernandez, R.G.S.; Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.; Father Charles Johnson, O.P.; Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Brother Brian Poulin, F.M.S.;  Mr. Len Uhal; and Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M.


Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. (ex officio), Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.; Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S; Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.; Father Charles Johnson, O.P.; Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C. J.; Mr. Len Uhal; and Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M.


Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.; Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S; Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.; Father Charles Johnson, O.P.; Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.; Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C. J.; Mr. Len Uhal; and Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M.


Father Toby Collins, C.R.; Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.; Sister Sharon Dillon, SSJ-TOSF (ex-officio); Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S.; Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.; Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C.; Father Charles Johnson, O.P; Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D. deN.; Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.; Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.; and Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.


Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.; Father Toby Collins, C.R.; Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.; Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S.; Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, C.S.F.N.; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, S.S.N.D.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D. deN.; Father Don Miller, O.F.M.; Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.; Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.; and Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Father Toby Collins, CR; Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, RGS; Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS.; Sister Michele Fisher, CSFN; Brother Ronnie Hingle, SC; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Sister Kristin Matthes, SNDdeN; Father Don Miller, OFM; Sister Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Sister Anita Quigley, SHCJ; Brother Tom Wendorf, SM; and Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, RGS; Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS; Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, C.S.F.N.; Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C.; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Mr. Mark McGuthrie, Father Don Miller, OFM; Sister Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Sister Anita Quigley, SHCJ; Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS; and Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Ms. Nan Brenzel; Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Sister Elsa Garcia, CDP, Sister Marcia Hall, OSP; Brother Ronnie Hingle, SC; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Father Donald Miller, OFM; Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP;  Sister Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Brother Tom Wendorf, SM; and Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS. 


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Sister Elsa Garcia, CDP; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Sister Marcia Hall, OSP; Brother Ronnie Hingle, SC; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP; Father Anthony Vinson, OSB; Father Freddy Washington, CSSp; and Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS.    


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Father Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Sister Elsa Garcia, CDP; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Sister Marcia Hall, OSP; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Father Anthony Vinson, OSB; Father Freddy Washington, CSSp;  and Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Father Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Sister Elsa Garcia, CDP; Sister Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Sister Marcia Hall, OSP; Sister Barb Kwiatkowski, OSF; Sister Angele Lewis, SNDdeN; Father Luis Madera, OSA; Sister Marcy Romine, OSF; and Father Anthony Vinson, OSB.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Father Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Sister Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Sister Barb Kwiatkowski, OSF; Sister Angele Lewis, SNDdeN; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Marcy Romine, OSF; and Father Anthony Vinson, OSB.               


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Sister Patti Donlin, RSM; Sister Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC; Sister Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Marcy Romine, OSF; Father Anthony Vinson, OSB; Sister Teri Wall, OP; and Sister Andrea Westkamp SMIC.  


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Patti Donlin, RSM; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC; Sister Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; Sister Marcy Romine, OSF; Sister Janet Ryan, SNJM; Father Anthony Vinson, OSB; and Sister Teri Wall, OP.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Sister Patti Donlin, RSM; Mrs. Maryellen Glackin; Brother Joseph Jozwiak, FSC; Sister Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; Sister Marcy Romine, OSF; Sister Janet Ryan, SNJM; Sister Teri Wall, OP; and Father Anthony Vinson, OSB.


Father Clemente Barron, CP; Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Renée Daigle, MSC; Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Father Ron Hoye, CM; Sister Anita Lowe, OSB; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; Father Mark Padrez, OP; Sister Janet Ryan, SNJM; Sister Teri Wall, OP; and Sister Mary Walsh, CSJ.   


Father Clemente Barron, CP; Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Renée Daigle, MSC; Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Sister Kathy Littrell, SHF; Father Ron Hoye, CM; Sister Anita Lowe, OSB; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; Sister Janet Ryan, SNJM; Sister Deborah Suddarth, OSF; and Sister Teri Wall, OP.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Anna Marie Broxterman, CSJ; Father Clemente Barron, CP; Sister Renée Daigle, MSC; Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Sister Susan Kidd, CND; Sister Kathy Littrell, SHF; Sister Anita Lowe, OSB; Father Marty Lukas, OSFS; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; and Sister Deborah Suddarth, OSF.


