Sister Bridget Waldorf, S.S.N.D.

Sister Bridget Waldorf, S.S.N.D.


Sister Bridget Waldorf, S.S.N.D. is a member of the vocation team for the School Sisters of Notre Dame. In addition she is an NRVC member area coordinator for the Southwest member area, along with Brother Mark Motz, S.M.

How long have you been involved in vocation ministry?

I am beginning my fourth year as an official vocation minister, but, as we all know, vocation ministry is happening in all places and stages of religious life!

Tell us about your vocation team.

We currently have five members on our vocation team, two part-time and three  full-time.

Has being a member of NRVC been helpful?

Membership in NRVC has been foundational for me—the resources , the training, the camaraderie, the input and networking at convocation—it’s all been very helpful.

What idea(s) have you used in vocation ministry that you have been excited about?

We did a hashtag campaign for World Day for Consecrated Life, simply asking sisters from all over our international congregation to post pictures on social media with #consecratedlife in their respective languages. It was easy, energized our sisters, and increased our social media presence, at least for that day!

Do you have any words of wisdom to those who are new to this ministry?

You don’t have to do this by yourself; we (other vocation ministers) are ready to assist, encourage, and share ideas when you ask.

What do you find most rewarding ?

Watching our sisters collaborate in providing opportunities to share our story with discerners and meeting the enthusiastic, prayerful, and courageous women discerning a call to religious life.

Would you like to close with a fun fact about yourself?

I can play three songs on the harmonica!

Reach Sister Bridget at

Published on: 2020-06-01

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