The NRVC is promoting vocations at NCYC!
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is a biennial three-day experience of prayer, community, evangelization, catechesis, and service, sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). Over 10,000 high school teens, parents, and youth ministers from across the country will gather November 16-18, 2023, around the theme Fully Alive. NCYC takes place at the Indiana Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis. All participating adults must adhere to a code of conduct and complete and be current in either their home diocese’s Safe Environment program, Praesidium, or the Archdiocese of Indianapolis’ program. There are no exceptions.
How can we participate?
In collaboration with NFCYM, the NRVC invites you to be part of this celebration of the Catholic faith and to promote vocations to religious life. There are three ways to participate in NCYC:
- Volunteer to attend as an adult chaperone with high schools, parishes, and dioceses. Typically, NCYC registration is $310 per person, however, the group you attend with may have additional fees for meals, travel, and accommodations.
- Register for an information exhibit booth in the interactive exhibit hall (IEH) to promote your religious congregation. Registration is $800 for a 10 x 10 space and includes 4 exhibit credentials. Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own. NFCYM suggests that all exhibitors carry a minimum of $500,000 in liability insurance coverage. More information about exhibits can be found here.
- Participate as a volunteer with the NRVC in the t-shirt swap area at 6A in the IEH. This year, we are building upon the success of the Maryknolls who initiated this interactive area. NRVC members are needed to volunteer to help create a welcoming space that sparks conversation about sweatshops, overconsumption, accumulation, the vow of poverty, and vocation discernment. Bring along new/gently used t-shirts with inspiring quotes, community logos, etc. for teens to take home by swapping out one that they brought. Because volunteers do not pay a registration fee, you must volunteer for at least two shifts daily.
We will also have a space reserved for NRVC in the IEH for NRVC members to talk about a variety of teen issues they are facing in their faith, schools, and neighborhoods. This is not spiritual direction; it is a friendly conversation that teens and their chaperones can engage in meaningful conversation with vocation ministers.
You may register as an individual or register with members of your religious institute; there is no minimum or maximum number of volunteers you can register, but everyone must have proof of current Safe Environment training. Travel, meals, parking, and accommodations are not included, you must make these reservations on your own. Because volunteer registration is not yet open, please email debbiesscm@nrvc.net the names and email addresses of those who want to volunteer so you can be contacted with additional instructions about volunteer registration to signify you are an NRVC volunteer.
For more information
For all NRVC members participating in NCYC, please email debbiesscm@nrvc.net the names of participants, emails, and the website of your religious institute. All NRVC members will receive a ribbon for their name tags on site and listed on this website page.
NRVC Member Institutes participating in NCYC
- Benedictine Monks, Mount Michael Abbey
- Benedictine Monks, St. Meinrad
- Benedictine Sisters, Beech Grove
- Benedictine Sisters, St. Scholastica Monastery
- Brothers of the Sacred Heart
- Carmelite Fathers and Brothers, Province of St. Elias
- Congregation of Holy Cross
- Congregation of Sisters of St. Joseph
- Daughters of Charity
- Daughters of Divine Zeal
- Divine Word Missionaries
- Dominican Sisters, Mission San Jose
- Dominican Sisters, Sinsinawa
- Dominican Sisters, Springfield
- Felician Sisters of North America
- Franciscan Friars, Conventual, Our Lady of the Angels Province
- Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
- Glenmary Home Missioners
- Josephite Society of the Sacred Heart
- Marianist Sisters
- Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
- Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette
- Priests of the Sacred Heart
- Redemptorists
- Salesians of John Bosco, Western Province
- Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco - Mary Immaculate Province
- Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco - St. Joseph Province
- Sisters of Charity, Leavenworth
- Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
- Sisters of Providence Saint Mary of the Woods
- Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, Albany
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet, St. Louis
- Sisters of Saint Joseph of Peace
- Sisters of Saint Joseph, Rochester
- Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius
- Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scranton
- Society of Jesus, Central and Southern Province
- Society of Jesus, Midwest Province
- Society of Mary, Marianist Province of the US
- The Marianists
- Viatorians
- Vincentians
For more information, email debbiesscm@nrvc.net
T-Shirt Swap Guidelines
As you swap and browse through the hundreds of T-shirts, you’ll have the chance to meet some incredible sisters, brothers, priests, and lay vocation ministers ready to help you with the T-shirt swap. While you are there, share your hopes, ask questions, listen to their stories of call, and pray together to listen to the enduring voice of God.
- All T-shirt sizes are welcome!
- If possible, choose a T-shirt that is unique -- perhaps representative of your community, parish, school, state, culture, or mission. It could be from an event, sport, activity, or something else that you think might be interesting to share with others. Perhaps it could have an inspiring quote.
- The T-shirt must be clean–washed and not worn immediately prior to exchanging it.
- It must be stain-free and without holes, rips, or tears.
- T-shirts with commercial, political, or offensive content will not be accepted. The NRVC will decline any T-shirt deemed to be inappropriate.
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