NRVC board and staff

NRVC board and staff

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NRVC Board



Back row left to right:  Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.; Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.; Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D.deN.; Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.; Father Don Miller, O.F.M.

Middle row left to right: Sr. Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.; Sister Maria Iannuccillo, S.S.N.D.; Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.; Brother Paul Bednarczyk C.S.C.

Front row left to right: Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S.; Sister Priscilla Moreno; R.S.M.; Father Toby Collins, C.R.

Not pictured Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, C.S.F.N.

The National board ensures the implementation of the NRVC goals, objectives, and policies. The National board is composed of 8-12 members, in addition to the NRVC executive director, a non-voting member of the board. The NRVC executive director oversees the daily operation of the organization and is accountable to the National board. The term of office for a board member is three years. Board members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. By the spring of each year, the National board selects new members from those recommended by the membership to bring particular skills to the board and to help ensure a balance of gender, geographical and cultural representation.

The responsibilities of the National Board are:

  • Select the Leadership team.
  • Hire and evaluate the executive director; review and modify job description as needed.
  • Determine goals and objectives; establish policies.
  • Recommend the development of programs and services.
  • Provide for a national biennial convocation.
  • Provide for national coordination of regions.
  • Act as an official voice for the organization.
  • Approve the annual budget and review financial reports.
  • Determine annual dues.
  • Allocate funds for regions.
  • Establish and evaluate committees, advisory boards, and task forces; dissolve when appropriate.
  • Appoints all committee members.
  • Appoints board liaisons to committees.
  • Review Constitutions and propose amendments as necessary.
  • Select board members as specified in the Constitution.      


NRVC board contact information

Board Chair

Brother Ronald Hingle, S.C.
504-913-0005 |

Vice Chair

Sister Anita Quigley, S.H.C.J.
610-626-1400 |


Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.
314-533-1207 |

Father Toby Collins, C.R.
519-885-3030 |


Sister Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, R.G.S.

240-643-4511 |


Sister Anna Marie Espinosa, I.W.B.S.
361-774-4910 |


Sister Michele Vincent Fisher, C.S.F.N.
847-298-6760 |


Sister Maria Iannuccillo, S.S.N.D.
410-377-5418 |


Sister Kristin Matthes, S.N.D. deN.

240-863-1916 |


Father Don Miller, O.F.M.

513-542-1082 |


Sister Priscilla Moreno, R.S.M.

314-909-4661 |


Father Vince Wirtner, C.P.P.S.

937-228-9263 |


Previous board members

It is with deep gratitude that we recognize the generous commitment of following members who have served on the NRVC board:


Toby Collins, CR; Gayle Lwanga Crumbley, RGS; Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS.; Michele Fisher, CSFN; Ronnie Hingle, SC; Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Kristin Matthes, SNDdeN; Don Miller, OFM; Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Anita Quigley, SHCJ; Tom Wendorf, SM; and Vince Wirtner, CPPS.


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Gayle Lwanga Lwanga, RGS; Anna Marie Espinosa, IWBS; Michele Vincent Fisher, C.S.F.N.; Ronald Hingle, S.C.; Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Mark McGuthrie, Donald Miller, OFM; Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Anita Quigley, SHCJ; Vincent Wirtner, CPPS; Brother Tom Wendorf, S.M.


Nan Brenzel; Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Elsa Garcia, CDP, Marcia Hall, OSP; Ronald Hingle, SC; Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Donald Miller, OFM; Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP;  Priscilla Moreno, RSM; Tom Wendorf, SM; and Vince Wirtner, CPPS. 


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Elsa Garcia, CDP; Maryellen Glackin; Marcia Hall, OSP; Ronald Hingle, SC; Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Jo-Anne Miller, CSJP; Anthony Vinson, OSB; Freddy Washington, CSSp; and Vince Wirtner, CPPS.    


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN; Elsa Garcia, CDP; Maryellen Glackin; Marcia Hall, OSP; Maria Iannuccillo, SSND; Anthony Vinson, OSB; Freddy Washington, CSSp;  and Vince Wirtner, CPPS.


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Elsa Garcia, CDP; Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Maryellen Glackin; Marcia Hall, OSP; Barb Kwiatkowski, OSF; Angele Lewis, SNDdeN; Luis Madera, OSA; Marcy Romine, OSF; and Anthony Vinson, OSB.


