Sister Barbara Ann Smelko, S.C.

Sister Barbara Ann Smelko, S.C.


How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

I started in this ministry in 2010 in Chicago, but after a reorganization, I'm now in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, working full time as the coordinator for vocation ministries for the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill.

How is your vocation ministry organized?

I work closely with the formation congregational council member. My community also has a New Membership Formation Network of 11 sisters who meet quarterly. At these gatherings, we receive input on vocation topics and plan vocation events, such as discernment retreats, open houses, prayer services, and outreach to the poor done with young adults.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful to you?

NRVC is truly a center for vocation awareness, education, conversation, and resources.  I’ve attended workshops and convocations, and the print and electronic resources are so helpful in my ministry. The well-written, well-researched articles in HORIZON are timely and relevant—good for re-reading and giving to others.  

Also I appreciate the financial assistance to help cover membership dues, attend a workshop, or [through the National Fund for Religious Vocations] pay down college loans of new members.

What vocation projects have been most rewarding or fruitful?

I find great meaning in Busy Persons Retreats, online retreats, and events that connect sisters and young adults in active service to the poor. Another project I like is our monthly Taize prayer for peace.

What do you enjoy the most in vocation ministry?

The opportunity to encourage young adults to add religious life to their list of viable life choices and to encourage parents to do the same for their children.

Contact Sister Barbara Ann at

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