June 2014 newsletter
June 2014 newsletter
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Top: NRVC was part of a delegation that traveled to Poland in May to begin planning the English-speaking pavilion for the 2016 World Youth Day, to be held in Krakow. From left to right are: Father Marek Lesniak, liaison from the World Youth Day Planning Committee; Father John Kalisch, O.P., director of chaplains and spiritual development for the Knights of Columbus; Ms. Beth Mahoney, director of mission for Holy Cross Family Ministries; and Brother Paul of NRVC. Bottom: Polish students from Jagiellonian University, who will volunteer for World Youth Day, met with the delegation. |
At the invitation of the Knights of Columbus, NRVC Executive Director Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. traveled with a small delegation to Krakow, Poland, for meetings on May 18 in preparation for World Youth Day 2016. NRVC and VISION Vocation Network will be partnering with the Knights in providing the English-speaking pavilion for the estimated 3 million pilgrims expected in Krakow in 2016. Ms. Beth Mahoney, director of mission for Holy Cross Family Ministries, was also invited.
The purpose of the visit was to meet with officials from the World Youth Day Planning Committee, view potential venue sites, and meet with Polish members of the Knights who are involved in the planning. In addition, the delegation met with students from the Jagiellonian University who will assist as volunteers. The Knights of Columbus has 65 local councils in Poland. Representing the Knights were Father John Kalisch, O.P., director of chaplains and spiritual development, and Mr. Szymon Czyszek, Polish liaison and legal advisor.
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Sister Debbie shared with Irish vocation ministers what NRVC has learned about best practices, strategic planning, the context for vocation ministry, key questions for communities, and more.
Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., NRVC associate director of programs and resources, was the keynote speaker at the Vocations Ireland Summer Seminar held May 17 near Dublin, Ireland. More than 100 Irish vocation directors heard her speak on the theme "Equipping religious communities for vocation ministry."
If you are responsible for interviewing and assessing discerners, learn how to master these skills from one of the top experts in the country: Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. He will present the NRVC workshop "Behavioral Assessment 1" July 10-12 in Chicago as part of NRVC's Summer Institute.
This workshop will focus on initial assessment of candidates, but the methodology easily applies to assessing candidates in other stages of formation as well. Participants will study sample case reports, learn skills for interviewing, and understand guidelines for organizing the information into useful reports. Interview topics include: family background, educational and occupational histories, psychosexual histories and intimacy skills, faith history, etc.
"The most helpful part . . . was real answers to real needs. My sense is that finally I have something to apply to the issues I struggle with in assessing candidates," said Sister Mary Ana Steele, O.S.F., a past participant in this workshop.
Father Carey is a clinical psychologist and priest of the Archdiocese of Seattle who has taught assessment skills to vocation ministers for more than 15 years. For details or to register for the workshop, click here.
In addition to the assessment workshop, NRVC is also offering the following at its Summer Institute in Chicago. Register now while space is still available!
Ethical Issues, July 8-9, by Father Raymond P. Carey, Ph.D. Click here for details.
Orientation Program, July 14-18, by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C. and Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M. Click here for details.
Psychosexual Integration, July 19-22, by Sister Lynn Levo, C.S.J. Click here for details.
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Patrick Reidy, C.S.C. was ordained a Holy Cross priest on April 26 by Bishop Kevin Rhoades. (Photo by Matt Cashore, University of Notre Dame) |
A study of the approximately 477 men ordained in 2014 shows ethnic and education trends of recent years continuing to hold true. The group is ethnically mixed, although Hispanics, measuring 15 percent of the ordinands, are under-represented. (Roughly a third of American Catholics are Hispanic.)
As in past years, the men also show a strong link to Catholic education. Half attended Catholic grade school, 41 percent attended Catholic high school, and 45 percent a Catholic college.
The annual study of ordinands--both diocesan and religious order--was conducted by the Center for Research in the Apostolate for the U.S. Catholic Bishops' Conference. Click here for the full or summarized study. Other major findings about new ordinands include:
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Sister Debbie celebrates her grad- uation with Sister Michael Ann Orlik, SS.C.M., general superior of the Sisters of St. Cyril and Methodius. |
Congratulations to Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M., NRVC associate director, on graduating May 7 with a master's of divinity from the Institute of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University of Chicago. Sister Debbie focused many of her assignments on vocation issues, and her final paper was "A Study of Weariness among Women Religious in Promoting Vocations to Religious Life." This is Sister Debbie's second master's degree.
Singer John Angotti, who will entertain at NRVC's convocation in Chicago November 7, was recently featured on Rome Reports TV News. Click here to see a two-minute clip of Angotti singing and being interviewed.
The J.S. Paluch Foundation is sponsoring a convocation concert by Angotti and Meredith Augustin.
