2016 Convocation, Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas.

2016 Convocation, Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas.

October 27-31, 2016

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The theme for Convocation 2016 is "Awakened by the Spirit: Called to Discipleship." The theme draws on Pope Francis' invitation to those in consecrated life to "Wake up the World." Once awakened by the Spirit, we are compelled to move outward and proclaim the Good News. We know that as disciples, the Spirit moves in and through us and God "is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20).   

The 2016 Convocation theme also recognizes the validity and relevancy of the myriad of charisms of the religious institutes to be represented at this biennial conference. We invite vocation ministers, formators, religious leadership, communicators, and all others who support vocations to consecrated life to attend this Convocation. Whether in subtle or dramatic shifts, the Spirit unceasingly awakens all believers to imagine, reflect, and act with the conviction that the call to discipleship is both personal and communal. Hence, it is critical for professional vocation ministers to accompany inquirers who want to discern their vocation in response to God's call and to learn more about religious life.

The 2016 NRVC Convocation will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park, Kansas. Transportation to/from Kansas City Airport (MCI) is available through Super Shuttle at www.supershuttle.com   

Two keynoter presenters

Father Kevin O'Brien, S.J.

Father Kevin O’Brien, S.J. serves as vice president for mission and ministry at Georgetown University. In August 2016 he will begin ministry as dean of the Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University in Berkeley, California.

In 2011 Father O'Brien published the award-winning book, The Ignatian Adventure: Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius in Daily Life. He has taught and served in the chaplaincies at Fordham University, Saint Joseph's University, Loyola University in Baltimore, and LeMoyne College. He holds a J.D. from the University of Florida, a master's in philosophy from Fordham, and a master's of divinity and licentiate in sacred theology from the Weston Jesuit School of Theology (now part of Boston College).  He graduated from Georgetown with a B.A. in 1988.


Ms. Sherry Weddell

Sherry Weddell co-founded the Catherine of Siena Institute (CSI) with Father Michael Sweeney, O.P. in 1997. CSI is an affiliated international ministry of the Western Dominican Province that trains Catholic leaders in  evangelization and the formation of parishes of "intentional disciples." She and her international team of collaborators have worked directly with 120,000 lay, religious, and ordained Catholics in over 500 parishes in 137 dioceses.

Ms. Weddell is the author of the books Become a Parish of Intentional Disciples (2015) and Forming Intentional Disciples: the Path to Knowing and Following Jesus (2012), the latter of which is available in Spanish as Formación de Discípulos Intencionales. She edited and contributed to Forming a Parish of Intentional Disciples (2015).  Ms. Weddell originally wrote the Called and Gifted discernment process in 1993 and is now revising this process for international use. She received her B.A. in 1979 from the University of Washington and a Master of Arts degree in adult education in 1993 from Seattle University.


Pre-Convocation and Convocation Workshops

Four pre-convocation workshops will be offered on Thursday, October 27 and four workshops will be offered on Saturday, October 29.  Click here for workshop descriptions.


Meet our liturgist, Mr. Mikey Needleman

Mikey Needleman began playing and writing music since the age of 12 after his father gave him his first guitar. Born and raised in Kansas City, he is an internationally published Catholic artist through World Library Publications (WLP). With his roots in youth ministry and parish music ministry, Mikey uses his talents to enliven the hearts of the Church everywhere he goes. As a full-time freelance music missionary, you can find Mikey at events across the country including NFCYM sponsored events (NCYC, NCCYM), Catholic Heart Workcamps, Life Teen Camps, as well as local retreats, parish missions, various diocesan rallies and Catholic school campuses all year round. Mikey's has two CD published by WLP, All for You and Your Ways. A third CD, We Ask of You, is slated for release this year. 

Opportunities for Sponsorship

The NRVC is pleased to invite you to consider sponsorship for our biennial Convocationre many ways to show your support of NRVC and religious vocations.  We invite you to “match your mission” with ours by considering sponsorship at a variety of levels most suitable for your organization. All levels of sponsorship and its organization are recognized in the program folder, publicized on two theater size screens in the main ballroom, and acknowledged by the Master of Ceremonies. Besides recognition at the Convocation, your organization and its link to your website will be posted for two years. Click here to view.  This publicity beyond Convocation has the potential to reach over 800 religious institutes in the United States and those who support women and men religious. For more information to become a sponsor, click here.


Organizations and businesses who would like to exhibit at Convocation will be invited in April. Exhibits will open at 3:00 pm on Thursday, October 27 and close at 4:00 pm on Saturday, October 29. For pricing and additional information, click here.

If you have not exhibited in previous convocations and would like to be considered for this conference, please email the Director of Member Relations and Services at debbiesscm@nrvc.net



Award Recognition

At the biennial Convocation, NRVC traditionally presents awards for outstanding service in vocation ministry. The slate of names for two of these awards come from the NRVC membership. The 2014 awards booklet can be downloaded here.


NRVC Recognition Award

This award honors an NRVC member for his or her extraordinary service in vocation ministry. The criteria for this NRVC Recognition Award is as follows:

  • Provides leadership in the many facets of vocation ministry in promoting a culture of vocations in the Church and in society.
  • Engages in collaborative efforts with organizations that foster the development of a culture of vocations.
  • Initiates and/or develops vocation programs with broad impact on vocation ministry.
  • Develops innovative and creative approaches to vocation ministry.

This person must be a NRVC member for at least three years. Download the application here.

NRVC Mustard Seed Award

In honor of NRVC’s 25th anniversary, the NRVC board initiated the Mustard Seed Award. This award is intended to honor an individual or group who has made a significant impact on vocation ministry through small, local initiatives (diocese, parish, etc.) that have grown to include other individuals, groups and organizations. Such local efforts help grow a vocation culture and raise the awareness of all the faithful about their shared baptismal call to holiness. This individual or group does not have to be a member of NRVC nor a vocation director. Download the application here.

Please email all completed recommendations to Debbie Prieto at daprieto@nrvc.net or mail to the NRVC office by Friday, April 22. The national board will make the final selection at the May board meeting. 


Convocation Fees

NRVC member early registration rate: $585

Non-member early registration rate: $875

Pre-Convocation Workshop member rate: $175

Pre-Convocation Workshop non-member rate: $265

Commuter fee (only for those not staying at the hotel) $100

We urge you to stay at the Sheraton hotel where the conference is held. We are dependent on reaching a set number of rooms as specified in our contract with the hotel. The costs to NRVC for this Convocation will be significantly higher if this quota is not met. 

NRVC member rate after October 1: $685

Non-member rate after October 1: $975

Cancellation fee: $100

Hotel Accommodations: $115 per night (without taxes).
Parking and internet access is complimentary if you are a hotel guest. 

More information about registering for Convocation and the special hotel room rate to come in April.

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