March 2020 newsletter
March 2020 newsletter
This July 16-18, NRVC invites you to join us for a new workshop: "Is it Generational, Cultural, Personality, or Pathology?"
This all-new workshop will feature a detailed look at factors that loom large in the lives of inquirers and discerners. The presenters will examine generational differences, cultural characteristics in our multicultural society, and personality and mental health factors that affect prospective new members in religious life.
Presenters will include: Sister Donna Del Santo, S.S.J., vocation director for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Rochester, New York; Brother Sean Sammon, F.M.S., scholar in residence at Marist College, Poughkeepsie, New York; and Crystal Taylor-Dietz, Psy.D. of Saint Luke Institute in Maryland. Learn more here.
Catholic Sisters Week will take place March 8-14, and organizers are asking groups to share information about how they are marking the celebration. Details are at
All in the Chicago area are invited to join NRVC and collaborators at Catholic Theological Union March 11, 6-7 p.m. The theme will be "Stories of Hope and Heart: Conversations with Catholic Sisters." This free event will include a panel discussion, small groups, and pizza. It is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Consecrated Life, Communicators for Women Religious, Giving Voice, Institute for Religious Formation, National Religious Vocation Conference, and Religious Formation Conference.
A Religious Brothers Symposium will take place at Boston College on April 4 with a theme of "The Prophetic Call of the Brother in the Church."
The event is co-sponsored by NRVC, the Religious Brothers Conference, Conference of Major Superiors of Men, and Religious Formation Conference.
Brother Guy Consolmagno, S.J., director of the Vatican Observatory, will be the keynote speaker. Further information is at
From now through April 15, the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations is accepting new applications for education-debt assistance. Please click the links to review NFCRV Grant Guidelines and the 2020 Application or contact executive director Phil Loftus at or 773-363-5454.
A heads-up about convocation 2020 (October 30 to November 2 in Spokane, Washington): Online registration will be available in April. Watch this newsletter for further details.
If you will be involved in a Busy Person's Retreat this year, considering purchasing this valuable resource.
College students taking part in Busy Person's Retreats can use this colorful booklet, which has 17 themes. They can choose from eight scripture selections and a variety of reflection questions. The bountiful themes give this booklet ongoing relevance.
Themes include: All About Mary, Balancing Sports & Fitness with Faith and Studies, Caring for God's Creation, Christian Leadership on Campus, Eradicating Global Poverty, Following the Voice of the Spirit, Growing through Failure, Inviting God into Decision Making, Praying in Times of Stress, Praying with Music, Promoting Global Peacemaking, Relationships, Time Management, Transitions, Seeking Solitude, Vocation Discernment, and Women in Scripture.
$2 each for members; $3 each for non-members. Order here.
NRVC is seeking a part-time database administrator to work in its office in Chicago. Details about this position are available here.
Upcoming member area meetings include the following. Click here for details.
March 2, Mid-Atlantic, Baltimore
March 12, West Coast (meeting by ZOOM)
April 19-21, Hudson Valley, Latham, NY
April 21-23, Midwest, Frankfort, IN
April 23, West Coast, Los Angeles
April 24-25, Pacific Northwest, Lacey, WA
April 26-28, Lake Erie/Ohio River, Covington, KY
April 28, Delaware Valley, Philadelphia
Prepare the Word is a resource to help preachers prepare homilies that hit home. It also offers material to help nourish and strengthen the faith of parishioners.
Participate in a transformative experience and be part of a diverse community rooted in faith. Among the offerings at MACC are Intensive Pastoral Spanish and the Sisters' Intercultural Studies Program. Learn more at
Saint Luke Institute and Saint Meinrad Seminary are sponsoring "Mental Health Matters," a human formation conference April 20-23 at St. Meinrad, Indiana. Find details at
Don't miss "The Life," the popular series by Global Sisters Report featuring reflections by a diverse panel of sisters from around the world: Global Sisters Report has also produced a series of high school vocation lesson plans available here.
Assessments of candidates to religious institutes are offered by a skilled, experienced religious, psychologist, and NRVC member, workshop presenter, and HORIZON writer: Sister Cindy Kaye, R.S.M., Ph.D.
The Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Programs at Catholic Theological Union offer programs for personal and professional development. For more information, see
The Redemptorist Renewal Center runs three sabbatical programs annually—spring, summer, and fall. The spring and fall programs each last 10 weeks, while the summer is only five weeks. For more information on the RRC program, see or contact
HORIZON reaches a premier niche of highly educated religious men and women and lay ministers. Readers hold leadership positions in their communities and influence community decisions. Contact editor Carol Schuck Scheiber for more information: or 567-288-2255. Download the current rate card.
Online information sessions regarding the "Together" program will take place on March 5. "Together" is a collaborative for theological education, formation, and community co-sponsored by the Religious Formation Conference and Catholic Theological Union. The program offers a cohort-based, residential theology program for religious sisters and brothers in temporary vows and for newly perpetually professed religious who commit to participation in the three program components: theological education, formation, and community. Details at
Anyone passionate about creating a culture of vocation is invited to attend the "Calling to New Horizons," a conference of the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD) from April 29 to May 2 in beautiful St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada. For details visit or email
Sister Nancy Uhl, S.N.D.deN. has been the co-coordinator of the West Coast member area of NRVC since summer 2019, two years into her official vocation ministry journey.
I am the only full-time person in the ministry and am responsible for coordinating outreach throughout the United States. Currently, we have five hubs: California, Arizona, Ohio and neighboring states, Mid-Atlantic region, and Northeast region. Sisters interested in vocation work meet regularly as a hub to plan and promote vocation work.
Hub sisters take part in vocation events in their region enlisting help from other sisters and allies (students, associates, teachers, etc.) Nationally sisters volunteer to help staff a booth at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, held annually in Anaheim, California.
NRVC has been invaluable, beginning with new vocation minister training and other trainings at Summer and Fall Institutes. The professional development days organized by my region in the West have also proven valuable. The monthly meetings of the Western region provide support, ongoing formation, and a place to share information and plan events together. Currently, we are trying to keep each other informed of vocation events in our region and possibly share booths, resources, and costs at some of them.
I am encouraging members to reconnect with our schools. We have very few sisters left who work in our schools due to retirement. But we are trying to be more connected again through volunteering and working with campus ministers. One region has an “adopt a sister” program between a high school and a retirement facility for sisters, giving students and sisters a chance to develop relationships. At another school, sisters are involved in a club that incorporates prayer and service. It is through personal relationships that women will enter our congregation.
An unusual fact about me is that I am a widow and a mom (and a grandma). My daughter calls me Sister Mom. She has been my number one champion in my pursuit of religious life.
When I talk about life as a consecrated religious, I discuss the three “H’s”: holy, healthy, and happy. I talk about the joy of sharing this life with a community of like-minded (and funny!) women. I talk about the satisfaction of living a life of purpose and meaning. We can live our lives focused on God, ministry, and mission because we are celibate, we live simply, and we live as a community. I tell people I love my life because that is the truth. I would never compare one vocation (single, married, religious) against another because all vocations are calls from God and are good. But I can honestly say I love my life today as a sister, just as I loved my life as a wife. God is so very good.
March 8-14 |
April 4 |
May 1 |
May 3 |
July 8-23 |
Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 |
Nov. 1-7 |
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
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via Zoom
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