Sister Stephanie Spandl, S.S.N.D.
Sister Stephanie Spandl, S.S.N.D.
My ministry over the past 25 years has primarily been accompanying refugees and immigrants by providing mental health and cultural adjustment services and educating other social workers about how to work effectively with this population. I’m now completing my third year in vocation ministry.
I am part of a vocation team of five for the United States and Canada. We have a director and four other ministers who meet as a team via video conference monthly and in-person three or four times a year. Although one of us may take the lead in a particular region, we mix and match our duties depending on availability and our specific gifts.
Being a member of NRVC has been a great gift! I really can’t imagine coming into this ministry without being a part of NRVC. The orientation, ethics, and behavioral assessment trainings were essential for learning how to get started in this ministry, and the ongoing input via the biennial convocation and HORIZON are very helpful.
What I value most are the ongoing relationships and networking—the ideas, the collaborative efforts, the mutual support, and of course the fun we have when together!
One of things I’m most excited about is our collaboration with the Youth in Theology and Ministry Program (YTM) out of St. John’s University in Minnesota. YTM is so committed to creating a culture of vocation and nurturing the leadership and faith development of young people. They partner creatively with religious communities, and I’m looking forward to spending a week with them this summer and having some of the youth visit our motherhouse in Mankato for their presentations.
I’m also excited and intrigued by the possibilities of online outreach and interactions. We have now offered one Advent and one Lent online interactive retreat for women. The retreats provided reflection materials and paired retreatants with sisters for weekly one-to-one spiritual companionship by phone, Skype, or in-person. It has allowed us to reach a greater variety of women than we would otherwise, both generationally and geographically. Also it has become another way for us to involve our sisters and use their gifts.
I still take opportunities that present themselves to enjoy a bit of dancing! This summer I celebrate my silver jubilee; it is the highlight of my year! I love making music and dancing. I sing and play the guitar, mostly in church. Years ago, when studying in Spain, I studied Flamenco dance and later performed for two years in Minnesota with the Dolina Polish Folk Dancers before entering the S.S.N.D.s.
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Sister Kim Xuan Nguyen C.C.V.I. is a chiropractor. But now, instead of, "Where does it hurt?" she may be more likely to ask, “What brings you joy?” She is the vocation minister for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word in Houston. She’s also the Southwest Area Coordinator of the NRVC. Read more...
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1 Comment
Sr. Regina Hlavac DC
18:38:18 - 2019. Jun 18
Keep dancing...
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