Sister Anna Maria Lionetti, R.S.H.M.

Sister Anna Maria Lionetti, R.S.H.M.


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

Three years. I started in February 2012, after returning from Mexico.  

How is your vocation ministry organized?

I had been working with another community member for most of the past three years, but  as of September 2015, I have been in office on my own. Our RSHM Vocation Promotion Committee will be of great support in all the vocation efforts for this coming year. The provincial team has been very supportive, and know the same will be true also of our incoming leadership team.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?

NRVC has been a wonderful source of support and encouragement in my ministry. I have received much in the way of formation by attending the convocations, and these moments have helped me network and be enriched by the experience of other vocation directors. NRVC truly extends itself for us, and I look forward to future gatherings.

What vocation project has been most fruitful?

Up to now we have focused on gathering women, more or less monthly, focusing on topics we consider formative regarding different aspects of the church. These encounters have given the women information, time for silent reflection, and a chance to share the fruits of their reflections. These encounters have given us the opportunity to respectfully listen to their needs and form relationships, but above all we have given women time to pause in their busy lives. We have had an average of nine women at each gathering.

What do you enjoy the most in vocation ministry?

What I most enjoy is being with the women who come to our events. They are open to listening and receiving the gifts of the Spirit during the hours they are with us. These events put me in direct contact with the needs and the generosity of women.

I also enjoy coming together in NRVC Region 2 during the year and meeting informally with vocation directors in my area. These, too, are a source of encouragement as we share experiences and hopes regarding our ministry.

I also collaborate with our RSHM Volunteer Program.  This gives me other opportunities to meet and be with service-oriented young people.

Contact Sister Anna Maria Lionetti, R.S.H.M. at

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