2016 Convocation follow-up
2016 Convocation follow-up
More than 300 people attended NRVC's biennial convocation in Overland Park, Kansas, October 27-31., with participants coming from the U.S. and seven other countries.
At the closing banquet, NRVC honored the following people and organizations for their outstanding contributions to vocation ministry. Catholic Volunteer Network received the Harvest Award. Outstanding Recognition Awards went to Sisters Adrienne Kaufmann, O.S.B.; Lynn Levo, C.S.J.; and Patricia Twohill, O.P. The Mustard Seed Award was given to the Dubuque Area Vocation Association. (Scroll to the end of this story for photos of honorees.) NRVC also paid tribute to Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C., its executive director from 2002 until September 2016.
Following are some follow-up notes regarding the convocation.
Please take a moment to fill out an online evaluation. NRVC is eager for feedback to guide planning for the next convocation, which is scheduled for November 1-5 in Buffalo, New York.
The convocation keynote addresses and selected reflections will be published in the Winter edition of HORIZON, which is released in early February.
CDs and DVDs of the keynote speakers and workshops can be ordered online from Audio Visual Management, by mailing this order form, or calling 888-763-1464.
Thank you to all who contributed at the final convocation liturgy to the collection for Veronica's Voice, a Kansas City area initiative that supports women escaping human trafficking. Donations totaled $1,655.
View and download photos at NRVC's Flickr site. View online the livestream interactive broadcast of "So you think you've been called" as well as videos of the convocation.
Please direct any concerns regarding your hotel bill to Nix and Associates at 800-266-0866 or 314-645-1455.
NRVC extends a final word of thanks to the following groups that helped underwrite the convocation through sponsorship or an exhibit booth. Links to their websites are here.
A Guide to Religious Ministries
Cards by Anne
Catholic Health Association
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Catholic Theological Union
Catholic Volunteer Network
Conley-Teresi Family
Communicators for Women Religious
Congregation of Holy Cross, Moreau Province
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Christian Brothers Services, Inc.
Heartland Member Area
J.S. Paluch Company, Inc. NVAD
Missionaries of the Precious Blood
National Catholic Reporter
Paluch Family Foundation
Presence Health
Resource Center for Religious Institutes
Sassetti CPA
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth
Sister of Mercy of the Americas
Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet
Society of the Holy Child Jesus
Southdown Institute
Smallsmall Acts
Saint John Vianney Center
Saint Luke Institute
Tau Healing Arts
TrueQuest Communications
Christmas holiday
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