In addition to top entertainment talent, the convocation will commemorate NRVC's 25th jubilee and will feature:
Click here for more information or to register today.
This eight-page "Culture of Vocations" assessment tool was developed by Brother John Mark Falkenhain, O.S.B. for the “Men Religious Moving Forward in Hope” gatherings. This tool helps communities evaluate whether and how their internal culture encourages new membership. It was developed by men religious for men religious. NRVC hopes to eventually develop a comparable tool specifically for women religious.
This tool may be used in a variety of ways and can be adapted to a number of settings. For instance, it can be used for individual reflection, in a series of small group discussions, by leadership to generate strategic initiatives, etc. It aims to identify areas of strengths and areas that need development. Assessment questions are organized in six categories: charism, community, spiritual life and prayer, work, preparation for celibacy, and relationships to the larger church.
Member price: $4 per copy. Non-member price: $6 per copy. Click here to order.
NRVC is welcoming nominations for the NRVC Recognition Award, to be given at its November Convocation. The award is given at the biennial convocation to members who have shown outstanding leadership and service in vocation ministry. The criteria are:
Contact Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC at bpaulbcsc@nrvc.net for the recommendation form, which is due August 1.
Vocation ministers are invited to sharpen their communication skills at the 20th annual conference of Communicators for Women Religious, to take place in Long Beach, California, September 30 - October 3. The theme will be "Lights! Camera! Mission! Advancing Mission Through Storytelling and Visual Media."
Keynote speakers will include Sister Rose Pacatte, F.S.P. ("The Heart of the Story"); Jan Phillips ("Living on the Creative Edge"); Krista Neher ("Visual Social Media"); Marilyn Beker ("Connecting Story and Image on Film"); and Sister Eileen McNerney, C.S.J. ("Spirituality of Communications").
To learn more about the conference or to register, see c4wr.org.
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Participants listen attentively during a Partner Conference. |
Catholics on Call invites young people, ages 18-30, who are considering a life of service in the church to attend its August 5-9 Young Adult Conference in Chicago. Participants will have the opportunity to connect and pray with other like-minded young adults, to hear nationally known speakers, discuss how to listen to God’s call, and to learn valuable skills that will help them to discern their vocation, whether it be to priesthood, religious life, or lay ecclesial ministry.
The conference will take place at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Registration is $100 and includes room and board. For an application, go to www.catholicsoncall.org.
Vocation ministers are encouraged to join Catholics on Call for its 10th annual Partner Conference September 18-19 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. The conference will bring together campus ministers, vocation directors, and other young adult ministers from around the country to engage in conversation and discussion about how to support Catholic young adults as they strive to discover God's call. The keynote speaker is Jonny Baker, team leader for "Pioneer Leadership," a non-traditional ministry training program for the Church Mission Society in London, UK. Click here for information or to register for the conference.
For more information on either conference, contact Birgit Oberhofer at catholicsoncall@ctu.edu or (773) 371-5431.
In celebration of its 60th anniversary, the Religious Formation Conference (RFC) is offering a series of two-day gatherings in different locations titled "From Center to Periphery: Relocating the Prophetic Witness of Religious Life." The events will feature keynote addresses by Richard Gaillardetz, theology professor, and Sister Carol Jean Willie, SC, NGO representative to the United Nations.
September 19-20 | Chicago |
September 26-27 | Renton (Seattle), WA |
October 10-11 | Atchison, KS |
October 17-18 | San Antonio, TX |
In addition RFC will offer "Orientation to Formation Ministry" December 12-14 in Willimantic, CT. Vocation ministers are invited to attend to understand the bigger picture of initial formation.
Visit relforcon.org for details about these and other RFC programs.
At age 11 I gave a presentation to a parent group at our parish on the importance of Catholic values being alive in the family. So perhaps I began 50 years ago! I have been a lay vocation minister with the Dominican Sisters for almost three years now. I also was a member of the NRVC board in 2013.
I am blessed to be part of a team that consists of members of our leadership team and our formation team. Our entire congregation is committed to vocations as part of the team. My main responsibilities are coordinating and supervising aspects of the pre-entrance program by responding to inquiries, facilitating interested women in visiting members and ministries of the congregation, and engaging other members in informal interaction with interested women.
NRVC is an outstanding source of education, resources, networking, and support to its members and others involved in vocation work. They are the “go to” leaders in providing vocation ministers with facts through their research studies on vocations and religious life. In the trainings and meetings sponsored by NRVC, I am continually impressed by the transparency, depth of communication, and fun built into events that make us better vocation ministers.
Inviting young women to events that address the critical issues of our times and are relevant to our geographic needs, participating in campus events, and extending invitations to students to pray and have conversation with the sisters at days of study, reflection, and prayer.
Trust that God is always working in front of you and behind your back when it comes to promoting vocations. Invite your congregation to pray for vocations and for you.
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