Multicultural issues
Multicultural issues
Most experts in racial justice see the Catholic Church as “Those who preach, but don’t practice.” In this stellar work, Racial Justice and the Catholic Church, African American priest and moral theologian Bryan N. Massingale asks: “Does Catholic faith have any relevance for the struggle for racial justice and equality in 21st century America?” Read more...
The invitation to religious life today is a call, not only to change one’s way of living, praying, ministering and relating, but an invitation to be transformed. And due to the cultural and racial diversity of those called to religious life today, the transformation within the invitation needs to be mutual. Read more...
"I think the vocation directors I work with would love to have African Americans in their communities, but most of their communities are almost entirely Caucasian. I believe that some of these religious communities might benefit from the guidance of African American religious on how to engage the Black Catholic community." Read more...
The vast majority of religious in the United States are significantly older and less racially diverse than those considering religious life. How does the current membership foster the feeling of belonging among new members from very different upbringings and cultural backgrounds? That is an ongoing question for us. Read more...
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