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Kevin DePrinzio, OSA; Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Maryellen Glackin; Barb Kwiatkowski, OSF; Angele Lewis, SNDdeN; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Marcy Romine, OSF; and Anthony Vinson, OSB.               


Josita Colbert, SNDdeN; Patti Donlin, RSM; Margaret Michael Gillis, FSP; Maryellen Glackin; Joseph Jozwiak, FSC ; Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Marcy Romine, OSF; Anthony Vinson, OSB; Teri Wall, OP; and Andrea Westkamp SMIC.  


Patti Donlin, RSM; Maryellen Glackin; Joseph Jozwiak, FSC; Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Mary McNally, OSF; Marcy Romine, OSF; Janet Ryan, SNJM; Anthony Vinson, OSB; and Teri Wall, OP.


Patti Donlin, RSM; Maryellen Glackin; Joseph Jozwiak, FSC; Mary Beth Kubera, DC; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Mary McNally, OSF; Marcy Romine, OSF; Janet Ryan, SNJM; Teri Wall, OP; Anthony Vinson, OSB.


Clemente Barron, CP; Renée Daigle, MSC; Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Ron Hoye, CM; Anita Lowe, OSB; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Mary McNally, OSF; Mark Padrez, OP; Janet Ryan, SNJM; Teri Wall, OP; and Mary Walsh, CSJ.   


Clemente Barron, CP; Renee Daigle, MSC; Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Kathy Littrell, SHF; Ron Hoye, CM; Anita Lowe, OSB; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Mary McNally, OSF; Janet Ryan, SNJM; Deborah Suddarth, OSF; and Teri Wall, OP.


Anna Marie Broxterman, CSJ; Clemente Barron, CP; Renee Daigle, MSC; Charlene Diorka, SSJ; Sue Kidd, CND; Kathy Littrell, SHF; Anita Lowe, OSB; Marty Lukas, OSFS; Mary McNally, OSF; and Deborah Suddarth, OSF.


Steve Albero, O. Praem; Clemente Barron, CP; Anna Marie Broxterman, CSJ; Renee Daigle, MSC; Joan Gallagher, SP; Susan Kidd, CND; Kathy Littrell, SHF; Anita Lowe, OSB; Mary McNally, OSF; James McVeigh, OSF; Deborah Suddarth, OSF and Lizette Valenzuela, SND.


Steve Albero, O. Praem.; Clemente Barron, CP; Renee Daigle, MSC; Deborah Drago, RGS; Joan Gallagher, SP; Susan Kidd, CND; Kathy Littrell, SHF; Anita Lowe, OSB; Jim McVeigh, OSF; Warren Sazama, SJ; Deborah Suddarth, OSF and Maryanne Tracy, SC.


Renee Daigle, MSC; Deborah Drago, RGS; Bertha Franco, CCVI; Susan Kidd, CND; Jack Kurps, SCJ; James McVeigh, OSF; Carol Mucha, RSM; Warren Sazama, SJ; Maryanne Tracey, SC; Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Marcia Ziska, OSB.


Bertha Franco, CCVI; Michael Kissane, O. Carm.; Jack Kurps, SCJ; James McVeigh, OSF; Kathleen Pales, SSJ; Andrea Peters, SCSJA; James Price, CP; Theresa Rickard, OP, Carol Tropiano, RSM; and Marcia Ziska, OSB.


NRVC Staff

 Sister Sharon Dillon, S.S.J.-T.O.S.F.,
NRVC executive director, effective June 1, 2017

Sister Sharon Dillon is a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis. She was vocation director for her community for 10 years and served as executive director for the Franciscan Federation for six years. In the past 25 years she also co-founded, directed, worked at, and served on the board of several nonprofits that specialize in providing hospitality and support for people with intellectual and medical/physical challenges. Dillon has a master’s in education, is certified in special education and physical education, and is a Franciscan spiritual director.



Sister Deborah Marie Borneman, SS.C.M.
director of member relations and services

Sister Deborah Marie began working for NRVC in August 2011. A Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Sister Debbie served 10 years as vocation director for her congregation and is currently serving as second councilor on the SSCM Leadership Team. She also ministered as coordinator for vocation awareness programs for the Diocese of Harrisburg. She has ministerial experience in pastoral care, youth ministry, college campus ministry, and immigration. Sister Debbie has a Master of Divinity degree and a Master of Arts degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University of Chicago. 



