September 2015 newsletter
September 2015 newsletter
NRVC will be part of the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia September 22-25, which is expected to gather 10-15,000 Catholics from 150 countries.
NRVC will be exhibiting at the event at booth 663, and its partner, National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations, will be at booth 661. The two booths will contain information about how families can support religious vocations, including details on the soon-to-be-released NRVC-CARA Study: The Role of the Family in Nurturing Vocations to Religious Life and the Priesthood. Staff and members from Region 3 will be at the NRVC booth.
Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See’s Pontifical Council for the Family, the World Meeting of Families is the world’s largest Catholic gathering of families. Each World Meeting of Families has a theme meant to energize the event and add depth to the church's understanding of families. “Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive" is the theme for the Philadelphia meeting.
The pope's visit to Philadelphia for the event, on September 26 and 27, is expected to attract some 2 million pilgrims.
For more information about the World Meeting of Families, see For details about NRVC's presence, contact Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. at or (773) 363-5454.
Mark Teresi, director of the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations, was granted the Leadership in Vocation Ministry Award by the National Vocations Awareness Division (NVAD) of the J.S. Paluch Company on August 17 in Chicago.
The award was given at the opening banquet of the J.S. Paluch Annual Vocation Seminar. For the past 28 years, the seminar has brought together leaders of the church whose ministry directly or indirectly affects vocations.
In announcing the award, Dolores Orzel, creative director of the NVAD, noted Teresi's long career in development for Mundelein Seminary, as well as his leadership in forming the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations.
The fund was established by NRVC and in July 2015 distributed its first 10 grants to pay student debt of sisters in formation.
The staff and members of NRVC extend condolences to the religious community, family, and friends of Sister Jeanne Schweickert, O.S.F., who died August 19 in Chicago.
Sister Jeanne was the executive director of the National Conference of Religious Vocation Directors (NCRVD) from 1984-88. She oversaw the merging of the NCRVD with the National Sisters Vocation Conference (NSVC), which resulted in the creation of the National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) in 1988.
Sister Jeanne shared her religious life with the School Sisters of St. Francis for 61 years. Her passion for vocation ministry and outreach to the poor and those who suffer from AIDS were hallmarks of her religious life. May she rest in peace.
Over the summer staff and board members represented NRVC at the annual gatherings of four national organizations for religious life. By being present, NRVC strengthens its collaboration with other groups and remains part of the conversation about contemporary religious life and its future.
Brother Ronnie Hingle, S.C., chair of the NRVC board, represented the group at the Religious Brothers Conference assembly held July 18-21 in New Orleans. The theme was "Brotherhood: a distinct vocation lived in diverse ways." The keynote speaker was Brother Mark McVann, F.S.C. of St. Mary's College in Moraga, California.
Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., NRVC executive director, attended the Assembly of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men in Charlotte, North Carolina, August 4-8. The theme was “Celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life: Gratitude, Passion, Hope.” Archbishop Joseph Tobin, C.S.s.R. delivered a presentation on renewal since Vatican II on behalf of Cardinal João Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. Theologian Massimo Faggioli spoke about the ecclesiology of Vatican II as a framework for religious life today.
Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M., director of member relations and services, and Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., executive director, attended and exhibited at the Leadership Conference of Women Religious Assembly in Houston August 11-14. Participants discussed issues facing religious life and its leaders under the theme of “Springs of the Great Deep Burst Forth: Meeting the Thirsts of the World.” Keynoters included executive director Sister Janet Mock, C.S.J., who spoke on contemporary realities and joy; Sister Sharon Holland, I.H.M, who spoke on the doctrinal assessment; and Father Stephen Bevans, S.V.D., who spoke of thirst as a grace, a yearning that can lead to growth.
Several staff members of NRVC, board members, and editors of its publications attended the J.S. Paluch Annual Vocation Seminar August 17-19 in Chicago. The theme was collaboration as an essential element in vocation ministry, and the keynoter was Father Frank Donio, S.A.C., director of the Catholic Apostolate Center near Washington, D.C. In addition, NRVC's executive director, Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., presented the results of the NRVC-CARA study about the impact of families on church vocations.
