2018 Convocation, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 1-5

2018 Convocation, Buffalo, NY, Nov. 1-5

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2018 Convocation highlights

A resounding success!

Highlights from Convocation

We were enlightened and inspired by our outstanding presenters and keynoters and the youth panel at our "You talk. We'll listen" event and our daily Mass with music from Mikey Needleman and World Library Publications. Congratulations also to our our honorees recognized at our 30th Anniversary Banquet.  

Keynote presenters

Podcast recordings


Videos of Keynotes and Canisius event 

(Click menu bar in upper left corner of the video to see other videos in 2018 Convocation playlist..)


DePrinzioFather Kevin M. DePrinzio, O.S.A., Ph.D. is an Augustinian friar of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. Father Kevin presented on The Vocation Encounter: Ministry at the Beautiful Gate.  

Special member benefit: Click here to view a video of his talk.



PellegrinoSister Mary Pellegrino, C.S.J. is a Sister of St. Joseph of Baden, Pennsylvania. Sister Mary presented on Living No Longer for Ourselves:  Communion as Vocation. 

Special member benefit: Click here to view a video of her talk.



Young adult panelists: Mikayla Fulton, Yohan Roche, Liz Caballero, Sydnie Perkins, Jessie Bordka, and Anna Capello were our featured panelists at "You talk. We'll Listen." a youth-infused event at Canisius College.

Special member benefit:  Click here to view a video of their talk

Click here to view a shorter highlights video of "You talk. We'll listen."


HernandezSister Xiomara Méndez Hernández, O.P. is an Adrian Dominican Sister. Sister Xiomara presented on The Invitation: Mutual Encounter - Mutual Accompaniment

Special member benefit:  Click here to view a video of her talk.



OspinoDr. Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D. is an associate professor of theology and religious education at Boston College, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. Dr. Ospino will present on Saturday on Called to Accompanying God’s People in a Time of Paradigm Changes.  Special member benefit: Click here to view a video of his talk.



Fr. Thomas Guant S.J.Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. is the executive director of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Father Tom presented on Saturday morning on Pathways to Religious Life. 

Video unavailable.



Thank you to our generous sponsors!

2018 Convocation: You talk. We'll listen.

And together we'll grow.

A conversation with young adults held on Nov. 3, 2018 at Canisius College.

Interested in viewing the chatroom comments that were posted during the event? Click here.


Click here to view a shorter highlights video
of "You talk. We'll listen."


Thank you to everyone who helped make this such an outstanding event:


NRVC represented by Board member Fr. Adam MacDonald, S.V.D.


Sr. Liz Sjoberg, D.C.; Br. David Deradoorian, F.S.C.


Mikayla Fulton, Yohan Roche, Liz Caballero, Sydnie Perkins, Jessie Bordka, Anna Capello

Hundreds of viewers and chatroom participants

Behind the scenes 

Event director: Sr. Belinda Monahan, O.S.B.

NRVC Board and staff planning committee:  Sr. Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Sr. Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J., Phil Loftus, Marge Argyelan, Patrice Tuohy

A Nun's Life Ministry

Canisius College Montante Center crew and Campus Ministry Office

Full Circle Studios

TrueQuest Communications with ideaPort

Social monitors/posters: Sr. Max Kollasch, I.H.M.; Sr. Julie Meyers, O.S.F.; Sr. Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Patrice Tuohy; Jennifer Tomshack; Siobhan O'Neill Meluso; Carol Schuck Scheiber

Original event promotion

A conversation with young adults and vocation directors

The National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) will be hosting an afternoon of dialogue with young adults at Canisius College in Buffalo, NY on Nov. 3, 2018 at 3 p.m. Easterm time on faith, decision-making, and what younger Catholics see as the gifts and challenges of the church. Youth groups, young adults, and vocation directors in the Buffalo area are welcome to attend, and all others can join in via a livestream broadcast.

Young adults:

Here’s your chance to identify key issues that you find challenging. Get tips on how to become your best self. Tell your story to Catholic sisters, brothers, and priests who are eager to listen. If you are unsure where your life is leading you--where you can find joy--where you can be of most service to the world, then this gathering is for you. With an audience filled with experts in discerning life choices and inviting God into the process, you will be given some excellent suggestions on how to find the life path that is right for you.