Mark Teresi
director of development

Mark joined the NRVC staff in May 2015. In addition to his role as NRVC director of development, Mark also serves as director of the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV). He has over 30 years experience working in fundraising for Catholic institutions and organizations in the Chicago area. Prior to joining NRVC and NFCRV, Mark was vice president of institutional advancement at University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary. Mark and his wife are the parents of four adult children and have one grandchild.




Miss Debbie Prieto, PA
  staff assistant

Debbie began working for the NRVC in July 2006. In addition to being a former legal secretary, Debbie was the administrative secretary for the Department of Modern Languages at Indiana University-NW. Committed to the church and her faith, she has also served as a lay missionary for four years in Kenya, East Africa.



Marge Argyelan  
database administrator  

Marge joined the NRVC staff in April of 2015. She has served in the non-profit sector most of her career, either providing direct service or in an adminstrative capacity. Prior to coming to NRVC, Marge worked at St. Gertrude Parish in Chicago as Director of Parish Management and Facilities. An active Catholic, Marge lives on the northside of Chicago with her husband.



Maureen Cetera
director of finance and operations

Maureen joined the NRVC staff in August 2016. Her background in church finance and accounting includes previous employment with the Archdiocese of Chicago, Old Saint Patrick's Parish in Chicago, and the National Association for Lay Ministry. Maureen holds a Master's in Business Administration from Saint Xavier University and a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union. She is a lay ecclesial minister for the Archdiocese of Chicago and serves part-time as a pastoral associate at her home parish, St. George, in Tinley Park. 




TrueQuest Communications

TrueQuest Communications is a publishing services provider specializing in Catholic content and a global Catholic market. On behalf of the NRVC, TrueQuest publishes the NRVC's annual VISION Vocation Guide; oversees the design and production of all NRVC publications, including HORIZON; manages all NRVC websites, including and


Patrice Tuohy, publisher | executive editor, VISION Vocation Guide
Jennifer Rebecca Tomshack, editorial director
Anne Marie O'Kelly, managing editor of production
Dianne Potter, advertising sales/production manager
Siobhan O'Neill Meluso, social media editor 

TrueQuest contracted partners:

Carol Schuck Scheiber, editor HORIZON and Focus on Vocation Ministry
Dan Grippo, co-founder | marketing director emeritus | marketing consultant
Phil Loftus, CEO Stubborn Wave Marketing | marketing direction | grants
Curtis Long, CEO IdeaPort Consultants | web management


Seeking new NRVC executive director

Applications from vowed religious accepted through Dec. 16, 2016

Vowed religious are encouraged to apply for the executive director position by Dec. 16, 2016.

A job description follows below and is available for download here


Position Description

NRVC Executive Director

FLSA status: Exempt | Category: Regular Full-Time Employee


General Summary


  • Is a consecrated member of a religious institute or society of apostolic life in the Roman Catholic Church;
  • Ensures that the mission, goals and objectives of the organization are clearly met;
  • Acts as the official spokesperson of NRVC;
  • Oversees the entire operation of the Conference and the NRVC office with the assistance of the National Board and support staff;
  • Supervises and evaluates the activities and performances of the NRVC staff, namely the Executive Assistant, the Director of Finance and Human Resources, the Director of Member Relations and Services, and the Director of Fundraising Programs;
  • Develops and maintains cultural and ecclesial competency;
  • Is an ex-officio member, non-voting member of the NRVC Board;
  • Is an ex-officio member of the Board of the National Fund for Catholic Religious Vocations (NFCRV).