Limited seats are still available to attend one of NRVC's four workshops at the Fall Institute, taking place October 13-25 at Marillac Center in Leavenworth, Kansas. They consist of:
Behavioral Assessment 1, by Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D., October 13-15
Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry, by Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D., October 16-17
Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors, by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. and Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M., October 18-22
Trends, Issues, and Best Practices in Vocation Ministry in the 21st Century, by Sister Maria Cimperman, R.S.C.J., Ted Dunn, Ph.D., and Brother Sean D. Sammon, F.M.S., October 23-25
For further information, contact Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M. at 773-363-5454 or
As part of the Year of Consecrated Life, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, along with the men's and women's leadership conferences for religious, have designated September 13, 2015 as a collaborative Day of Prayer with Religious. Events will include vespers, rosary, or holy hours in convents, monasteries, religious houses, and churches. NRVC encourages its members to plan vocation events in their communities for this day of collaborative prayer.
Prayers, intentions, prayer cards, a video on consecrated life, and other resources are available here.
Join us at one of four venues across the country to learn about the newest generation of Catholic sisters and why we need them now more than ever. Hear remarkable stories from these modern women who have answered the call and learn how they perceive their mission.
These unique gatherings, hosted by NRVC during the Year of Consecrated Life and made possible due to the generosity of the GHR Foundation, will include young sisters, along with the authors of New Generations of Catholic Sisters: The Challenge of Diversity.
A Q & A session and raffle will follow the main presentation. Refreshments will be served.
This is an excellent chance to generate support for Catholic sisters now and in the future. Please invite your family, friends, discerners, and parishioners to attend as well!
September 12, 2015, 9 a.m. - noon (Central time)
University of the Incarnate Word, Fine Arts Auditorium, San Antonio, TX
Click here for the live streamed videos. There are two videos titled "New Generations of Catholic Sisters."
September 20, 2015, 1-4 p.m (Central time).
Dominican University, Lund Auditorium, River Forest, IL
Click here for the live streamed video.
October 10, 2015, 1-4 p.m (Eastern time). Mass to follow.
Immaculata University, Alumnae Hall, Immaculata, PA
January 23, 2016, 9 a.m. - noon (Pacific time).
Mount Saint Mary’s University, Doheny Campus, Rose Hills Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA
Please RSVP.
New Generations of Catholic Sisters authors:
Sister Mary Johnson, S.N.D.deN.
Sister Patricia Wittberg, S.C.
Dr. Mary Gautier
Questions? Call the NRVC offices at 773-363-5454 or email Julie Montague at
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) will take place November 19-21 in Indianapolis, Indiana, and vocation directors are invited to be part of the event as volunteers or as exhibitors. NCYC is a three day high-energy experience of prayer, community, and talks for more than 23,000 teens, parents, and youth ministers from around the country. The 2015 NCYC theme is Here I Am Lord/Aqui Estoy Senor. For details about how NRVC members can take part, click here.
Please note: The registration deadline for exhibitors and vocation teams is October 9. Additionally: All adult participants must have safe ministry credentials and background checks. This requirement will be processed after registering for the event.
In addition RFC will hold a congress in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 5-7 with a theme of "Rejoice: God's Tomorrow Beckons." The keynote speakers will be Father Daniel Groody, C.S.C. and Sister Janet Mock, C.S.J. Seminar presenters are Sister Linda Gibler, O.P., Sister Julia Prinz, V.D.M.F., Brother Loughlan Sofield, S.T. and Father David Couturier, O.F.M. Cap.TLoughlan Sofield, ST
RFC is also hosting a webinar November 17 by Sister Paula Cooney, I.H.M. on "Retirement: an Invitation to Transformation." For more on the congress or webinar, see
Vocation directors are encouraged to let discerners know about a webinar series tailored specifically for them—the next of which occurs October 28 and features NRVC's Sister Debbie Borneman, SS.C.M. She will speak at 7 p.m. on "Discernment Techniques in a World Full of Choices."
Sponsored by A Nun's Life Ministry, each of the three remaining webinars are led by a different sister, with topics including prayer tips, Advent engagement, and how to know if God is really calling you. Learn more and register to take part at
The Center for the Study of Consecrated Life invites the public to its fall conference, “The Global Call of Religious Life Today," on October 15-17 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Participants will explore questions including: To what is the Spirit inviting consecrated life and all of us seeking to live the Gospel today? How are we to read the signs of the times and respond in light of the Gospel today? How are we to respond to the calls and cries of the world today? Keynote speakers include: Sister Patricia Murray, I.B.V.M., general secretary of the International Union of Superiors General and former executive director of Solidarity with South Sudan Project; Father Benigno Beltran, S.V. CEO of Vertias Social Empowerment, Inc. in the Philippines; and Father A. E. Orobator, S.J., moral theologian and former provincial of the Eastern Africa region. For more information see or call 773-371-5431.
