Sister Sarah Roy, O.S.F.
Sister Sarah Roy, O.S.F.
I have been involved in vocation ministry part-time since my first vows in 2005. I have been the full-time director since 2009. So, I guess part-time for four years and full-time for six years.
Our vocation ministry consists of myself as vocation director, and a vocation committee of three other sisters.
NRVC has been extremely helpful to me in my vocation ministry. When I first began, the Orientation Program was a lifeline for me. It gave me a strong foundation of what vocation ministry is all about and the tools I needed to be a good vocation minister. It gave me a support network to turn to with questions, too. NRVC has also provided me with professional development and many laughs with other vocation ministers.
The two most fruitful projects for my vocation ministry would be my interactions with the local Newman Centers and the contacts that VISION Vocation Guide sends to me. These two avenues allow me to make contact with discerning women and invite them to visit with our community.
I enjoy walking with discerning women as they answer God’s call. I enjoy seeing the joy they find in their vocation.
Contact Sister Sarah at
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Mesilla Park, NM
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