September 2019 newsletter

September 2019 newsletter

Focus groups give input to study of newer members

Participants appreciate opportunity for reflection

Sister Lisa Rose, O.S.B. (left) and Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B. hosted a focus group held in St. Joseph, Minnesota in August.

NRVC held several successful focus groups around the country in August to elicit the thoughts and  experiences of newer members of religious institutes. Their input will be used in the NRVC study on recent vocations, to be completed in 2020.  

NRVC board member Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B. noted that at a group she co-hosted in St. Joseph, Minnesota, "Two women drove nearly three hours (one way!) to attend, and I'm so grateful they were so eager to participate that they were willing to do that. As she left, one sister told me she was energized by the session. It gave her a chance to think with her peers about what the future of religious life might look like."

Connect with young people at NCYC

20,000+ teens and chaperones to take part

NRVC invites you to be present to the 20,000+ teens, parents, and youth ministers who will gather November 21-23 in Indianapolis for the biennial National Catholic Youth Conference. Sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), the theme for this year's event will be "Blessed, Broken, Given."

In collaboration with NFCYM, NRVC is sponsoring a gathering space called Inspiration Nook to meet participants and promote vocations to religious life. There are three overlapping ways to be part of NCYC:

1. Attend with high schools, parishes, and dioceses and register as an adult participant with these groups. As your time allows, you can also volunteer at Inspiration Nook.

2. Host an information exhibit booth in the thematic village (and volunteer as you are able at Inspiration Nook).

3. Participate as a volunteer throughout the thematic village and in Inspiration Nook as your schedule allows. 

Registration is open for all three forms of participation. Detailed information about how to participate and register may be found at

Orientation workshop being offered in October

Part of Fall Institute workshops

"Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors" will be offered October 15-19 at the NRVC Fall Institute in Leavenworth, Kansas.

This important workshop helps newcomers to vocation ministry understand the skills, context, theory, challenges, and practicalities of contemporary vocation ministry. Topics include foundational elements of vocation ministry, assessment of inquirers and discerners, application and admission processes, vocation promotion, ethics and boundaries, resiliency, and self-care of the vocation director.

This workshop is part of the core curriculum recommended by NRVC for every vocation director.  It will be presented by seasoned vocation director Brother Jonathan Beebe, C.S.C. and NRVC's director of member relations and services Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.

In addition to the "Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors," NRVC is also offering the following workshops at its Fall Institute. Details and registration for any workshop are here.

Behavioral Assessment 2                                             October 8-9

Behavioral Assessment 1                                             October 11-13

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors     October 15-19

The Art of Accompaniment and Discernment           October 21-23

Eight communities receive NFCRV grants

To aid with education debt of incoming members

In the latest round of funding by the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations, eight religious communities—and a corresponding eight men and women entering religious life—have been selected to receive help paying education debt. NFCRV funding will allow the following candidates to not delay their entrances in order to pay off student loans:

Benedictine Sisters of Erie
Jennifer Frazer

Carmelite Sisters for the Aged & Infirm
Catherine Nicosia

Conventual Franciscans
Wayne T. Mulei    

Felician Sisters of North America
Catherine Rotterman

Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, 
Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco
Chelsy Sanchez

Salesians of Don Bosco
Francis Nguyen

Sisters of Christian Charity
Mary Amata Reifsnyde

Sisters of Providence Saint Mary-of-the-Woods
Kathleen Connolly

Member areas to meet this fall

Southeast, Hudson Valley, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, West Coast

The Midwest member area will gather in October at the Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center, pictured above.

Members from any part of the country are free to take part in member area gatherings in September and October that will focus on retreats, professional development, and business. Find details for all member area events here

September 20-21, New Orleans
Annual meeting to feature a Spirituality Day led by Sister Janet Franklin, C.S.J. Details on member area news page.

Hudson Valley
October 26-28, Albany, NY
"Keeping Hope Alive" meeting information here. Registration here.

October 7, Baltimore

September 19, Chicago
Meeting at Catholic Theological Union at 11 a.m. prior to Catholics on Call Partners Conference.

October 15, Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center, Donaldson, IN
"Unwrapping Our Gifts," by Sister Nancy Raboin, P.H.J.C.

West Coast
October 30-31, Sierra Madre, CA
Father Jim Clarke to present on "Traveling Along the Road to the Kingdom: Spiritual Accompaniment with Young Adults." Tentative schedule here.

Snapshots of summer conferences we took part in

Networking and promoting collaboration

NRVC staff represented the organization at a number of summer gatherings of national Catholic organizations that have a connection to vocation ministry. Thank you to all who took part in these gatherings, listed here.

At the LCWR assembly in August, current and former members of NRVC who are now in leadership gathered for a photo.
At the annual assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. (center left) represented NRVC. She is pictured here with CMSM executive director and former NRVC board member Father Mark Padrez, O.P., along with three other executive directors: Sister Carol Zinn, S.S.J. of LCWR (left), Sister Stephanie Still, P.B.V.M., of the National Religious Retirement Office (center right), and Sister Ellen Dauwer, S.C. of RFC.

