Sister Lisa Maurer, O.S.B.

Sister Lisa Maurer, O.S.B.

It is not common for a Catholic sister to be a men's football coach, but vocation director Sister Lisa Maurer, O.S.B. has, in fact, been both things at once.

Her coaching days go back about a decade, and today her ministry has her involved in something closer to life coaching. She is the vocation director for St. Scholastica Monastery in Duluth, Minnesota. Nonetheless, Sister Lisa continues to play sports and follow her favorite teams.

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry? What did you do prior?

I have been involved in vocation ministry, in one way or another since entering the monastery. I have been the vocation director since 2017. I've also served as director of mission integration for Benedictine, a long-term healthcare system sponsored by my community. 

Are you part of a vocation team, or are you a one-person operation?

To support vocation ministry, my community has developed a vocation advisory  committee, made up of sisters and people who are friends of the community. 

Has being a member of the NRVC been helpful?

The NRVC is extremely helpful to my ministry.  I especially appreciate all the resources, including HORIZON and all that is found on the website. The support of other vocation directors is invaluable.  I always look forward to "Talk it up Tuesdays!" and similar events.

 Would you like to share a vocation practice of yours?

I have found the "Women's Mornings at the Monastery" that we host provide a good first look into our life. I invite college-age women to our monastery. They join us for Morning Prayer, tour the monastery, participate in discussions about Benedictine values, and converse with a couple of sisters who share their vocation stories and provide a peek at day-to-day life at St. Scholastica.  

Is there an insight about vocation ministry that has been valuable for you?

It is really about being true to your own vocation and staying open to the movements of the Holy Spirit. 

Do want to share a fun fact about yourself?

Linus from the Peanuts Gang is named after a relative of mine!

Published on: 2024-07-24

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April 9-13, 2025,

Mesilla Park, NM

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 Beaverton, OR

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April 28-30, 2025,

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May 1, 2025,

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May 11, 2025,

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