Communications tip of the month
Communications tip of the month
America magazine published a short commentary by Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, Australia on February 6. He encouraged church ministers to use social media because it is a normal means of communication (and thereby evangelization). He also stressed that social media should be used wisely. His tips:
♦ Be optimistic (but not Pollyanna-ish)
♦ Use humor because it attracts people to your gospel messages and because humor helps people retain your messages. Do it by "turning an ironic eye on the world in a way that is typical of the Bible. Real humor is the servant of real hope," wrote Coleridge.
♦ Do not engage in ideological warfare. It undermines positivity. Judicious silence can be golden.
Coleridge notes that Pope Francis has used social media well because he is a "pastor and missionary attuned to the very personal encounters that social media can make possible. Pope Francis is showing something of what it means to put new wine in new wineskins."
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