Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S. & Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B.
Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S. & Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B.
It is with great sadness that NRVC shares the news that two women who were very active in our organization died recently. On December 26, 2015, Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S., past president of the Canadian vocation association, died unexpectedly in her sleep while in the Philippines to give a formation presentation. On January 26, Region 8 Coordinator Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B. passed away very suddenly.
Sister Kathleen Kelly, S.S.S. is remembered for her leadership in vocation ministry as Canadians formed a national vocation organization: the National Association of Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD).
Sister Mary Rowell, C.S.J., a member of the NRVC editorial board and president of NAVFD, wrote this remembrance of her friend, Sister Kathleen:
The general superior of the Sisters of Social Service, Jeanine Scarfone, remarked that Sister Kathleen died in a very “Kathleen way” just as she would have wished—engaged in the vocation and formation ministry about which she was so passionate, within her community that she loved so deeply and gently in her sleep. May Sister Kathleen now rest in peace in the heart of her God.
Sister Eileen O'Connor, O.S.B. was a member of the Yankton Benedictines (in South Dakota), and she is remembered as an active member of NRVC and a co-chair for Region 8. Many people remember the distinctive hats she enjoyed wearing.
Sister Eileen was an educator who also did prison ministry in addition to being involved in vocation ministry. Her community website carried her vocation story here, which included this statement: "My favorite part of Benedictine life is seeking God, every day in every way, and it’s never complete."
NRVC extends its sympathy to the communities, family, and friends of both of these faith-filled women. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.
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