Spark a conversation about religious life using this new video series of newer entrants and senior professed members talking about their lived experiences of intergenerational and intercultural vowed communal life.
These short two-three minute videos from a variety of sisters, brothers, and priests can be used in vocation promotion as a way to demonstrate the vitality of consecrated life across generations. They can also be used in community conversations with NRVC's Study and Reflection Guide to enhance vocation ministry. Download the Abundant Hope complementary handout to provide to participants when showing the videos.
All the videos can be accessed directly through the National Religious Vocation Conference YouTube Channel Abundant Hope Playlist, or through the links provided. Thank you to our partners at Franciscan Media who recorded the videos through the generosity of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and SOAR!
The NRVC is grateful for the following sisters, brothers, and priests from 61 religious institutes who entered religious life from 1949-2017 for writing a script to share their lived experiences of responding to God's endless call.
- Father Raymond Akumbilim, S.V.D.
- Sister Gloria Ardenio Agnes, M.M.
- Sister Comfort Arthur, C.S.C.
- Brother Joseph Bach, O.S.F.
- Sister Barbara Beasley, R.G.S.
- Sister Janice Brown, O.P.
- Father George Bur, S.J.
- Sister Sarah Cieplinski, SNDdeN
- Sister Marie Cinotti, F.M.M.
- Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN
- Father David Cooney, S.D.S.
- Sister Jessica Corral, M.E.SS.T.
- Sister Grace Marie Del Priore, C.S.S.F.
- Sister Vuong Do, F.M.A.
- Sister Beatrice Donnellan, S.H.Sp.
- Sister Elizabeth Doyle, A.S.C.J.
- Father Tom Dunleavy, M.M.
- Sister Maria Louise Edwards, C.S.S.F.
- Sister Constance FitzGerald, O.C.D.
- Sister Kay Fitzgerald, O.S.B.
- Sister Katherine Frazier, O.P.
- Brother Alfred George, f.m.s.
- Sister Magdala Marie Gilbert, O.S.P.
- Sister Doreen Glynn, C.S.J.
- Sister Maria Gomez, SSND
- Sister Ana Gonzalez, O.P.
- Sister Virginia Gordon, R.G.S.
- Sister Doris Goudeaux, S.S.F.
- Sister Alison Green, S.S.M.O.
- Sister Megan Grewing, C.D.P.
- Sister Deirdre Griffin, S.S.J.
- Sister Cor Immaculatum Heffernan, I.H.M.
- Sister Donna Marie Ivanko, S.S.C.M.
- Deacon Scott Jakubowski, C.M.
- Sister Tracy Kemme, S.C.
- Sister Jeanette Kong, V.D.M.F.
- Brother Peter Lamick, C.S.V.
- Brother Paschal Listi, fbp
- Sister Evelyn Lobo, S.Sp.S.
- Sister Patricia Marie Lohre, I.W.B.S.
- Sister Barbara Ann Lum, S.S.J.
- Father Gerard Luttenberger, C.M.
- Sister Felicity Marie Madigan, C.S.S.F.
- Sister Allison Lorraine Masserano, A.S.C.J.
- Sister Lisa Maurer, O.S.B.
- Sister Theresa McGinn, O.S.B.
- Brother Antony Julius Milton, O.F.M. Cap.
- Father Hubert Kavisa Mulekya, osc
- Sister Molly Neville, S.N.J.M.
- Sister Helen Jean Novy, H.M.
- Brother Blair Paulus Nuyda, A.A.
- Sister Barbara O’Kane, M.P.F.
- Brother Allen Agpaoa Pacquing, S.M.
- Sister Sophia Marie Peralta, S.C.C.
- Sister Patricia Phillips, S.H.C.J.
- Sister Limeteze Pierre-Gilles, SSND
- Sister Paula Terese Pilon, C.S.J.
- Sister Ethel Puno, C.C.V.I.
- Sister Mary Amata Reifsnyder, S.C.C.
- Father Michael Rossman, S.J.
- Sister Christi Sanchez, C.C.V.I.
- Father Don Senior, C.P.
- Sister Julie Sewell, O.S.B.
- Father Bill Shea, S.V.D.
- Sister Sarah Simmons, C.S.J.
- Sister Judith Timmerman, O.S.B.
- Sister Gervaise Valpey, O.P.
- Father Marlon Bobier Vargas, S.V.D.
- Brother Rafael Vargas, S.D.B.
- Sister Lynn Marie Welbig, P.B.V.M.
- Father Aaron Wessman, G.H.M.
- Sister Kelly Williams, R.S.M.
- Sister Jennifer Wilson, R.S.M.
- Sister Michelle Woodruff, A.S.C.
- Sister Maria Zeiman, O.S.F.
- Brother Martin Zewe, F.S.C.
It was truly a grace and a joy to share in the Abundant Hope video series! Thank you so much for giving me the privilege of sharing my heart and my gratitude for the beautiful gift of consecrated religious life. God invites others in so many different ways to say "yes" and I pray that your work will touch many more hearts to respond. -------Blessings, Sr. Cor Immaculatum Heffernan, I.H.M.
The 2020 NRVC/CARA Study on Recent Vocations to Religious life reported five common themes:
- Countless women and men continue to respond to the call to religious life.
- Newer entrants are drawn by a desire for prayer, spiritual growth, a deeper relationship with God, and a sense of call.
- They are culturally diverse; embrace intercultural and intergenerational living.
- They are committed to living simply and in solidarity with the poor, marginalized, and neglected.
- They are filled with abundant hope amid changing demographics.
Because God's call is endless and the NRVC vision is to amplify hope through the prophetic, joyful witness of religious sisters, brothers, and priests, every video ends with this distinct tagline: "I believe God is still calling women and men to holiness -- and I am filled with abundant hope!"
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