NRVC job opening
NRVC job opening
NRVC is seeking applications by January 12 for the part-time position of program and communication coordinator.
The organization seeks an experienced professional minister with a strong background in event planning and communications. This newly created, part-time position will provide administrative and clerical support to the director of member relations and services, Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.
The coordinator will be responsible for promoting NRVC events, communicating timely information to participants, and organizing details for successful programs. The person who will thrive in this position will be a creative and mission-driven extrovert with excellent written and verbal skills, a proven ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously, and an ability to build and sustain successful relationships and listen effectively.
This position will have a flexible work week of 20 hours at the national office in Chicago and on-site at events. Find a detailed position description here. Resumes should be sent to
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Mesilla Park, NM
Sister Kim Xuan Nguyen C.C.V.I. is a chiropractor. But now, instead of, "Where does it hurt?" she may be more likely to ask, “What brings you joy?” She is the vocation minister for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in Houston. She’s also the Southwest Area Coordinator of the NRVC. Read more...
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