December 2013 newsletter

December 2013 newsletter

2013 NCYC

Catholic teens had a chance to meet and converse with more than 200 vocation ministers and members of religious communities who attended the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) in Indianapolis November 20-23, 2013.

Thanks to the leaders of NCYC and the efforts of NRVC’s associate director, Sister Debbie Borneman, SSCM, NRVC members were able to meet and speak with thousands of Catholic teens. More than 20,000 young people and their chaperones and youth ministers took part in the conference.

Sister Debbie Borneman, SSCM and Father Vince Wirtner, CPPS, NRVC board member, each gave workshops on “Women of Faith/Men of Faith: Following the Call.” 

Photo: Two sisters talk with young people at the 2013 NCYC gathering.

Join us for Advent Days

"Rest stops for the soul"

A few spaces are still available to enroll in “Rest stops for the soul: Transformation for vocation ministers,” led by Father Joseph Nassal, CPPS, to be held December 10-13 at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, AZ.

For details or to enroll, click here.



Renew and be rewarded

Renew your membership (or join us) today!

Members of NRVC consistently tell us that their membership is a source of education, connection, support, and wisdom. Renew (or initiate) your membership today by clicking here.

Learn about the changes in NRVC membership

Why the NRVC is important: Members weigh in



Resource of the month

"Assessment for Global Mission" is a classic assessment resource

Assessment for Global Mission is a classic assessment resource prepared by the Missionaries Ad Gentes, a standing committee of the National Religious Vocation Conference. The purpose of this spiral bound, 22-page resource is to provide vocation ministers with an additional resource complementing other behavioral assessment tools. What sets this booklet apart from other aids is that it focuses on issues specific and unique to global mission service. This easy-to-read resource has four sections:

* For the Interview

* A Personal Profile

* Reflection Tools for the Candidate

* Resources

It is now available at half-price, $6 per copy for members and $9 per copy for non-members. Call or email NRVC to purchase your copy: or (773) 363-5454.

Tech Tip

Photos speak volumes

In electronic communications--emails, blogs, Facebook--images are very important.

Try not to use a lot of words in your communications. A picture really does speak a thousand words! Your communications should be colorful and reflect the personality of your congregation, your charism, and the joy of being a sister, brother, or priest. Complex ideas can be effectively conveyed in a single still image. Imagine the impact of a photo of a sister deep in prayer, a brother lovingly on the streets with people who are poor, or a priest soulfully celebrating a liturgy.

--Adapted from "25 ways to communicate your vocation message," by Debbi Della Porta, HORIZON, Fall 2013.

Men religious gathering

Every community to receive tool for assessing "vocation culture"

The first of two vocation-focused gatherings of men religious will take place December 9-11 at St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana. Sponsored by the National Religious Vocation Conference, the meetings are aimed at helping participants learn about contemporary social and demographic conditions affecting men’s communities. Each participant will receive a tool to assess the vocation culture within his own institute.

The second gathering will be at Holy Name Retreat House in Houston, TX in January. The proceedings will be recorded, and a final report will be made public. This initiative is being underwritten by an anonymous donor.

Photo: De La Salle Christian Brothers at World Youth Day, July 2013.

Jubilee Prayer

Here is the NRVC 25th Jubilee Prayer--set in two styles--which we invite you to print out and use throughout the year for personal reflection, at your regional meetings, in vocation team meetings, or in other similar settings. You may also download a high-resolution file of the prayer set.






Christmas office closure

NRVC office to close Dec. 23 - Jan. 1

The NRVC office will be closed from December 23 through January 1, reopening January 2. All of us on the NRVC staff wish our members and collaborators a joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Artwork by Malaika Favorite

The hope continues

Women religious form Next Steps in Hope committee

The Next Steps in Hope committee is looking at ways to continue the momentum in vocation efforts that began with the “Keys to the Future: Moving Forward in Hope” and “Women Religious Moving Forward in Hope” projects. The Next Steps in Hope committee met in Washington, DC at the Washington Retreat House on November 13. Thank you to all those who are contributing their time and talent to enrich religious life, and thank you to the GHR Foundation for underwriting these efforts.

Members of the team, shown in this photo, are as follows. Front row: Sister Mary Johnson, SNDdeN; Sister Miriam Ukeritis, CSJ; and Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC. Back row: Ms. Mary Pickard from the GHR foundation; Sister Vicki Lichtenhauer, SCL; Sister Kieran Foley, FSE; Sister Margaret Ormond, OP; and Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM. Absent from the photo is team member Sister Maria Therese Healy, O Carm.

Summer workshops in Chicago

Save the date!

Summer Institute

Download brochure

Be sure to set aside time this summer to attend NRVC's Summer Institute. It will feature the following workshops, to take place at the downtown branch of DePaul University in Chicago.

Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry
July 8-9
by Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D.

Behavioral Assessment 1
July 10-12
Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph. D.

Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 14-18
Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC and Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM

Understanding, Assessing
and Fostering Psycho-Sexual Integreation

July 19-22
Sister Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, Ph.D.


