Sister Tarianne DeYonker, O.P.
Sister Tarianne DeYonker, O.P.
Sister Tarianne DeYonker, O.P. is part of the vocation team for the Adrian Dominican Sisters headquartered in Michigan. Her six-person vocation team initiates and nurtures relationships with many young adults, especially those making decisions about how to use their gifts.
In July of 2023, I started my sixth year in vocation ministry. Prior to that I ministered in Prince George British Columbia in Canada as a family therapist, a justice and peace coordinator for the diocese, and a team trainer/facilitator for Returning to Spirit, a reconciliation program for those involved in Canadian Residential Schools.
I also have worked in elementary and high school education, grief resolution, and marriage and family therapy.
About a year ago, we formed a six-person vocation team for the United States and the Dominican Republic. Each of us is part time. We have divided up responsibilities and take turns coordinating events throughout the year.
NRVC has provided a strong foundation and become a continuing resource and inspiration to our team. Annual opportunities for continuing education and chances to interact with others in vocation ministry are key to what we do! The regional gatherings help us keep current and inject us with hope and patience.
Zoom has been a boon to our ministry, as it enables women to access us as they continue their discernment. The NRVC workshop "Accompaniment and Communication with Young Catholics" was helpful (held in October 2023). Publications, especially the one-page, two-sided handouts on specific topics are easy to use with our members and with leadership.
Although I haven’t used it much yet, the storymap has lots of promise.
This year we have a candidate, the first one during my time in office. She has shown me what it means when someone feels a call and moves toward us. Her enthusiasm and motivation are reminders of how one responds to a call.
I love walking with young women who are discerning God’s call for their lives. They inspire me with their authenticity.
I enjoy playing a baritone ukelele to accompany Christmas carols and other folk songs!
Published on: 2024-03-28
Edition: April 2024 newsletter
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Mesilla Park, NM
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Beaverton, OR
St. Louis, MO
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