NRVC collaborator events and resources
NRVC collaborator events and resources
LCWR publishing book of reflections
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) presents a new book, Avanti!, a reflection resource for the spiritual journey. Avanti, the Italian word for “forward,” was a central focus in the address delivered by LCWR president Sister Sharon Holland, I.H.M., at the 2015 LCWR assembly. Avanti! is a collection of personal reflections written by 30 LCWR members. The book is $6, plus shipping and handling, and it must be pre-ordered by March 11. There are discounts for orders of 10+. Visist to order. For details contact Carol Glidden, at, 301-588-4955.
National Catholic Sisters Week reminds vocation directors to post their events for March 8-14 on its website,
Also, vocation directors are encouraged to check out the online resources for Sunday specific intercessions for March. Those who minister in parishes are encouraged to make use of these resources. Click here to find the intercessions (scroll to the bottom of the page).
All persons who are passionate about creating a vocation culture in Canada are invited to attend the conference of the National Association of Vocation/Formation Directors April 25-28 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The theme will be "Live the Word Courageously: New Voices in Vocation Culture." The keynote speakers will be Father Scott Lewis, S.J. and Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J.
To register, visit Sponsored by the National Association of Vocation/Formation Directors (NAVFD). Contact for further information.
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious is sponsoring "GIVEN: the Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum," June 7-12 at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.
This event will bring together 300 rising leaders, selected by application, with religious and lay leaders for a full-scholarship, week-long immersion in faith formation, leadership skills training, and networking. Speakers will include: law professor Helen Alvaré, Catholic Relief Services President Dr. Carolyn Woo, and singer songwriter Audrey Assad.
Applications for a full scholarship are at This event is supported by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Applications are being accepted by the Religious Vocation Conference for "ForMission," a two-year formation program for formators. The program consists of four week-long intensive sessions at various locations throughout the U.S. The first session of the class of 2018 will be June 8-16, 2016 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, click here. Call the RFC national office for an application packet: 202-827-4562.
The Religious Brothers Conference will hold its 45th annual assembly July 23-26 at the Siena Center in Racine, Wisconsin. Brothers from all communities are welcome to attend. The theme will be "The Brother in the Year of Mercy," and the keynote speakers will be Sister Barbara Reid, O.P. and Brother Steve Bevans, S.V.D., both of whom are on the faculty of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. For more information, see
Ethics for Treating Catholic Clients
Religious communities depend on psychologists for candidate assessments and therapy for members. Father David Songy, O.F.M.Cap., S.T.D., Psy.D., president of Saint Luke Institute, will present a continuing education workshop, “Ethical Implications of Psychological Treatment and Evaluation of Catholic Clients,” for psychologists, therapists, vocation and formation directors. The workshop will be offered in-person (March 10, near Washington, DC) and online (April 13). Participants receive three hours of continuing education credits. Details are online at or contact Beth Davis, director of education, at or 502-632-2471.
The Catholics on Call Young Adult Conference will take place August 3-6 at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Learn more about this ministry-discernment event here.
The Partner Conference for Catholics on Call will take place September 15-16 and is open to religious institutes that are partners to the program. Learn about partnership and the September event here.
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