Father Steve Albero, O. Praem; Father Clemente Barron, CP; Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC (ex-officio); Sister Anna Marie Broxterman, CSJ; Sister Renee Daigle, MSC; Sister Joan Gallagher, SP; Sister Susan Kidd, CND; Sister Kathy Littrell, SHF; Sister Anita Lowe, OSB; Sister Mary McNally, OSF; Brother James McVeigh, OSF; Sister Deborah Suddarth, OSF and Sister Lizette Valenzuela, SND.


Father Steve Albero, O. Praem.; Father Clemente Barron, CP; Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND (ex-officio); Sister Renee Daigle, MSC; Sister Deborah Drago, RGS; Sister Joan Gallagher, SP; Sister Susan Kidd, CND; Sister Kathy Littrell, SHF; Sister Anita Lowe, OSB; Brother Jim McVeigh, OSF; Father Warren Sazama, SJ; Sister Deborah Suddarth, OSF and Sister Maryanne Tracy, SC.


Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND (ex-officio); Sister Renee Daigle, MSC; Sister Deborah Drago, RGS; Sister Bertha Franco, CCVI; Sister Susan Kidd, CND; Father Jack Kurps, SCJ; Brother James McVeigh, OSF; Sister Carol Mucha, RSM; Father Warren Sazama, SJ; Sister Maryanne Tracey, SC; Sister Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Sister Marcia Ziska, OSB.


Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND (ex-officio); Sister Bertha Franco, CCVI; Father Michael Kissane, O. Carm.; Father Jack Kurps, SCJ; Brother James McVeigh, OSF; Sister Kathleen Pales, SSJ; Sister Andrea Peters, SCSJA; Father James Price, CP; Sister Theresa Rickard, OP, Sister Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Sister Marcia Ziska, OSB.

1998 - 1999

Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND ex-officio, Sister Ileana Fernandez, CSJ; Sister Bertha Franco, CCVI; Sister Lenore Greene, RSM; Father Jack Kurps, SCJ; Sister Kathleen Pales, SSJ; Sister Dianne Perry, SSND; Sister Andrea Peters, SCSJA; Father James Price, CP; Sister Theresa Rickard, OP; Sister Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Sister Marcia Ziska, OSB.     

 1997 - 1998

Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC; Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND ex-officio, Sister Ileana Fernandez, CSJ; Sister Lenore Greene, RSM; Sister Janette Hernandez, MCDP; Father William Kraus, OFM Cap; Father Jack Kurps, SCJ Father Jonathan Parks, SDB; Sister Dianne Perry, SSND; Sister Leticia Salazar, ODN; Sister Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Sister Marcia Ziska, OSB.

1996 - 1997

Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC; Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSNd (ex-officio); Sister Ileana Fernandez, CSJ; Brother Kenneth Grondin, CFC; Sister Janette Hernandez, MCDP; Father William Kraus, OFM Cap; Father Jonathan Parks, SDB; Father James Preskenis, CSC; Sister Leticia Salazar, ODN; Brother G. Timothy Smyth, CFC; and Sister Noreen Walter, SCL.


Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC; Sister Cathy Betrand, SSND (ex-officio); Father Ronald Carrillo, SF; Sister Ileana Fernandez, CSJ; Brother Kenneth Grodin, CFC; Sister Charlene Herinckx, SSMO; Sister Gloria Marie Jones, OP; Father William Kraus, OFM Cap.; Sister Diane Poplawski, OP; Sister Kathleen Power, SSJ; Brother G. Timothy Smyth, CFC; Brother Joseph Tomei, CSC; and Sister Noreen Walter, SCL.


Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND ex-officio, Father Ronald Carrillo, SF; Brother Kenneth Grondin, CFC; Sister Charlene Herincxk, SSMO; Sister Gloria Marie Jones, OP; Father William Kraus, OFM Cap.; Sister Diane Poplawski, OP; Sister Kathleen Power, SSJ; Brother G. Timothy Smyth, CFC; Brother Joseph Tomei, CSC; and Sister Noreen Walter, SCL.                    


Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND (ex-officio); Father Ronald Carrillo, SF; Brother Stephen DeBlasio, CSC; Father Tom Enneking, OSC; Sister Sonia-Marie Fernandez, MHSH; Brother Kenneth Grondin, CFC; Sister Charlene Herinckx, SSMO; Sr. Maureen Irvin, OSF; Sister Gloria Marie Jones, OP; Father Christopher Robinson, CM; Sister Patrice Rog, CSSF; and Brother G. Timothy Smyth, CFC; and Sister Noreen Walter, SCL.          


Father Ronald Carrillo, SF; Brother Stephen DeBlasio, CSC; Sister Jane DeLisle, CSJ; Father Thomas  Enneking, OSC; Sister Sonia-Marie Fernandez, MHSH; Sister Charlene Herinckx, SSMO; Sister Maureen Irvin, OSF; Sister Gloria Marie Jones, OP; Sister Cathy McGuire, RSM; Father Christopher Robinson, CM; and Sister Patrice Rog, CSSF, Brother Joseph Samson, FSC (ex-officio, 1992) then Sister Cathy Bertrand, SSND ex-officio, 1993)


Sister Sofia Berrones, MCDP; Father Ronald Carrillo, SF, Brother Stephen DeBlasio, CSC; Sister Jane DeLisle, CSJ; Father Thomas Enneking, OSC; Sister Maureen Irvin, OSF; Sister Catherine Maguire, RSM; Brother Michael Murphy, FSC; Sister Patrice Rog, CSSF and Brother Joseph Samson, FSC (ex-officio).


Sister Sofia Berrones, MCDP; Father Ronald Carrillo, SF, Sister Jane DeLisle, CSJ; D. Peter Herron, CFC; Sister Maureen Irvin, OSF; Sister Catherine Maguire, RSM; Brother Michael Murphy, FSC; Father Tom Rush, OMI; Brother Joseph Samson, FSC (ex-officio); Brother Raymond Vercruysse, CFC; and Sister Kathy Warren, OSF.


Father Ronald Carrillo, SF; Sister Jane DeLisle, CSJ; Sister Carol Marozzi, SSJ; Brother Michael Murphy, FSC; Sister Rosemary Rombalski, SSSF; Brother Joseph Samson, FSC (ex-officio); Brother Raymond Vercruvsse, CFC; Brother Ed Violett, SM and Sister Kathleen Warren, OSF; and Sister Helene White, RSM.


Brother Thomas Clark, FSC; Ed De Leon, O.M.I.; Sister Jane DeLisle, C.S.J.; John Kramer, O.F.M.; Sister Carol Marozzi, S.S.J.; Brother Joseph Samson, FSC (ex-officio); Brother Raymond Vercruysse, C.F.C.; Brother Ed Violett, S.M.; Sister Kathy Warren, O.S.F.; Sister Helene White, R.S.M.; and Ms. C. Vanessa White.

1987-1988 NCRVD and NSVC Interim Board

Sister Sharon Baudry, C.S.A.; Sister Patricia Boyle, C.S.J.; Father John Holly, OFM Cap.; John Kramer, O.F.M.; Jim Kubicki, S.J.; Sister Suzanne Marie Kush, C.S.S.F.; Sister Lucy Nigh, SSND; Sister Stephanie Schmidts, NDS; Sister Jeanne Schweickert, SSSF; and George Stevens, C.M.

Published on: 2025-01-17

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NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Lake Erie/Ohio River Member Area Meeting

March 27, 2025,

via Zoom

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

April 15, 2025,

via Zoom

Pacific Northwest Member Area Gathering

April 23-24, 2025,

 Beaverton, OR

Heartland Member Area Gathering

April 28-30, 2025,

St. Louis, MO

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

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Mid-Atlantic Member Area Gathering

May 8, 2025,

Baltimore, MD

Candidate Assessment through the Lens of Inteculturality

June 13, 2025,

Huntingdon Valley, PA

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Register today...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


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