Principal duties and Responsibilities


Essential Outcomes

  • Supervises all development functions and external relation programs;
  • Is the primary fundraiser for NRVC;
  • Drives membership programs;
  • Keeps abreast of the trends, movements and issues affecting vocation ministry and communicates this information to the membership and other publics;
  • Initiates the strategic planning process with the NRVC National Board and staff;
  • Is responsible for the prudent expenditure of NRVC funds and the careful and correct expenditure of grant monies;
  • Provides for the accurate accounting and management of NRVC finances;
  • Prepares the annual budget in consultation with the Director of Finance and Human Resources and the Finance Advisory Committee with the approval of the NRVC National Board;
  • Coordinates the implementation of the NRVC Strategic Plan;
  • Prepares the agenda and the materials for National Board and Executive Committee meetings;
  • Coordinates the goal-setting and monitoring processes for the organization, the National Board, and the NRVC staff;
  • Coordinates the recommendations of the NRVC National Board members with the NRVC Executive Committee;
  • Promotes international membership and works with other international vocation organizations;
  • Oversees the publications, including Vision, Horizon, the e-newsletter, websites, etc.;
  • Serves as public spokesperson for the organization to membership, donors and general public;
  • Keeps abreast of national and international vocation trends and demographic;
  • Provides for the animation of the NRVC Regions and Member Area Coordinators;
  • Advances the mission of NRVC through the active pursuit of grants and endowment monies;
  • Travels nationally and internationally to represent NRVC at various functions, gatherings and Church meetings for the purpose of promoting the mission, goals and objectives of NRVC;
  • Convenes staff meetings;
  • Evaluates directors;
  • Interviews and hires consultants, as needed; and
  • Serves as presenter/facilitator as time and talents allow.


Contacts and Working Relationships

  • Serves as liaison to all of the major collaborating organizations with NRVC;
  • Serves as resource to the Bishops’ Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations;
  • Maintains ongoing communication with the NRVC National Board and Executive Committee;
  • Assigns staff to NRVC committees as needed and when appropriate;
  •   Accepts and responds appropriately to constructive feedback;
  • Supports the national and international promotion of vocations; and
  • Serves on NRVC and other collaborating organization committees as needed and when appropriate.


Supervisory Responsibilities

  • Supervises NRVC directors and consultant services.


Knowledge, skills, and abilities required

  • MA degree in Administration and/or related field;
  • Fundraising experience (major donor cultivation);
  • Possesses good organizational, planning, budgeting, oral and writing skills;
  • Possesses good interpersonal and collaborative skills in dealing with staff, committees, related organizations and other publics;
  • Has knowledge of contemporary Catholic Church and consecrated life;
  • Has prior experience in vocation ministry;
  • Is adaptable to meet the changing needs of the organization;
  • Possesses the ability to supervise many projects at one time;
  • Possesses past administrative experience;
  • Is preferably competent in a language in addition to English;
  • Has experience in grant writing and reporting;
  • Practices a high level of confidentiality, trust, honesty, integrity and discretion;
  • Possesses professional problem solving skills;
  • Has the ability to build a team and a team spirit; and
  • Performs other duties as assigned by the National Board.


Working conditions

  • On-site office hours 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  Evening and weekend hours as needed;
  • Travel required.



  • Is accountable to the National Board.


The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work required of this position.  It is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required.


Application requirements

The requirements to apply for the position of NRVC Executive Director are as follows and available for download here:

  1.  meet the eligibility requirements contained in the Executive Director job description;
  2.  provide a resume;
  3.  submit four (4) letters of reference – 2 personal; 2 professional;
  4.  provide a letter of suitability and permission from Major Superior;
  5.  provide copies of transcripts
  6.  submit an application essay answering the following questions:
    1. What is your vision for NRVC?
    2. What skill set do you bring to the position of NRVC Executive Director?
  7.  Be willing to offer a 3-5 year commitment.


The tentative time frame for hiring

Sept. 1 - Dec. 16, 2016

Applications accepted

Jan. 23 - 31, 2017

Search committee conducts interviews

March 3

Board conducts interviews of finalists

March 3-10

Job offered

March 15

New executive director announced


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Get involved in your Member ...
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NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


Talk it Up Tuesdays

1-2 pm CT,

Mark your calendars...

Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

Ideas to celebrate...

National Board Meeting

April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

April 15, 2025,

via Zoom

Pacific Northwest Member Area Gathering

April 23-24, 2025,

 Beaverton, OR

Heartland Member Area Gathering

April 28-30, 2025,

St. Louis, MO

Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

Resources to celebrate...

World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

Plan now....

Summer Institute Workshops

July 8-21, 2025,

Plan ahead...

National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


Renew your NRVC membership