Vocation directors and other church leaders:

Hear first-hand what’s on the minds of young Catholics. Hear first-hand what’s on the minds of young Catholics. Receive a unique opportunity to assure young adults of your desire to accompany them in discerning God’s plan for their lives. Most of all, listen to the young people’s hopes and dreams for themselves and for the church.


NRVC is hosting this gathering in response to the Bishops Synod on faith, youth, and vocational discernment where there is a call for more intentional and sustained outreach and engagement with youth. The event convenes from 3-7 p.m. with a one-hour livestreamed discussion from 3:15 followed by a short prayer service and free pizza.

If you are interested in being part of the youth panel, please contact Sister Belinda Monahan, O.S.B. at bhemonahan@gmail.com for more information. This is an open and free event, but registration is kindly requested for accurate counts: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/you-talk-well-listen-tickets-51033730261.

2018 Convocation Sponsors

Thank you for your generosity!

We are grateful to the following organizations for their generous support of the 2018 Convocation:

J.S. PaluchWLPWorld LibrarySisters of Mercy


Province of St. Louise and Province of Los Altos Hills

SSJ PhiladelphiaSisters of St. Joseph BrentwoodSisters of St. Joseph RochesterSisters of St. Joseph CarondoletSisters of Ss. Cyril and MethodiusSoutheast Member AreaHudson ValleyMid-Atlantic Member AreaMidwest Member AreaHeartland Member AreaCarmelite Sisters of the Aged and InfirmTrueQuest CommunicationsSchool Sisters of Notre DameBenedictine Sisters, St. ElizabethReligious of the Sacred HeartMaryknoll SistersGlobal Sisters ReportDaughters of WisdomBuffalo Chamber of Commerce














































































































In-Kind Sponsors:

A Nun’s Life Ministry
Brothers of the Christian Schools
Chiarelli’s Religious Goods
Daughters of Charity - Los Altos Hills
St. Luke’s Center
Southdown Institute



2018 NRVC Convocation

Nov. 1-5, 2018, in Buffalo, NY

Convocation registration is now open!

REGISTER here for the 2018 convocation, Nov. 1-5, 2018 in Buffalo, NY

Contact Michelle at NIX if you need assistance completing the registration.  1.800.2660866
Email: registrar@nixassoc.com





NRVC is seeking $100,000 in Convocation sponsorships for our gatherings and youth-infused events at the Adams Mark Hotel and Canisius College. We invite you to match your mission with ours by considering sponsorship at a level most suitable for your organization.  Click here to learn more.  Or complete a Sponsorship Reservation Form today! Thank you to our growing list of generous sponsors!

Pre-convocation workshops

  • Finding your Digital Balance and Reducing Social Media Stress 
  • Screening Yellow and Red Flags in Candidate Assessment
  • Vocation Ministry and the Issues of Civil, Canon and Immigration Law
  • Vocation ROI: Grace or Grim

Learn more here.  

Keynote presenters

Each presenter will speak from their professional, lived, and educational experiences focused on the convocation theme: "Walk with me: Encounter, Accompaniment and Invitation." 

DePrinzioFather Kevin M. DePrinzio, O.S.A., Ph.D. is an Augustinian friar of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova. He holds a doctorate in spirituality from The Catholic University of America. His areas of interest include mysticism, spirituality, historical theology, the history of religious life, and the mendicant movement. His dissertation topic was "Teresa of Avila’s reading of Augustine’s Confessions." Since the fall of 2017, Father Kevin has been on the faculty of the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University and is part of the vocation and initial formation teams of his province. He has previously served in campus ministry at Villa Nova, on the NRVC Board, and as Region 2 Coordinator (now Delaware Valley Member Area). He was featured in the NRVC video, Religious Life: Absolutely Millennial! Father Kevin will present on Friday on The Vocation Encounter: Ministry at the Beautiful Gate.


Fr. Thomas Guant S.J.Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J. is the executive director of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. Prior to CARA, he served in Jesuit governance as the Socius/Executive Secretary of the Jesuit Conference for nine years and the Formation and Studies Director of the Maryland and New York Jesuits for seven years. After ordination, he spent 10 years as a pastor and as director of planning in the Diocese of Charlotte. Father Gaunt is actively involved with the L'Arche Communities in Washington, DC. Father Tom will present on Saturday morning Pathways to Religious Life.

