Father John Schork, C.P.

Father John Schork, C.P.

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

I've been province vocation director for the Passionists since 2019. I’m a firm believer that we are always involved in vocation ministry, witnessing the vitality of our charism, community, life, and ministry. Also, for seven years I was chaplain to the Serra Club of Northwest Houston, a great group!


What is your vocation team like?

 We do have a “vocation team” of vowed members, one at each of our locations.  We also have a “vocation committee” which includes dedicated laity who are helping us creatively move forward in promoting vocations to our Passionist Family (priests, brothers, nuns, sisters, laity).

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

Sure! Ideas, studies, regional and national networking, printed and online materials, support in a challenging ministry—all these these things have been helpful.


What program, idea, or approach have you used in vocation ministry lately that you have been excited about? 

We’ve developed a healthy relationship with our formation “alumni,” seeking to encourage their growth in our Passionist charism, and their help in spreading the news.  We’ve developed a working document on our Passionist charism, “The Passionist Way,” which came from a mixed group of “family” and which has been very helpful in getting the word out. I’ve also had good feedback from promoting our Passionist logo and using a business card with a simple “elevator speech” on our Passionist Family.  We keep planting seeds.


Any fun facts you'd like to share?

Being an older vocation director is both humbling and fun. I'm living with, learning from, and relating to others one quarter my age. I'll never have any threat to my job security for my province! 


When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?  

The idea of religious life and priesthood began in parochial middle school in Louisville, Kentucky. It didn’t quite jive with tests I later took that told me I had the disposition to be either a forest ranger, or a mortician!

Published on: 2022-12-30

Updated on: 2022-12-30

Edition: January 2023 newsletter

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