February 2016 newsletter
February 2016 newsletter
Do you want to learn relevant, practical, and affordable strategies for promoting vocations? Would you like the opportunity to test your ideas with Millennials?
NRVC wants to create a network of young adults who are skilled in communication and media, willing to advocate publicly for and to speak on behalf of religious vocations and a particular religious institute. Using a four-day workshop called "Share the Sacred," the Vocation Ambassadors program will enhance communication skills within teams of vocation ministers, communicators, and Catholic young adults (ages 20-30), to develop a consistent message about vocations to religious life as a viable option in the Catholic Church. Teams must commit to a minimum of 100 team hours beyond the "Share the Sacred" workshop.
All program materials, accommodations, meals, and presenter fees will be underwritten by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. Selected participants will be responsible for personal expenses and travel to and from Holy Cross College in Notre Dame, Indiana. This program will be held June 10-13, 2016.
Registration for this new program is through an application process that opens February 1 and ends March 15. For more information click here.
NRVC members can now attend regional programs in any part of the country, and some may be interested in the following workshop series being presented February 22-23 in Houston, Texas by the regional NRVC-NCDVD groups. The program, which has the theme "Called to Proclaim God's Merciful Love," will commemorate the Year of Mercy. It will include the following workshops:
"Cultural Sensitivity & Vocation Recruitment of Hispanic Candidates," by Sr. Teresa Maya, C.C.V.I., congregational leader, San Antonio
"Vocations, Mercy, & the New Evangelization," by Most. Rev. Michael J. Sis, bishop of the Diocese of San Angelo
"Candidate Assessment beyond red flags,” by Dr. Patricia M. Reed, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, Houston, Texas
Participants must be pre-registered to attend. The cost for NRVC or NCDVD members is $200. This price includes overnight accommodations in a single room, Monday lunch and dinner, and Tuesday breakfast and lunch.
The commuter cost is $140, and it includes Tuesday lunch.
For more information contact one of the coordinators:
Sister Joyce Detzel, C.D.P., 210-859-0572, Jdetzel@cdptexas.org
Sister Roselle Haas, R.C., 281-497-3131, ext. 145, rhaasrc@gmail.com
For details about what is happening with NRVC in all of its regions, click here.
It is with great sadness that NRVC shares the news that two women who were very active in our organization died recently. On December 26, 2015, Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S., past president of the Canadian vocation association, died unexpectedly in her sleep while in the Philippines to give a formation presentation. On January 26, Region 8 Coordinator Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B. passed away very suddenly.
Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S. is remembered for her leadership in vocation ministry as Canadians formed a national vocation organization: the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD).
Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J., a member of the NRVC editorial board and president of NAVFD, wrote this remembrance of her friend, Sister Kathleen:
The general superior of the Sisters of Social Service, Jeanine Scarfone, remarked that Sister Kathleen died in a very “Kathleen way” just as she would have wished—engaged in the vocation and formation ministry about which she was so passionate, within her community that she loved so deeply and gently in her sleep. May Sister Kathleen now rest in peace in the heart of her God.
Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B. was a member of the Yankton Benedictines (in South Dakota), and she is remembered as an active member of NRVC and a co-chair for Region 8. Many people remember the distinctive hats she enjoyed wearing.
Sister Eileen was an educator who also did prison ministry in addition to being involved in vocation ministry. Her community website carried her vocation story here, which included this statement: "My favorite part of Benedictine life is seeking God, every day in every way, and it’s never complete."
NRVC extends its sympathy to the communities, family, and friends of both of these faith-filled women. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
NRVC members have until March 15 to apply for assistance with the student debt of candidates who have been conditionally accepted. Details of the grants and the application process are available at the website of the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations, nfcrv.org
Both men's and women's communities may apply for assistance.
NRVC extends its good wishes to religious communities around the world during the February 2 celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life.
Find prayers, activities, and more at these links:
Registration for Summer Institute workshops will begin in early February. NRVC's annual Summer Institute will offer three workshops at the downtown Chicago campus of DePaul University, July 12-23, 2016.
Participants may register for one, two, or all three workshops. Located in the popular Chicago Loop at 1 E. Jackson, DePaul University is easily accessible from both Midway (MDW) and O'Hare (ORD) airports by shuttle, taxi, and CTA trains. Workshops are open to NRVC members at a discounted rate and for non-members at an affordable price. For more information about DePaul, visit its website.
NRVC workshops offered this summer are listed below. Click on the titles to register.
Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors, July 13-17, 2016
Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry, July 18-19, 2016
Behavioral Assessment 1, July 21-23, 2016
NRVC sponsored its last "Today's Catholic Sisters: Who They Are and Why We Need Them" gathering on January 23 at Mount St. Mary's University in Los Angeles. Approximately 100 people attended.
NRVC is grateful to the GHR Foundation for underwriting these four symposia, and to the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondolet and the administration and staff of Mount St. Mary's University for their collaboration in hosting this event.
Brother Ken C. in Chicago: For the five young men in the Christian Brothers Chicago formation program.
Father Michael K. in Chicago: Successful cataract surgery, goodbyes to Lorrain M., Matt A.’s recovery and grace of perseverance.
Mrs. Dora W. in Joliet: Family unity, return to faith, healing of knees.
Father Jerome E. in Indiana: Loved ones, living and deceased; reconciliation of a family, return to/renewal of faith; improved health; our persecuted brethren.
Mr. Michael W. in Florida: Good health for his wife, Judy.
Father Jerome B. in Pennsylvania: For good health.
Mrs. Deborah S. in Pennsylvania: Complete healing for daughter, Olivia, and guidance for her husband in his job choice.
Brother Robert L. in Ohio: Vocations to consecrated life and priesthood and for special intentions.
Mr. Dung V. in North Carolina: for peace in his soul as well as all souls in purgatory.
A Nun’s Life Ministry has begun one of the first comprehensive studies of its kind on the use of the Internet and social media by U.S. Catholic sisters and nuns. The study is funded by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Catholic sisters and nuns are increasingly using the Internet and social media to reach out on behalf of people in need, to nurture relationships, and to proclaim the Good News. Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M., co-founder of A Nun’s Life Ministry, notes that the "study is designed to provide insights to help women religious strengthen their online presence in service to mission, ministry, and membership.”
The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) is conducting the study. The project involves two surveys that were distributed in early January: one to all religious institutes of women in the U.S., and the other to all individual sisters and nuns nationwide. Focus groups will be held following the surveys.
“The results of the study will be used to develop educational and other resources to assist Catholic sisters and nuns in moving forward,” says co-founder Sister Julie Vieira, I.H.M. She adds that the study coincides with the 10th anniversary of A Nun’s Life Ministry. “From the start, A Nun’s Life helped online communities engage with Catholic sisters and nuns, using social technologies in innovative ways, says Sister Vieira. “The research project reflects A Nun’s Life’s ongoing spirit of service and innovation.”
For more information contact Sister Maxine Kollasch, I.H.M. at sistermaxine@anunslife.org, 419-517-4087
Efforts to promote religious life in Ireland are expected to gain intensity in the next three years, thanks to a recent grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Vocations Ireland, an umbrella organization that helps religious orders to share their way of life and encourage new members, has been awarded $290,000 by the Catholic Sisters Initiative of the Hilton Foundation.
The grant, to be spread over three years, is specifically to help build organizational capacity within Vocations Ireland.
Vocations Ireland Director Margaret Cartwright said she was “delighted” with the grant and said it would allow the organization to support religious orders, congregations, and missionary societies in telling the stories of their ministry.
This resource is a best-selling set, with more than 300 sold in 2015 alone.
Sold as two distinct resources, the Director's Manual contains behavioral assessment questions based upon 14 themes. This resource is for vocation ministers who have attended NRVC's Behavioral Assessment workshop, to be used with discerners who are serious about meeting regularly. This spiral-bound resource includes director's notes and all information in the Vocation Discernment Journal. This resource is available in English. Member price: $15. Non-member price: $22.50.
The Discernment Journal contains 14 themes with scripture reflections, quotes from Vatican II and church documents, as well as reflection questions. This resource is intended for use by inquirers who want in-depth conversation and assessment in discernment. Available in English. Member price: $7. Non-member price: $10.50. For more information or to purchase these resources, visit nrvc.net's online store or call the NRVC office at 773-363-5454.
Below are ministry openings that have a connection to vocation ministry and religious life.
The Communicators for Women Religious board of directors is seeking to hire a full-time executive director, which is a new position for the organization. Job description details are online here. The deadline to apply is February 29.
The University of Southern California Caruso Catholic Center has two openings for Catholic sisters. The center has received a grant from the Hilton Foundation to promote religious vocations on the campuses of University of Southern California and the University of California Los Angeles. The hope is that after a successful launch of this pilot program the organization will launch a national campus ministry program for the promotion of religious vocations around the country.
Click here for the job description for campus minister of spiritual life. Click here for the job description for campus minister with vocation discernment.
For more information, contact Rosie Chinea Shawver, Director of Campus Ministry, USC Caruso Catholic Center, 844 W. 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007, office: 213-516-3959 cell: 310-963-9783.
Giving Voice is seeking a full-time administrative assistant. This position is located at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
This full-time position serves as administrative support to the Giving Voice Core Team and coordinates required grant activities with Catholic Theological Union. The administrative support includes handling correspondence, maintaining financial and other records, processing payments and receipts, coordinating registrations, and updating the website and e-newsletter.
Click here for more information.
The Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA) is seeking an executive director. Applicants are asked to apply by February 29. Details about the position are posted on the CCMA website.
LCWR publishing book of reflections
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) presents a new book, Avanti!, a reflection resource for the spiritual journey. Avanti, the Italian word for “forward,” was a central focus in the address delivered by LCWR president Sister Sharon Holland, I.H.M., at the 2015 LCWR assembly. Avanti! is a collection of personal reflections written by 30 LCWR members. The book is $6, plus shipping and handling, and it must be pre-ordered by March 11. There are discounts for orders of 10+. Visist lcwr.org to order. For details contact Carol Glidden, at cglidden@lcwr.org, 301-588-4955.
National Catholic Sisters Week reminds vocation directors to post their events for March 8-14 on its website, nationalcatholicsistersweek.org.
Also, vocation directors are encouraged to check out the online resources for Sunday specific intercessions for March. Those who minister in parishes are encouraged to make use of these resources. Click here to find the intercessions (scroll to the bottom of the page).
All persons who are passionate about creating a vocation culture in Canada are invited to attend the conference of the National Association of Vocation/Formation Directors April 25-28 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The theme will be "Live the Word Courageously: New Voices in Vocation Culture." The keynote speakers will be Father Scott Lewis, S.J. and Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J.
To register, visit vocations.ca. Sponsored by the National Association of Vocation/Formation Directors (NAVFD). Contact navfdco@gmail.com for further information.
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious is sponsoring "GIVEN: the Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum," June 7-12 at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
This event will bring together 300 rising leaders, selected by application, with religious and lay leaders for a full-scholarship, week-long immersion in faith formation, leadership skills training, and networking. Speakers will include: law professor Helen Alvaré, Catholic Relief Services President Dr. Carolyn Woo, and singer songwriter Audrey Assad.
Applications for a full scholarship are at www.givenforum.org. This event is supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Applications are being accepted by the Religious Vocation Conference for "ForMission," a two-year formation program for formators. The program consists of four week-long intensive sessions at various locations throughout the U.S. The first session of the class of 2018 will be June 8-16, 2016 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, click here. Call the RFC national office for an application packet: 202-827-4562.
The Religious Brothers Conference will hold its 45th annual assembly July 23-26 at the Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Brothers from all communities are welcome to attend. The theme will be "The Brother in the Year of Mercy," and the keynote speakers will be Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. and Brother Steve Bevans, S.V.D., both of whom are on the faculty of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, see todaysbrother.com.
Ethics for Treating Catholic Clients
Religious communities depend on psychologists for candidate assessments and therapy for members. Father David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D., president of Saint Luke Institute, will present a continuing education workshop, “Ethical Implications of Psychological Treatment and Evaluation of Catholic Clients,” for psychologists, therapists, vocation and formation directors. The workshop will be offered in-person (March 10, near Washington, DC) and online (April 13). Participants receive three hours of continuing education credits. Details are online at http://wwwsliconnect.org/CE or contact Beth Davis, director of education, at sliconnect@sli.org or 502-632-2471.
The Catholics on Call Young Adult Conference will take place August 3-6 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Learn more about this ministry-discernment event here.
The Partner Conference for Catholics on Call will take place September 15-16 and is open to religious institutes that are partners to the program. Learn about partnership and the September event here.
Dec. 8, 2015-Nov. 20, 2016 |
Feb. 2, 6, 7 |
March 8-14 |
March 15 |
April 17 |
June 10-13 |
July 13-23 |
July 25-31 |
Oct. 27-31 |
I am the co-coordinator for NRVC Region 6 (Michigan and Ohio), and I am on the planning committee for the Vocation Ambassador Program.
Two years.
We are a team of three in our office. Two of us are full-time vocation ministers, Sister Pat Dual, O.P. and myself, and the third is the administrative assistant for vocations, Mary Ellen George, O.P.A. (Dominican Associate of Peace). She works part-time.
I could not do my ministry if I were not a member of NRVC. I received my new vocation minister training in July 2014, and it opened up the length and breadth of this ministry.
I have continued to meet with and be supported by three fellow vocation directors who participated in the training that summer. We meet monthly as a peer support group via video conferencing.
The regional meetings give me timely updates on current NRVC events and publications, and they provide the support of the other members. Another benefit of membership in NRVC has been our congregation's ability to participate in the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations. Last year two of our candidates received grants from this program.
One of the projects that yielded great fruit was the creation of a Congregational Study Guide for the Year of Consecrated Life (YCL). The guide included a variety of resources, from printed articles and books to music and videos. This guide was used by the entire congregation during the YCL. The study groups (sisters and associates) were able to share on a deep level the benefits and witness of consecrated life today.
Guiding women in their journey of discernment and seeing them grow closer to God.
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