June 2020 newsletter
June 2020 newsletter
The NRVC board has selected Mary Lou Paluch Rafferty, third-generation owner of the J.S. Paluch Company, Inc., to receive its highest recognition, the NRVC Harvest Award, at the convocation banquet on November 1 in Spokane, Washington.
Mary Lou's enthusiasm for and commitment to religious life vocations has been profound. Her family-owned business began in 1913 to provide printing services for parishes throughout the United States, today providing an array of services, from bulletins to calendars. Inspired by her mother's vision, Mary Lou has remained committed to supporting vocations to diocesan priesthood and religious life through the National Vocations Awareness Division (NVAD) of the J.S. Paluch Company.
The NVAD has supported NRVC in numerous ways over the years, from sponsoring an annual J.S. Paluch Vocation Seminar to contributing in kind materials and providing financial support. The NRVC board is delighted at the opportunity to honor Mary Lou at it forthcoming convocation.
At the convocation, NRVC will not only give its Harvest Award but also recognize members who have contributed to the ministry. NRVC members are invited to nominate people for the NRVC outstanding recognition awards. Find forms and details here.
Published on: 2020-06-01
Thanks to a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, NRVC will be inviting 30 newer members of religious institutes to join us at the 2020 convocation in Spokane, Washington, from October 30 to November 2. (NRVC is providing the funds for an additional 12 brothers/priests who entered after 2002.) In addition, the Hilton grant will allow the NRVC to address internal structures and policies in keeping with its new team leadership model.
Having newer religious at our convocation is expected to enhance the understanding of and the ongoing formation of all participants at the event. In addition, the grant-funded internal efforts will uplift NRVC’s leadership, mission, and vision.
To learn more about how each member area will select the newer religious to attend, please contact your member area coordinator, listed here.
Published on: 2020-06-01
These may be uncertain times, but the NRVC is certain that its Summer INstitute will offer high quality, interactive learning online July 7-22. We know many of you have revised your summer plans, and we invite you to add us to your summer calendar. Join us for one or more Zoom workshops.
Orientation Program for New Vocation Directors
July 7-11
Ethical Issues in Vocation and Formation Ministry Workshop
July 13-14
Is it Generational, Cultural, Personality or Pathology?
July 16-18
Understanding, Assessing, and Fostering Psycho-Sexual Integration
July 20-22
Published on: 2020-06-01
The NRVC extends gratitude to the member area coordinators who have served generously and are stepping down, effective June 30.
Sister Maria Brizuela, O.S.F. of the Midwest member area completed a six-year term of service.
Sister Marie Mackey, C.S.J. of the Hudson Valley member area completed a four-year term of service.
Sister Maryanne Tracey, S.C. of Delaware Valley member area completed a three-year term of service.
All three plan to continue to be active members of NRVC.
On July 1 Sister Kathleen Branham, O.S.F. (Midwest), Brother Joseph Bach, O.S.F. (Hudson Valley), and Sister Barbara O'Kane, M.P.F. (Delaware Valley) will begin serving as member area coordinators. We extend a warm welcome to them and thank them for taking on this responsibility.
Published on: 2020-06-01
This 99-page, easy-to-read book, Your One Wild and Precious Life: Thoughts on Vocation, by Father Mark David Janus, C.S.P. (Paulist, 2018) is perfect for inquirers, high school and college graduates, confirmation candidates, serious discerners, etc. Its 34 short chapters examine calling and vocations to religious life, ordained life, marriage and single life. $15 non-members; $10 members.
Let young adults know you care about them and their prayerful discernment. Order here.
Published on: 2020-06-01
The National Religious Vocation Conference is grateful it can offer scholarships to religious institutes in financial need to be able to attend NRVC programs and partake in membership. Since its inception, the NRVC Misericordia Fund has granted more than 170 scholarships, totaling more than $87,000. This is made possible thanks to the generosity of donors.
Thank you to those who have given. If you can help a brother or sister in need, please click here to give to the Misericordia Fund.
Published on: 2020-06-01
NRVC's VISION Vocation Network is encouraging all religious communities that are offering prayer, scripture study, worship, tours, or other types of web-based activities to post their opportunities on its free calendar. See the calendar at vocationnetwork.org/en/events.
Or send your event to VISION by email.
Published on: 2020-06-01
The Catholic Apostolate Center provides online resources consisting of webinars, blog posts, podcasts, and a myriad of consulting services assembled through collaborative partnerships.
Prepare the Word is a resource to help preachers prepare homilies that hit home. It also offers material to help nourish and strengthen the faith of parishioners.
St. Luke Institute has pulled together resources for helping ministers—or anyone—cope with the strain of COVID-19. Find them here. Or call the SLI hotline at 888-526-9357.
Don't miss "The Life," the popular series by Global Sisters Report featuring reflections by a diverse panel of sisters from around the world: GlobalSistersReport.org/Series/Life. Global Sisters Report has also produced a series of high school vocation lesson plans available here.
The Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Programs at Catholic Theological Union offer programs for personal and professional development. For more information, see ctu.edu/academics/special-programs.
The Redemptorist Renewal Center runs three sabbatical programs annually—spring, summer, and fall. The spring and fall programs each last 10 weeks, while the summer is only five weeks. For more information on the RRC program, see desertrenewal.org/sabbatical/ or contact office@desertrenewal.org.
HORIZON reaches a premier niche of highly educated religious men and women and lay ministers. Readers hold leadership positions in their communities and influence community decisions. Contact editor Carol Schuck Scheiber for more information: cscheiber@nrvc.net or 567-288-2255. Download the current rate card.
Published on: 2020-06-01
Sister Bridget Waldorf, S.S.N.D. is a member of the vocation team for the School Sisters of Notre Dame. In addition she is an NRVC member area coordinator for the Southwest member area, along with Brother Mark Motz, S.M.
I am beginning my fourth year as an official vocation minister, but, as we all know, vocation ministry is happening in all places and stages of religious life!
We currently have five members on our vocation team, two part-time and three full-time.
Membership in NRVC has been foundational for me—the resources , the training, the camaraderie, the input and networking at convocation—it’s all been very helpful.
We did a hashtag campaign for World Day for Consecrated Life, simply asking sisters from all over our international congregation to post pictures on social media with #consecratedlife in their respective languages. It was easy, energized our sisters, and increased our social media presence, at least for that day!
You don’t have to do this by yourself; we (other vocation ministers) are ready to assist, encourage, and share ideas when you ask.
Watching our sisters collaborate in providing opportunities to share our story with discerners and meeting the enthusiastic, prayerful, and courageous women discerning a call to religious life.
I can play three songs on the harmonica!
Reach Sister Bridget at bwaldorf@ssnd.org.
Published on: 2020-06-01
July 7-22 |
Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 |
National Vocation Awareness Week |
Nov. 1-7 Feb. 2, 2021 March 8-14, 2021 |
Philadelphia, PA
via Zoom
via Zoom
via Zoom
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