HernandezSister Xiomara Méndez Hernández, O.P. is an Adrian Dominican Sister, originally from the Dominican Republic. She ministers as a Hospital Chaplain at Loyola University Health System with special focus on cancer patients. Previously, she ministered at St. Rose Dominican Hospitals in Henderson and Las Vegas, Nevada. She has diverse ministerial experiences in the areas of preaching, catechesis, Spanish-English interpreter, liturgical dance, and a high fashion teacher. Sister Xiomara holds a Master’s degree in pastoral studies from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and is a Board Certified Chaplain with the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC). Before she became a religious sister, she was a fashion designer in her native country. She currently lives in Chicago. Sister Xiomara will present on Sunday morning: The Invitation: Mutual Encounter - Mutual Accompaniment.

OspinoDr. Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D. is an associate professor of theology and religious education at Boston College, where he is also Director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. He has written extensively on questions related to Hispanic ministry, Catholic education, evangelization, and catechesis. Dr. Ospino was the principal investigator for the National Study of Catholic Parishes with Hispanic Ministry and co-investigator for the National Survey of Catholic Schools Serving Hispanic Families. He is currently conducting a national study on Hispanic/Latino vocations. He is an officer of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States, serves on the Board of Directors of the National Catholic Educational Association, and is a consultant for the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee against Racism. Dr. Ospino will present on Saturday on Called to Accompanying God’s People in a Time of Paradigm Changes.

PellegrinoSister Mary Pellegrino, C.S.J. is a Sister of St. Joseph of Baden, PA. In September 2018 she will complete 10 years of leadership ministry as her community’s Congregational Moderator. In addition, she will complete her term as past-president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious in August 2018. Sister Mary holds an M.A. in Christian spirituality and a certificate in spiritual direction and retreat direction from Creighton University, an M.S. in religious education from Fordham University, and a B.A. in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Prior to ministry in elected leadership, she served in parish youth and young adult ministry, campus ministry, vocation, and formation ministry. In 2004 she was the recipient of NRVC’s National Outstanding Recognition Award. Sister Mary will present on Sunday afternoon on Living No Longer for Ourselves:  Communion as Vocation.

Convocation fees

NRVC member early registration rate: $595 includes lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday dinner banquet

Non-member early registration rate: $892 includes lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Sunday dinner banquet


Additional fees

NRVC member rate: $175 includes lunch on Thursday

Non-member rate: $265 includes lunch on Thursday


Commuter fee (only for those not staying at the hotel) $100

Rate after October 1: $100 more            

Cancellation fee: $100 before October 15. After October 15, all registration fees are non-refundable. 

Hotel Accommodations: $129 per night (without taxes).

There is no hotel shuttle, however the hotel is just 12 miles from the airport. Parking is $5 per night for hotel guests. Fitness Center and Internet in the bedrooms is complimentary.

Niagara Falls excursion

This trip is near capacity and will close when both busses are full. Make your reservation today.

On Monday, November 5, 2018, you are invited to a bus trip to Niagara Falls on the Canadian side. To participate in this OPTIONAL excursion, you will need your passport with you. The bus departs at the hotel at 9:00 a.m. for arrival at the Falls at 10:00 a.m. You will have time to explore until 2:00 p.m. to meet the bus which will take you back to the hotel at 3:00 p.m. Feel free to eat lunch at your own expense at area restaurants.

Price includes: Round trip transportation services, services of a fully licensed driver, and all gratuities, tolls, and parking fees. $35 per person (no refunds for inclement weather or personal decision not to attend).

Collection at Mass

The Hudson Valley Member Area has selected the Gerard Place as the recipient of the collection taken up at Mass on Sunday, November 4. The Gerard Place serves single families who are homeless. Its mission is to strengthen the community as it empowers the individuals and families toward self-sufficiency by providing housing, supportive services, community education and outreach. 

