Sister Mary O'Donovan, O.Carm.

Sister Mary O'Donovan, O.Carm.


Sister Mary O'Donovan, O.Carm.

Sister Mary O’Donovan, O.Carm. is a vocation director for the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged & Infirm and co-coordinator of the Hudson Valley member area of NRVC. She has a masters in social work and is a psychotherapist by profession.

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

Almost four years.

Tell us about your vocation team.

In my community I am the vocation director for our communities throughout the United States and Ireland. I am a member of a formation team consisting of a postulant director, novice director, and two members of the leadership team of our congregation.

Has it been helpful to belong to NRVC?

Being a member of NRVC has been very beneficial. As a co-coordinator of the Hudson Valley member area, I had the privilege of working closely with NRVC in helping organize the recent convocation in Buffalo, New York. They are a great team, full of fun, enthusiasm, and  energy—true advocates for religious vocations. I have been able to network with many members to share their wisdom and insight.

What ideas have you used lately that excite you?

We use social media, Instagram, and Facebook accounts to promote our community. We have a Vocation Steering Committee, consisting of sisters from various communities throughout the United States and Ireland. We meet regularly to discuss vocation events and more in each diocese. Discerners have an opportunity to attend an annual discernment retreat at our motherhouse in Germantown, New York. We have SALT volunteer program (Serving the Aged Lovingly Today) twice a year for young adults, ages 18-40. I love interacting with young adults and experiencing their faith and joy as they discern God’s will for them.

Tell us a fun fact or two about yourself.

I come from County Tipperary, Ireland and play the tin whistle. In vocation work, you have to have a keen sense of humor, which I have. I love walking, hiking, nature, photography and journal writing.

Please name one thing that inspires you as a sister.

I am inspired by God’s faithfulness and the joy of being in relationship with Him. His ability to work in me to do amazing things never ceases to surprise me.

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