September 2018 newsletter
September 2018 newsletter
Recent events have profoundly shaken our church. The leaders, staff, and members of NRVC are no different. We are much like you, still getting up each morning, praying to God for wisdom and grace, and doing our jobs with heart and soul even when it isn't easy.
NRVC has always been a place for vocation ministers to find knowledge, camaraderie, understanding, support, and top resources so that we welcome the most healthy, mature adults possible to our communities. We know well that our ministry is essential.
God's call has not stopped. People are seeking their path, and we continue to accompany them. Here are resources you may find helpful to deal with issues related to the sexual abuse crisis, which NRVC commented on here. Members may log into for full access to our resources.
• HORIZON library Articles directly about sexual abuse, sexuality, psychological assessment, etc. The next edition will have additional relevant content.
• Vocation Director's Manual Articles on all aspects of the ministry, including detailed material on sexuality, sexual misconduct, safe ministry protocols, etc.
• "Why consider a church vocation in times like these?" This VISION article by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. is from 2004 but it addresses many relevant concerns for today's discerners.
• Each other Consider reaching out to other vocation directors. They understand the pressures and joys you feel. See what is happening and who is a part of your member area.
Help your community engage in the questions of youth, faith, and vocation discernment by providing copies of our most recent edition of HORIZON. The Summer 2018 edition has a special focus on the themes of the upcoming October synod.
Additional hard copies of this edition may be ordered through at this link. The complete synod edition (like all HORIZON editions) may be found in a variety of electronic forms at
Other helpful links for accessing HORIZON material are:
All HORIZON editions in order of date published
List of HORIZON topics linked to individual articles (HORIZON library)
The NRVC Convocation is more important than ever this year. As the Body of Christ grapples with recent events, the need increases for discussion, study, support, worship, and professional expertise. You will find all of those elements at our convocation, along with the unquenchable NRVC spirit of celebration.
We welcome and need your presence! Register today at After September 30, the rates will increase by $100.
A new addition to our lineup is Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J., who will give a presentation called "Pathways to Religious Life" based on a book by the same title that he edited. Gaunt is executive director of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate.
The board for NRVC met in late August in Chicago. The group's actions included:
• Attending to the strategic plan. Members and stakeholders have been consulted, and focused attention will be given to the plan at the convocation in November. The board hopes to finalize the plan early this fall. One highlight is the commitment to cultural diversity and interculturality in all aspects of the plan.
• Discussing the impact of the sexual abuse crisis on vocation ministry and creating a statement, which is now posted on
• Reviewing the hiring of a new executive director. The board continues to accept applications. Please direct inquiries to the new board chair, Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.deN. at Find the job description here.
• Electing a new executive committee consisting of board chair Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN.; Father Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.; and Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.
• Thanking outgoing board members: Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C. chair from 2012-2018; Father Toby Collins, C.R. vice chair, who was on the board 2015-2018. Their faithful service was noted and celebrated.
• Welcoming incoming board members: Len Uhal (former member area coordinator-Heartland and vocation director for the Divine Word Missionaries) and Sister Mindy Welding, I.H.M. (former member area coordinator-Mid-Atlantic and vocation director for the Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton, Pennsylvania).
Below are the NRVC member area meetings taking place in September and October. For details about each of NRVC's 12 member areas, including contact people, see member area news.
New England
Next meeting: September 24-28, Jamestown, RI
Hudson Valley
Next meeting: September 24-26, Albany, NY
Delaware Valley
Next meeting: October 2, Philadelphia
Next meeting: September 25, Baltimore
Next meeting: September 21-22 New Orleans
Next meeting: September 20, Chicago
Beginning September 15 through November 1, the National Catholic Sisters Week Project invites applications for $1,000 mini-grants to fund projects that celebrate or commemorate Catholic sisters. Parishes, religious communities of men or women, or other groups may apply. The 2019 National Catholic Sisters Week will be March 8-14. Additional details about funding and programming are at
Representatives of the National Religious Vocation Conference attended the annual large gatherings of several collaborating groups this past summer. Keeping NRVC plugged into the activities of our ministry partners were the following:
Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services, who attended the Leadership Conference of Women Religious assembly in St. Louis, August 7-10.
Brother Chris Patiño, F.S.C., West Coast Member Area coordinator, who attended the assembly of the Religious Brothers Conference, July 20-23, in Potomac, Maryland.
Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.M. NRVC Board chair (who has since completed his term), who attended the Conference of the Major Superiors of Men, July 31 - August 3, in St. Louis,.
The NRVC Board and staff who attended the J.S. Paluch Vocation Seminar August 20-22 in Chicago.
This prayer card uses the text from Maryknoll Sister Ita Ford found in the "I hope you find" prayer card. An inspirational giveaway, the text is entirely in Spanish. The back of the card has a list of some of the great witnesses from scripture who have answered God's call. Ideal for vocation displays, bulletin inserts, and presentations. Sized 3.75 by 6.25 inches. Pack of 100: $8 members, $12 non-members.
On September 13, the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors is holding "A Day of Prayer & Penance
for Priests Renewing Our Faithfulness to Our Priesthood." Learn the details here.
The Religious Formation Conference announces the following workshops:
Orientation to Formation – application deadline September 7
A Conversation About the Vows – webinar on September 13
Life-giving Community – workshop, on-site and live-streamed on October 27
More information at
Communicators for Women Religious will hold its 24th annual conference in Fort Worth, Texas, October 2-5. The theme is "FORTify your mission: The path WORTH taking." The conference will take place at the Sheraton Fort Worth Downtown. For more information, visit
This two-day forum, designed for those who minister to young adults at all levels, will allow us to dialogue with both national leaders integral to major events, as well as with young adult peers, applying insight to local efforts. Join the forum December 5-6 in Tampa, FL. Find more information at
National Vocation Awareness Week |
November 1-5 November 4-10 |
February 2, 2019 |
March 8-14, 2019 |
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