Workshop for Spanish-speaking sisters

Workshop for Spanish-speaking sisters

NRVC and Catholic Extension collaborate

The group that is planning a workshop for Spanish-speaking sisters gathered recently in San Antonio.


In late March NRVC and its partner, Catholic Extension, held the first planning meeting for designing a workshop for Spanish-speaking sisters from South America who minister in the United States. The meeting took place at the Oblate Renewal Center in San Antonio, Texas.

The workshop's aim is to assist these sisters in becoming relevant, proficient, and credible pastoral ministers who are also confident vocation promoters. This event will include presentations, small-group activities, and time for participants to network with one another. This workshop will address the Theology of Call; Clarity and Appreciation of Culture; Role and Responsiblities of Vocation Promoters; and Building a Culture of Vocations.

This one day workshop will be offered on June 2, 2015, at the Sacred Heart Retreat House in Alhambra, CA. The workshop is entitled, Vocaciones sin Fronteras en un Mundo Cambiante/Vocations without Borders in a Changing World.

A limited number of spaces are available for NRVC members who are Spanish speaking Sisters to participate. There is no workshop fee, however transportation and lodging are the responsibility of the participant.  To register for this workshop, please email Ms. Erika Cedrone, Catholic Extension, Director of Mission, at 

Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SS.C.M., NRVC director of member relations and services, is coordinating the  project. Members of the design team include: Sisters Raquel Ortez, S.S.N.D.; Mary Jane Gawlik, C.S.S.F.; Elsa Garcia, C.D.P.; Teresa Gomez, H.H.S.S.; Elyse Ramirez, O.P.; and Ms. Ana Bojorquez.

Presenters for this workshop are NRVC members, Sisters Elsa Garcia, CDP, and Raquel Ortez, SSND.


Sr. Elsa E. Garcia, C.D.P. is currently serving as Pastoral Associate, Social Ministries Coordinator, in Midland, TX. She is an NRVC member and has served on its national board, leadership team, and as the board chair. Sister Elsa also served as vocation director for 14 years for her community, the Congregation of Divine Providence.  She earned a Masters Degree in Social Work from Our Lady of the Lake University and is a licensed Social Worker (LCSW) with experience in psychiatric, hospice, foster care, HIV counseling and direct services. She brings this wealth of experience along with a special interest in promoting Hispanic vocations.


Sr. Raquel Ortez, SSND, has wide experience working with people from many cultures and backgrounds.  She is an NRVC member and has been serving in vocation ministry for 3 years as a vocation team member.  Her prior ministries include 15 years in formal education in Honduras, Social Work-Case management in Catholic Charities for 8 years, and Pastoral ministry in the Diocese of St. Louis for 6 years.  Sister Raquel is a native of Honduras, has multicultural experience in ministering in Honduras, Brazil, Guatemala, and USA.  She earned a Masters in Social Work from Saint Louis University.


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