Your Amazon purchases can help us

Consider using Amazon Smile

Please consider using Amazon Smile to donate to either NRVC or its partner, the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV). When shopping on Amazon, begin by logging in at When prompted to choose a charity, type in NRVC or NFCRV. From then on, anytime you shop at, .5 percent of your final purchase will go to your chosen charity. The amount you give is based on your total purchase and does not increase your cost.

Use VISION's free event listing

For publicizing any religious community event

Be sure to publicize your community events on VISION Vocation Guide's free online calendar. This calendar is ideal for promoting talks, prayer services, open houses, service opportunities, discernment events, etc.

Since some discerners prefer to get to know communities in a neutral setting, events do not have to be directly connected to vocations. Any event sponsored by a religious community is eligible.

List your event yourself here. Or email event information to Patrice Tuohy:

Resource of the month

Vocation Vocabulary booklet

Our Vocation Vocabulary booklet is a great back-to-school resource. It provides simple, understandable definitions for words particular to religious life. Take the mystery out of vocation conversations!

Consider purchasing copies for bringing to classroom presentations or to give to those inquiring about religious life. It is also ideal for those who assist in vocation promotion, such as faculty, campus ministers, and volunteers. You may want to give out this booklet at faculty retreats, board meetings, or alumni reunions.

Cost: $2 each for members; $3 each for non-members. Purchase at the NRVC online store.

News of HORIZON advertisers & NRVC collaborators

New opportunities and resources for you

RFC congress: Sept. 15 discount rate deadline

The Religious Formation Conference is gathering October 24-27 for its biennial congress in Louisville, Kentucky: "Being Signs of Courageous Hope."  Sister Norma Pimentel, M.J. and Father Bryan Massangale will be keynote speakers. 

Visit; the deadline for discounted registration is September 15. For questions about sponsoring or exhibiting, contact Ryan Hoffmann, associate director at

New book: How We Love: A Formation for the Celibate Life

This new title from Liturgical Press is written by Brother John Mark Falkenhain, O.S.B., a psychologist with experience in vocation and formation ministries. It explores the vow of chastity in depth. Don't miss the excerpt from this book in the Summer 2019 HORIZON.

Jackson Psychological Services

Assessments of candidates to religious institutes are offered by a skilled, experienced religious, psychologist, and NRVC member / presenter / HORIZON writer: Sister Cindy Kaye, R.S.M., Ph.D. 

Institute of Religious Formation & Hesburgh Sabbatical 

The Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Programs at Catholic Theological Union are currently accepting applications for the fall semester of both programs, which begin August 28. For more information, see

St. John Vianney Center

The Saint John Vianney Center specializes in psychological and formational assessments for individuals seeking to enter religious life and comprehensive evaluations to identify community and ministry difficulties.

St. Luke Institute candidate assessment, free webinar

St. Luke Institute (SLI), which offers psychological and spiritual assessments of candidates to religious orders, is also sponsoring a November 14 webinar on "Best Practices in the Candidate Evaluation Process." SLI president Father David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D. will offer recommendations for engaging clinicians, candidates, and vocation and formation personnel in a comprehensive, effective evaluation experience. Register here

Prepare the Word

Prepare the Word is a resource to help preachers prepare homilies that hit home. It also offers material to help nourish and strengthen the faith of parishioners. 

Redemptorist Renewal Center

The peaceful Sonoran Desert is the stunning setting for this retreat center. It offers programs year-round, including its "Contemplative Study and Sabbatical Program" and the "Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction." Learn more at 

Thank you HORIZON advertisers!

HORIZON reaches a premier niche of highly educated religious men and women and lay ministers. Readers hold leadership positions in their communities and influence community decisions. Contact editor Carol Schuck Scheiber for more information: or 567-288-2255. Download the current rate card.


Catholics on Call

Catholics on Call invites campus ministers, vocation directors, and anyone who works with young adult Catholics to attend its next Partner Conference, which will be held in Chicago September 19-20.

Communicators for Women Religious conference

The 25th anniversary conference of the Communicators for Women Religious will have a theme of "Voices Rising the Desert" and will take place in Mesa, Arizona October 1-4. Sister Joan Chittister, O.S.B. will be a keynote speaker.


Dates for 2019-20 vocation ministry

HORIZON turns 50! ...
As it begins its 50th year, HORIZON provides articles by speakers ...  More
Talk it up Tuesdays! ...
These 60-minute Zoom gatherings are designed for members to learn together, ...  More
We're hiring! ...
The NRVC is searching for a dynamic, highly motivated, tech-savvy ministry ...  More
Profession Class Report ...
There are 91 women and 103 men professed perpetual vows in ...  More
Bold and Faithful Storymap ...
The Bold and Faithful Storymap is designed to help connect discerners ...  More
Get involved in your Member ...
NRVC Member Areas are created to come together to share best ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

National Board Meeting

April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Plan ahead...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership