2018 Convocation: You talk. We'll listen.

2018 Convocation: You talk. We'll listen.

And together we'll grow.

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A conversation with young adults held on Nov. 3, 2018 at Canisius College.

Interested in viewing the chatroom comments that were posted during the event? Click here.


Click here to view a shorter highlights video
of "You talk. We'll listen."


Thank you to everyone who helped make this such an outstanding event:


NRVC represented by Board member Fr. Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.


Sr. Liz Sjoberg, D.C.; Br. David Deradoorian, F.S.C.


Mikayla Fulton, Yohan Roche, Liz Caballero, Sydnie Perkins, Jessie Bordka, Anna Capello

Hundreds of viewers and chatroom participants

Behind the scenes 

Event director: Sr. Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.

NRVC Board and staff planning committee:  Sr. Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Sr. Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J., Phil Loftus, Marge Argyelan, Patrice Tuohy

A Nun's Life Ministry

Canisius College Montante Center crew and Campus Ministry Office

Full Circle Studios

TrueQuest Communications with ideaPort

Social monitors/posters: Sr. Max Kollasch, I.H.M.; Sr. Julie Meyers, O.S.F.; Sr. Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Patrice Tuohy; Jennifer Tomshack; Siobhan O'Neill Meluso; Carol Schuck Scheiber

Original event promotion

A conversation with young adults and vocation directors

The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) will be hosting an afternoon of dialogue with young adults at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY on Nov. 3, 2018 at 3 p.m. Easterm time on faith, decision-making, and what younger Catholics see as the gifts and challenges of the church. Youth groups, young adults, and vocation directors in the Buffalo area are welcome to attend, and all others can join in via a livestream broadcast.

Young adults:

Here’s your chance to identify key issues that you find challenging. Get tips on how to become your best self. Tell your story to Catholic sisters, brothers, and priests who are eager to listen. If you are unsure where your life is leading you--where you can find joy--where you can be of most service to the world, then this gathering is for you. With an audience filled with experts in discerning life choices and inviting God into the process, you will be given some excellent suggestions on how to find the life path that is right for you.

Vocation directors and other church leaders:

Hear first-hand what’s on the minds of young Catholics. Hear first-hand what’s on the minds of young Catholics. Receive a unique opportunity to assure young adults of your desire to accompany them in discerning God’s plan for their lives. Most of all, listen to the young people’s hopes and dreams for themselves and for the church.


NRVC is hosting this gathering in response to the Bishops Synod on faith, youth, and vocational discernment where there is a call for more intentional and sustained outreach and engagement with youth. The event convenes from 3-7 p.m. with a one-hour livestreamed discussion from 3:15 followed by a short prayer service and free pizza.

If you are interested in being part of the youth panel, please contact Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B. at bhemonahan@gmail.com for more information. This is an open and free event, but registration is kindly requested for accurate counts: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/you-talk-well-listen-tickets-51033730261.

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