St. John Vianney Center is sponsoring a series of programs for Catholic sisters focusing on “Exploring the Identity of Religious Life in the 21st Century: Who do you say that I am?” Sessions are scheduled for:
For more information, click here, or contact Pat Weston at or call 888-993-8885.
St. Luke Institute is offering a free, live webinar on the new U.S. bishops’ document, "Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in Seminary Admissions," on Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. (ET). The presenters are Father David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D.; Emily Cash, Psy.D.; and Altoona-Johnstown Bishop Mark Bartchak, J.C.D.
Designed for vocation directors, formation directors, psychologists, and other professionals engaged in candidate assessments, the presenters will discuss key components of the document, canonical and ethical considerations, and practical suggestions for implementation. The workshop will be relevant for both religious community and diocesan personnel. For details, see
The Council of Major Superiors of Women (CMSWR) has produced a documentary about the calling and daily lives of a variety of women religious. Titled "For Love Alone," the DVD may be purchased for $9.95 on See the trailer on YouTube.
CMSWR will also host a fall symposium, “To Wake up the World,” November 13-14 at the Drury Plaza Hotel at the Arch in St. Louis. This will be a national event at which scholars and religious come together to discuss the beauty and witness of religious life. The keynote address will be by Archbishop Augustine DiNoia, O.P., adjunct secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is open to all religious, priests, and laity. Learn more at
In the e-book Discover your path: Best of VISION Vocation Guide, discerners of all types can benefit from VISION's more than two decades of published wisdom on topics such as discernment, prayer, the vows, and contemporary sisters, brothers, and priests.
Reviewers have called the book "thoughtful," "wise," and "trustworthy." Consider giving this treasure trove of solid information and inspiration to people in discernment as a gift for Advent, Christmas, or Year of Consecrated Life.
The book is available for 99 cents in Kindle form and can be read with the free Kindle app on any device. Click here to learn more or to purchase it.
Sept. 12 & 20, Oct. 10, Jan. 23 |
Sept. 13, 2015 |
Sept. 22-25, 2015 |
Sept. 24-25, 2015 |
Sept. 28-30, 2015 |
Oct. 13-25, 2015 |
Nov. 1-7, 2015 |
Nov. 19-21, 2015 |
Dec. 8, 2015-Nov. 20, 2016 |
Dec. 14-17, 2015 |
Feb. 2, 6 & 7, 2016 |
March 4-6, 2016 |
April 17, 2016 |
July 25-31, 2016 |
Oct. 26-31, 2016 |
I have been involved in vocation ministry with the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Cabrini) since 2009. I am currently the co-coordinator of NRVC Region 3-Pennsylvania with Sister Amelia Breton, S.B.S.
I'm the communications and website director as well as the coordinator for the Vocation Promotion Team. I collaborate with our MSC vocation director in responding to inquiries from VISION and other sources. I work with a province team comprised of Missionary Sisters and lay collaborators to develop and coordinate our vocation outreach.
My specific role is to develop the agenda, schedule, and chair meetings of our vocations team. In between meetings, I am responsible for ongoing communication with the Vocation Promotion Team and for publishing vocation materials/news stories on our website and in our weekly electronic newsletter.
NRVC has been a tremendous resource for me in my dual capacity of vocation coordinator and director of communications for the Missionary Sisters. The updates we receive from NRCV are topical, practical, and educational. The publications, website, and news bulletins enable me to keep our vocation team up to date, connected to one another, and to other religious communities. NRVC provides us with the big picture on vocation; it is a valued and trusted source of knowledge and information.
This spring, for the Year of Consecrated Life, eight communities of women religious in Region 3 sponsored a communal day of service titled “Serving with the Sisters.” Volunteer teams of sisters, college students, and laity served at a variety of sites in the Kensington area of Philadelphia, painting, gardening, cleaning up, etc. The camaraderie of the day was faith in action!
What I enjoy most is the hopeful, upbeat spirit of all the religious congregations with whom I journey. These are truly good, faith-filled women and men. As a laywoman working in vocation ministry, my life has been enriched by their lives in Christ. Everyone is genuinely supportive of one another as together we seek to walk with those who are discerning God’s call in their lives.
Contact Nancy at
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