2018 NRVC Convocation Sponsorship

For events from Nov. 1-5, 2018

2018 NRVC Sponsorship

Sponsorship Opportunities

Walk with me: Encounter, Accompaniment, & Invitation

Buffalo, NY , Nov. 1-5, 2018

Please help further NRVC’s essential mission

NRVC is seeking $100,000 in Convocation sponsorships for our gatherings and youth-infused events at the Adams Mark Hotel and Canisius College:

  • 2 Technology and Presentation Sponsors @ $20,000 each
  • 1 Evening Banquet Sponsor @ $15,000
  • 1 Welcome to Buffalo Inaugural Reception Sponsor @ $10,000
  • 3 Youth-Infused Event Sponsors @ $10,000 each
  • 4 Keynote Speaker Sponsor @ $5,000
  • 4 Mealtime Sponsors @ $4,000 each
  • 1 Liturgical Mass & Music Sponsor @ $2,500
  • 4 Workshop Speaker Sponsor @ $2,000
  • 4 Refreshment Break Sponsors @ $1,000 each
  • 25 General Convocation Supporters @ $500 each
  • In-Kind Contributions

Benefits of sponsorship

Make an impression on current and future leaders in the Catholic Church

    Signage with your name and logo at the event. Continuous acknowledgment during convocation gatherings. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
  • 1 BANQUET SPONSOR @ $15,000
    Signage with your name and logo at the event attended by approximately 300 men and women religious in vocation ministry and leadership. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
    Acknowledgment at the event attended by approximately 300 men and women religious in vocation ministry and leadership. Name, logo, and link on our website. Collateral/resource distribution.
    Thank you spots on our livestream reaching households across the U.S. and Canada.  Signage with your name and logo at the event featuring young adults and 250 men and women religious in vocation ministry and leadership. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
  • 1 KEYNOTE SPEAKER SPONSOR @ $5,000 & 3 MEAL SPONSORS @ $4,000 ea.
    Acknowledgement at the event. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
    Acknowledgement in liturgy program. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
    Acknowledgement at the workshop. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
    Acknowledgement at gatherings. Name, logo and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
  • 25 GENERAL CONVOCATION SUPPORTERS @ $500 ea. & IN-KIND CONTRIBUTORS  Acknowledgement at final gathering. Name, logo, and link on our website and social sites. Collateral/resource distribution.
  • Read more about sponsorship opportunities here.

Please become a sponsor today!

Simply complete and return the Sponsorship Reservation Form or contact NRVC Development Director Phil Loftus at 773-363-5454; ploftus@nrvc.net

The NRVC is 501(c)3. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Religious Vocations: Valid, Vibrant, Valued!

2018 Pre-Convocation Workshops Thursday, Nov.1, 2018

Registration now open

Pre-Convocation Workshops

Register for the workshop while completing your Convocation registration here.

NRVC member rate is $175 and includes lunch on Thursday.

NRVC non-member rate is $265 and includes lunch on Thursday.

Finding your Digital Balance and Reducing Social Media Stress


Technology, from smartphones to social media to virtual reality, is impacting our lives in ways no one could have predicted. While there are certainly benefits to these advances, being overly engaged with technology in its various forms can have long-term negative consequences for psychological and emotional health. This workshop will address the impact of being “plugged in” all the time and offers strategies for managing technology use effectively. It will cover topics such as the emotional/psychological impact of different types of social media content, the impact of digital/social media on interpersonal communication and online addicted behaviors. This is an excellent workshop for those who may be experiencing Facebook fatigue, for those curious about the personal impact on the minister, not those we access.


Dr. Crystal Taylor-Dietz, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist on the clinical staff of Saint Luke Institute. She also is an assistant clinical professor of clinical psychology at The George Washington University Professional Psychology Program. She received a doctorate in clinical psychology from Chestnut Hill College and completed her pre-doctoral internship at the Center for Multicultural Training in Psychology at Boston Medical Center, along with a post-doctoral fellowship at The George Washington University Professional Psychology Program. Prior to becoming director of the Caritas Counseling Center, Dr. Taylor-Dietz was a member of the residential treatment staff of Saint Luke Institute. Her research and clinical interests include issues related to multicultural diversity, the intersection of spirituality and psychology, social justice and wellness promotion.

Screening Yellow and Red Flags in Candidate Assessment


This presentation will focus on assisting vocation directors in determining the suitability of individuals seeking to enter religious life. It will specifically examine factors that enhance and detract from the suitability of a candidate. We will address concerns regarding personality disorders, sexual abuse, Asperger’s Syndrome and the use of pornography / social media. Come with your questions, doubts and grey areas in screening and assessing candidates before application. This is an excellent workshop for all those who desire clarity in candidate assessment.


