NRVC collaborator news

NRVC collaborator news

Vocation resources, RFC job, workshops, and more

Communicators for Women Religious conference

The Communicators for Women Religious will hold its annual conference in Indianapolis October 4-7. The theme will be "Advance Your Mission! Turbocharge Your Communications." Attendees have the option to attend only a single day, October 5 or 6.


Saint Luke Institute offers initial human formation online, free trial

Saint Luke Institute is launching a new program for initial human formation through its SLIconnect education website. "Foundations" includes more than 30 on-demand, online courses to help those in initial formation cultivate the emotional, psychological, and spiritual skills needed to thrive in ministry. While designed for seminaries, the content easily can be used with other initial formation programs. Visit for details and to sign up for a free trial. Direct questions to Beth Davis, director of education, at or 502-632-2471.

RFC seeks staffer, hosts series of contemplative conversations,

The Religious Formation Conference is seeking a program director to design and implement formation programs for both new and seasoned religious.

In addition the organization is sponsoring a series of workshops to encourage contemplation and conversation. Details are at


On November 18-19 at Rancho Palos Verdes, California, Brother Donald Bisson, F.M.S. will present on “Acting on the Journey of Transformation.”

On December 2-3 in Cincinnati, Father Daniel Horan, O.F.M. will present on “Crossing the Borders of Human Exceptionalism: Community, Colonizations, and Care for Creation in the Age of Laudato Si.”

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NRVC Member Areas

Click here to locate the Member Area Coordinators in your Member Area. 


National Office Closed

Dec. 24-Jan.1,

Christmas holiday

Southwest Member Area Gathering

January 15, 2025,

via Zoom

Talk it Up Tuesdays

Starting Jan. 28,

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Delaware Valley Member Area Gathering

February 12, 2025,

via Zoom

Pilgrims of Hope

Jubilee Year 2025,

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Catholic Sisters Week

March 8-14, 2025,

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Religious Brothers Day

May 1, 2025,

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World Day for Consecrated Life

February 2, 2025,

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World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May 11, 2025,

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National Vocation Awareness Week

November 2-8, 2025,


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