Misericordia Scholarship Fund

Misericordia Scholarship Fund


How to donate to the Misericordia Scholarship Fund

Because the NRVC values the charism of each religious institute, we want to welcome all vocation ministers from canonically recognized religious institutes and dioceses to our mission of promoting vocations to religious life .

The Misericordia Fund, initiated during the Year of Consecrated Life, provides scholarships for NRVC membership and programming to religious institutes that otherwise could not afford them, including attending Summer/Fall Institute and Convocation. 

We hope we can provide as much assistance as possible. We are grateful to those that have given generously to the Misericordia Fund and ask for your continued help and support. Click here to submit your donation to assist canonically recognized religious communities and vocation ministers in their professional development and on-going formation.

Whatever size gift you give will go in direct support of a religious institute committed to vocation ministry. Because of your collective efforts in responding to our appeal, NRVC can reach out with a generous heart to assist others to become NRVC members. If you have already donated, we are grateful. If you are still considering a gift, please know we are grateful for your contribution. 


How to apply for a scholarship

In 2023, we have awarded 34 communities with scholarships. Since 2015, this fund has provided 253 Misericordia scholarships totaling $158,847 for NRVC members. This is a tremendous blessing that we pray continues to provide financial assistance due to the generosity of NRVC members and benefactors who have donated to the Misericordia Fund.

Click here to review the guidelines for application.

To apply for financial assistance for membership or workshop registration: Misericordia Fund Online application form

Gratitude for assistance

The NRVC Misericordia Fund has assisted our congregation to assist with our membership fees, and allows us to stay connected to the National Religious Vocation Conference. This relationship affords us the opportunity to stay fully informed throughout the year. We are grateful for the ongoing resources that benefit the discerners we serve, as well as the men in formation within our community.

Our community has been a recipient of the NRVC Misericordia scholarship for the past two years.  This generous assistance has enabled us to become members of the National Religious Vocation Conference that we otherwise would not have been able to afford.  The benefits for joining the NRVC has exponentially exceeded our expectations, which we would never have been able to realize without the most generous gift of the Misericordia Fund.  The resources and opportunities that are available to NRVC members has been extremely valuable to our community and we are now able to be a part of the larger Church in the promotion of religious vocations.

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March 8-14, 2025,

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March 27, 2025,

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Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

April 15, 2025,

via Zoom

Pacific Northwest Member Area Gathering

April 23-24, 2025,

 Beaverton, OR

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April 28-30, 2025,

St. Louis, MO

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May 8, 2025,

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Summer Institute Workshops

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