Dr. Eran Talitman, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in the province of Ontario. He has been working at the Southdown Institute since 1998 and is currently the Clinical Team Leader. He provides assessment and psychotherapy services to religious and clergy as well as consultation services to leadership. Eran has offered seminars and workshops on Intimacy, Healthy Sexuality, Effective Leadership, Responding to the Call to Healthy Priesthood, Navigating Personality Styles and Disorders, Resilience, Conflict Management, Keeping Our Soul Alive, and Developing Healthy Ministerial Boundaries.

Issues of Civil, Canon and Immigration Law in Vocation Ministry


This workshop will treat those aspects of law as they pertain to vocation ministry from the corresponding areas of civil, canon and immigration law. Some areas to be covered will include: assessment policies and record keeping; internal vs. external forum in candidate assessment; policies and practices regarding a candidate’s financial assets; salary and tax issues during the formation period; special issues regarding older, widowed and divorced candidates; readmission and community transfers. The morning session will focus on immigration law for religious institutes. It will treat working and discerning with foreign-born candidates; clarification of key immigration terms; documentation and tracking immigration status, long-term immigration planning; and legal responsibilities of the religious institute and the candidate. This is an excellent workshop for new vocation and formation ministers, as well as those in leadership.


Sr. Deborah M. Cerullo S.S.N.D., JD.., J.C.L., served as an attorney and canonical consultant in her private law practice from 2002 -2016, representing primarily religious institutes. A member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, she currently serves on the provincial council of the Atlantic- Midwest Province. Sister Deborah received her BA from the University of Rhode Island, her civil law degree from Boston University and her canon law degree from the University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy. Prior to her law practice, she served on the law faculties of the University of Notre Dame and Boston College. Sr. Deborah is a member of the faculty of the Institute of Law and Religious Life held each year at Misericordia University in Dallas PA.


Mr. Miguel A. Naranjo is the Director of the Religious Immigration Services section of the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC). Miguel leads a group of immigration attorneys who practice exclusively in religious immigration law. They represent over 170 archdioceses, dioceses, and religious communities throughout the United States, assisting them in bringing international priests, brothers, sisters, novices, seminarians, and other religious workers into the United States to serve the Church. He joined CLINIC in 2006 and has been practicing immigration law since 2002. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.

ROI Calculator: Grace or Grim?


This workshop will address the ups and downs of vocation ministry. ROI is an acronym for return on investment. In vocation ministry, the best programs do not always guarantee success, the best candidates may change their minds. Therefore, this workshop will explore themes of community expectations alongside societal/cultural realities of young and middle adulthood, the changing landscape of religious life in North America and best practices for human development and self-care in vocation ministry. This is an excellent workshop for those who have been in vocation ministry for two or more years.


Fr. James J. Greenfield, O.S.F.S., Ph.D., is serving as president of DeSales University. He served previously as provincial of the Wilmington-Philadelphia Province of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and as president of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM). Fr. James was an adjunct lecturer at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., The Catholic University of America, and the former Washington Theological Union in Washington, D.C., where he taught required courses in human development. Fr. Greenfield earned his bachelor’s degree in politics (1984) at DeSales University, a Master of Divinity degree (1990) at the DeSales School of Theology, a master’s degree in counseling (1992) and a doctoral degree in human development (1998) at The George Washington University.


Fr. Kevin Nadolski, O.S.F.S., a priest with the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and a graduate of Temple University, Catholic University of America, and DeSales School of Theology, Fr. Kevin holds degrees in journalism, theology, and education administration and is eagerly awaiting the conferral of his Ph.D. in Catholic higher education from Fordham University. He has served in education as a teacher, principal, and in ministerial leadership for his community as assistant provincial, provincial councilor, director of vocations, formation, development and communications. He currently serves as the vice president for mission at DeSales University in Center Valley, PA, where he also teaches theology. NRVC honored Fr. Kevin with its Outstanding Recognition Award in 2011 for his seven years of service, including work on the NRVC editorial board.

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Get involved in your Member ...
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NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Southwest Member Area Gathering

January 15, 2025,

via Zoom

National Office Closed

January 20,

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Heartland Member Area Gathering

January 22, 2025,

via Zoom

Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

Mark your calendars...

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025,

Plan now....

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

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National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


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