Photo:  Participants in the Summer Institute 2013 workshop on contemporary issues in vocation ministry: Sister Maria Gabriel, OSF; Father Vince, CPPS; and Sister Judy, RSM.

Meeting with Archbishop Sartain

By Sr. Jo-Anne Miller C.S.J.P.

On November 21, Sisters Chris Still, OSF; Judy Ryan, SNJM; and Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP (who is a member of the NRVC board) met with Archbishop J. Peter Sartain at the Seattle Archdiocesan chancery to share with him the activities and challenges of the Archdiocese of Seattle Religious Vocation Committee.

We had a wonderful visit! The archbishop was most gracious and supportive and spoke with us about everything we shared. We prepared a packet of information for him explaining our activities, programs, and history, and telling about NRVC resources. We also offered him our thoughts on vocation prayers of the faithful (to include consecrated life), reflections by religious at Sunday liturgies, and the possibility of assistance from the archdiocese with  publicity.

Photo: Sister Chris Still, OSF; Archbishop J. Peter Sartain; Sister Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP; and Sister Judy Ryan, SNJM.

Sister Julie Myers, O.S.F., Sylvania



How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

I spent 18 years in full-time ministry as a physical therapist assistant at Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, Ohio. I began to feel a strong nudge within to look at my own gifts and talents and discern how I could use them beyond that ministry. Not much later, my congregation needed a vocation minister. I immediately turned to God and said, “Oh no! I am not tooled for this!” After much prayer and discernment with our Leadership Team, I transitioned into the vocation world in September 2009. I continue my ministry at the hospital on a contingent basis and also serve on the sacristan team for our motherhouse chapel.

Are you part of a vocation team?

Currently, four of my sisters assist me with programs and projects. Also, the leaders of eight women’s congregations in or near our diocese have pooled our efforts for better energy, support, and collaboration. I’m on a team of eight vocation ministers working together in our region.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?

As a new vocation minister, I chose to continue our membership with NRVC because of the very positive feedback from my predecessor. The first highlight of membership was attending the Orientation to Vocation Ministry workshop. It was wonderful to be with so many sisters, brothers, and priests who did not (yet) know what they were doing either! Honestly, it was a very rich experience to build connections and relationships, as well as to gain significant knowledge and skills. Over the past four years I have found the newsletters very helpful. They are a great reminder to check out the website, which I consider my electronic toolbox! I am energized by the networking that occurs during the biennial convocation. During those events, I have gained mentors, friends, and companions for this journey, insight from the speakers, and understanding of best practices.

What has been your best outreach effort?

Advertising in VISION has been very helpful. It serves as a venue to communicate our name, congregational story, and charism to those who are searching. I appreciate the extra benefit of being able to post events and activities on this site. “Come and See” opportunities and our local Nun Run experiences have been positive efforts. They allow women to ask the questions they would not normally ask . . . and to see beyond the doors and into the hearts of those who have committed their life to God and service to the church. It is good to be open, to invite dialogue, and to let seekers know that a choice for this way of life is not a one-time decision. It takes ongoing discernment, prayer, and a daily “yes.”

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

Network, network, network! It is energizing to collaborate with your own community members, as well as with religious in your diocese. NRVC is a great resource for establishing connections. Finally, another great resource and positive expression of religious life is “A Nun’s Life Ministry” (at Its creators, Sister Julie Vieira, IHM and Sister Maxine Kollasch, IHM, are very creative in building an understanding of religious life.

Contact Sister Julie Myers at

Resource of the month

"Assessment for Global Mission" is a classic assessment resource

Assessment for Global Mission is a classic assessment resource prepared by the Missionaries Ad Gentes, a standing committee of the National Religious Vocation Conference. The purpose of this spiral bound, 22-page resource is to provide vocation ministers with an additional resource complementing other behavioral assessment tools. What sets this booklet apart from other aids is that it focuses on issues specific and unique to global mission service. This easy-to-read resource has four sections:

* For the Interview

* A Personal Profile

* Reflection Tools for the Candidate

* Resources

It is now available at half-price, $6 per copy for members and $9 per copy for non-members. Call or email NRVC to purchase your copy: or (773) 363-5454.

Board Nominations ...
The National Board extends an invitation to all NRVC members to ...  More
Talk it up Tuesdays! ...
These 60-minute Zoom gatherings are designed for members to learn together, ...  More
World Day for Consecrated Life ...
There are several ways to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life! ...  More
HORIZON Fall 2024 ...
This edition focuses on discernment, particularly how vocation ministers can accompany ...  More
Get involved in your Member ...
NRVC Member Areas are created to come together to share best ...  More
Bold and Faithful Storymap ...
Our Bold and Faithful Storymap links people interested in religious life ...  More

NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Southwest Member Area Gathering

January 15, 2025,

via Zoom

National Office Closed

January 20,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Heartland Member Area Gathering

January 22, 2025,

via Zoom

Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025,

Plan now....

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership