Wishing you Advent blessings that bring you to a joyful Christmas.
Author(s)National Office / Comments0 / Tags
Just a reminder that the National Office will be closed from December 23 through...
2021 Posts
Author(s)National Office / Comments0 / Tags
Just a reminder that the National Office will be closed from December 23 through...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
As an NRVC member, you already receive an annual subscription to our professional journal, HORIZON. Why not consider a gift subscription to those who support you throughout the year? An annual subscription to HORIZON focuses on hope and faith in the future of religious life. You already know that consecrated life unleashes a tremendous amount...
Author(s)Sr. Charlene Herinckx, SSMO, Director of Membership / Comments0 / Tags
Renewal of your NRVC Membership for 2022 (which includes a subscription to the HORIZON journal) will continue to provide you with valuable resources for your important ministry. While you won't be the first to renew membership, we encourage you not to be the LAST! We ask that we receive your
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments1 / Tags
Sister Barbara E. Reid, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids, Michigan and holds a Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. She is President of Catholic Theological Union and Carroll Stuhlmueller, CP, Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies. Sr. Barbara has taught at CTU since 1988 a...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
This vivid artwork embodies the 2022 Convocation theme: Call beyond Borders, recognizing God’s endless call to holiness. The swirling waters, gusty wind, and airborne dove speak of the vibrant symbols of the Holy Spirit moving freely beyond borde...
Author(s)Phil Loftus / Comments0 / Tags
Despite some of the challenges in 2020, the National Religious Vocation Conference continued to thrive by serving members and providing opportunities for connections throughout the year. We encourage you to review our accomplishments in the 2020 ...
Author(s)National Office / Comments0 / Tags
As we prepare to celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, November 7-13, we thank our Episcopal Moderator, Archbishop Charles Thompson, for his message of encouragement, gratitude, and hope to the NRVC and its members in this video message.
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
The National Religious Vocation Conference and other national organizations are partnering with Ministry Training Source in new research on youth and young adult ministry leaders in the United States. Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale will lead this research in two phases begi...
Author(s)Maureen Cetera, Director of Finance and Operations / Comments1 / Tags
Please click on the arrow in the photo above to learn more! Did you ever stop to think about your superpower? Maybe you have a special superpower like my husband – he can shoot flies from across the room with a rubber band. He rarely misses! He also has a superpower singing voice, similar to that of his famous cousin, Peter Cetera, of t...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
Due to the global pandemic and the uncertainty of how the virus continues to spread and affect our lives, our biennial Fall Institute will be offered through the Zoom platform. It’s not too late to register for a workshop to learn, network, and enhance your skills in vocation ministry. Consider inviting a member of your community to joi...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a biennial three-day experience to encounter Christ, experience Church, and be empowered for discipleship, sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). Over 10,000 high school teens, parents, and youth ministers from across the country will gather November 18-2...
Author(s)Sr. Charlene Herinckx, SSMO, Director of Membership / Comments0 / Tags
We are excited to invite you to a webinar for discerners entitled “Fundamentals from Call to Charism to Community Living”. It will be the first in a six-part series of free hour-long webinars intended for a varying audience that will provide follow-up to the 2020 NRVC Study on Recent Vocations.
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments2 / Tags
On October 19, 2021, the NRVC is offering a free workshop
Author(s)Marge Argyelan, Director of Database Administration / Comments0 / Tags
Once again, Summer Institute has come to a close, and I am reminded how grateful I am to be part of the NRVC team which serves you, our members. I learned so much. Not only did I learn the Olympic sports in which our workshop attendees would choose to compete and the reading material on their nightstand, but I was plunged int...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments1 / Tags
For many NRVC members, July is filled with numerous memories of Summer Institute, a major event to form significant relationships with colleagues in vocation ministry. This year is no exception with 174 registrations from across congregations, generations, and cultures. Our participants are zooming from Canada, China, Ireland, Italy, Ken...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
One of the values of the NRVC is to foster a culture of vocations in a spirit of collaboration, joy, and hope. Some of our major collaborators extended invitations to participate in their upcoming conferences and workshops. This is an opportunity to share the NRVC mission and values. Religious Brothers Conference 50th
Author(s)Marge Argyelan, Director of Database Administration / Comments0 / Tags
This summer GRAB your earbuds and PLUG IN to the NRVC! Whether you are enjoying a day at the ocean or planning a road trip to visit discerners, you can take the NRVC along with you. If you are looking for some short clips, listen to the NRVC
Author(s)Marge Argyelan, Director of Database Administration / Comments0 / Tags
HORIZON and VISION continue to win awards for excellence from the Catholic Media Association and it is you, our members as writers, who help make this possible. Awardees were announced today and our congratulations go out to Sr. Ana Cecilia Montalvo F.Sp.S., who received third place best writing in-depth for her 2020 HORIZON article:&...
Author(s)Sr. Charlene Herinckx, SSMO, Director of Membership / Comments0 / Tags
Recently I came across a quotation from Fr. Joe Nassal, C.PP.S. that reminded me of the unique role of religious communities around the world. “Like a shooting star against the dark sky of injustice and ignorance, founders of religious communities lit up the landscape with a burst of hope.” I have long been int...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M. / Comments0 / Tags
Our biennial Fall Institute will offer three onsite workshops (OP, BA1, and BA2) at the Mercy Conference and Retreat Center in Saint Louis, MO, October 5-17, 2021. Choose to attend one or several workshops....
Author(s)Marge Argyelan, Director of Database Administration / Comments0 / Tags member directory
How to access the NRVC Member Directory was mentioned in the Talk It Up Tuesday evaluations. Below is a short video which explains where to find the directory on the website and tips on using the directory. If you have any questions, or need to update your profile, please feel free to contact me at 773-490-6556 o...
Author(s)Phil Loftus / Comments0 / Tags
My wife and I were fortunate to be able to attend in person Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ on Good Friday and then celebrate the Resurrection on Easter Sunday at St. Mary of the Woods our local parish. The combined music and readings of Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Christ were a wonderful reminder of the final ...
Author(s)Maureen Cetera, Director of Finance and Operations / Comments0 / Tags
We are pleased to announce that the National Board has decided to freeze NRVC membership fees! NRVC membership fees will remain the same in 2022 as for 2021: single membership for 2022 will be $820, and license membership for up to five members will be $1,380. We will send you a membership renewal notice in Augu...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
Help us to celebrate World Day of Prayer for Vocations by emailing a photo of a member of your community praying for vocations! The NRVC will share these photos on Facebook and in other publications. The photo can be in any setting. Let’s showcase the varied ways we pray as religious. Email photos to
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
Join us to celebrate the vocation of Brothers! The NRVC is grateful for the 78 Brothers who are NRVC members. The NRVC is partnering with the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, the Religious Formation Conference, and the Religious Brothers Conference for a virtual gathering on May 1st, 12:30-1:30 p.m. CT. For more information and to regist...
Author(s)Maureen Cetera, Director of Finance and Operations / Comments6 / Tags
Dear Members, Last night I was reading the Convocation 2020 survey responses – and was completely humbled by the gratitude and compliments for our NRVC leadership team and National Board. A clear message that came through was your sincere JOY in your ministry. Vocation ministry is not easy, and you do it anyway. You are my heroe...
Author(s)Marge Argyelan, Director of Database Administration / Comments0 / Tags
The National Office team gathered to discuss two chapters from Ted Dunn’s Graced Crossroads; Pathways to Deep Change & Transformation. He has practiced as a clinical psychologist and guide to religious communities for over thirty years. Each of us shared a significant word or phrase which ...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
The NRVC invites you to join us for one hour of learning, talking, and encouraging one another in vocation ministry! Topics for March are as follows: Tuesday, March 2, Involving vowed membership in key relationships with inquirers presented by Sr. Tarianne DeYonker, O.P. Tuesday...
Author(s)Phil Loftus / Comments0 / Tags
As I ponder this question I am reminded that all of us are called to be signs of hope for each other. I found a hopeful sign in a recent article that I read in the Catholic Sen...
Author(s)National Office / Comments0 / Tags
Convocation 2020 keynote presentations will be posted for public viewing on the NRVC YouTube Channel over the next few months. You can use these inspiring presentations to animate your congregations in promoting vocations to religious life. Consider show...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
In celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life, NRVC will be releasing several newly recorded Abundant Hope videos. The videos, hosted on the NRVC YouTube Channe...
Author(s)Sister Deborah M. Borneman SS.C.M., Director of Mission Integration / Comments0 / Tags
Join in the conversation with NRVC members to learn a new skill, share ideas, and connect with other vocation directors during the winter months. Starting at 1:00 p.m. Central Time, it’s 60 minutes of engagement: 20 for the presentation, 20 for small group insights, and 20 for large group conversation magnifying ideas. This is a...
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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
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